>"Weed doesn't cure cancer"
"pull that cuck porn I was watching last night up real quick jaime"
rogan confirmed cuck
"imagine some black dude railing some chick man haha"
It helps manage crohn's disease tho
fresh eggs from my yard
Jaime, pull that up
Brendan stop fighting like jesus man you fucking suck lol
>that Idris Elba guy, he can sell me ANYTHING, I'm BUYING it. He's like- he's a guy that you believe he's like a legit badass but also can act. Like, I BELIEVED him in this movie. It was a wacky movie, it's like very wacky, it's always wacky when you have a Stephen King book and you try to make a movie out of it... he has some kind of a noble accent, like the way he talks, y'know?
>imagine if you, like, married your high school sweetheart, you met when you were 16, you fell in love, she broke your virginity, you broke hers, and then one day when you're 35 you come home and she's getting gorilla fucked by her personal trainer who looks like Emmitt Smith. And he's just stuffing her in the corner of a couch and he's just hammering it. You walk in the house and it smells like pussy and you're like 'what? it smells like pussy and assholes in here~! Like, what the fuck is going on? And you, like, hear [smack smack smack] GRRRPH, GRRRRFF [smack smack smack] and she's like [oohOOOOOOOOOOH] and you walk in there right when he's jizzing in her face. And imagine the heartbreak.
*grabs him by the throat*
*orangutang noises*
Did he actually say this? wtf
I always fast forward whenever Rogan imitates fucking noises, he lasts so long doing so and enjoys it so fucking much. It doesn't help that he always is playing the part of the woman.
Creepy shit.
Is it me, or is everyone that likes this guy always pretty much the same type of person; stoner, beta, psuedointellectual, weird but not in a good way.
where do I listen to his show
First line was 1043 with Redban, the long one is this
Take enough Alpha Brain and you'll start hearing his voice in the back of your head
Yea imagine that, Joe.
in other words, (You)'reself. (way too specific dude you gave it away)
Nah desu I've only ever met one person who liked this guy and I was describing him. I was just curious if this was typical because I've never found anyone else who likes this idiot. But apparently someone must because his shit gets tons of views.
deep down a lot of straight guys are like really fucking gay, but they keep it all repressed - at least until the point you get your mouth around their dick
Truly the thinking man's fetish.
And in 1033 with Owen Benjamin he delighted in noticing how huge Jack Johnson was practically salivating about the fact he had three wives and they were all white.
what a fag you are. You never heard of Fear Factor? Because of that this guys is K I N O.
also people saying how much of a meathead he is makes him more amusing. No one is saying he is some genius, its just a podcast for entertainment.
why are rogans gay jokes always so god damn descriptive. he literally acted out a scene detail by detail where he jokingly fucked callen in the ass
Fucking kek, I'm not even an avid listener but I heard that one and it stuck with me.
*clears throat*
*talks with phlegm in his throat*
*coughs again*
>Unironically trying to defend Joe Rogan
>Calling other people fags
I mean I think Alex Jones can be entertaining too but I'd never watch the idiot's entire podcast, just clips.
Leave it to this asshole and Luis Gomez to not understand what net neutrality is and how it might affect their platforms one day. Higher internet costs mean fewer listeners. Higher prices for Youtube or AWS means new costs for them.
>"oh no the net won't be neutral anymore"
>meanwhile cloudfront shuts down stormfront and twitter ghosts conservatives but it's okay because they're private companies
>it's a Joe interrupts a guest as they try to bring up an interesting talking point to talk about some dumb tangent.
Sounds like they know more than you do, based on what you just said.
at least Rogan isn't some biased nut job.
crowder was right
Do tell how any of that is incorrect
Rogan can't debate his way out of a paper bag
If you're actually just watching Rogan for entertainment why do you care if he's biased? I don't watch Alex Jones clips to hear his views, I watch them because the guy's hilarious.
you completely wrong. Rogan is good for entertainment becuase he doesn't have batshit views that he forces on people. Alex Jones is not a comedy act, he does the screaming for people to laugh at but he also wants people to take the actual words seriously
>Jamie google "does weed cure cancer", click the first link, and scroll over it insanely quickly so I can pretend to have confirmation while I drunkenly bulldoze this conversation
>this is how a 50 year old man speaks
Alex Jones is based. Consider gassing yourself.
>becuase he doesn't have batshit views that he forces on people
Pretty sure Rogan was a moon landing conspiracy theorist up until very recently.
No just an obnoxious closet homo and nigger cuck fetishist.
Im sure you wouldn't want to see how things were if Alex Jones really got his way
They were both in the wrong here. Joe shouldn't have acted like a drunk retard over a christian conservative's opinions on weed. Steven should have just shut the fuck up and accept that weed is fucking cool dude lmao.
dead pedophiles? so what
Yeah so you're not just watching it for entertainment, you're watching it because you see Joe Rogan as some sort of knowledge authority. You want to hear what he says and take his view into account for your own. That's just silly. And the fact that Alex Jones wants to be taken seriously makes it all the more funnier. If you can't watch someone funny without adopting the views of that person, then maybe you should be watching Joe Rogan.
Why doesn't Roganwatch start uploading videos again? He's missing a gold mine here.
This is real? Jesus christ this is Louis tier.
>dude awkwardly sensitive microphones lmao
joe means well but whenever he has actual intelligent people on his show it becomes really obvious how dumb he is
Dane Cooks entire stand up
The way he lashed out at Redban after he hurt Joe's feelings was fucked up. Rogan pretends that he's some highly evolved, 'spiritual' person but he's only slightly better than the average guy - certainly not self aware.
I also fucking hate how he and his autistic circle of friends discuss stand-up comedy like it's the gold standard of humour. If anything, stand-up is the worst comedic medium, and his clique aren't nearly funny enough to write for a decent project.
There's a bit where Bryan Callen was trying to make a point about having children being about a sort of immortality through an extension of the self and Joe was going on about how he loves pussy and how if you don't love pussy you can fuck off.
Young Jamie was harrassing the channel with manual DMCA takedown notices to shut the whole thing down.
That was difficult to watch. He's cringey when he gets high.
what happened with redban? don't have time to sit down and watch a whole episode right now
>that filename
Here's a short clip, user. It should summarise Rogan's cuntery.
Okay dude but have you seen a silverback gorilla? They look like they could rip you apart with one hand, Jamie pull that shit up
at what mark? i'm not watching the whole thing
>it adds hair
nice meme
Idris Elba is pretty good tho. Why the fuck would he say the second thing.
But he did. If you didn’t watch it, then don’t comment. Stop trying to be apart of something when you don’t know it. Dweeb.
fuck im dying over here