There's no superhero fatigue. There's Batman fatigue.
There's no superhero fatigue. There's Batman fatigue
Exactly this.
I feel like the character only works within Gotham, no sidekick, no justice league
Nope. There isn't even Batman fatigue. The only superhero fatigue comes from pissy little internet "writers" and "critics" and the type of pathetic sheet stains that post threads like this on Sup Forums.
Basing him on Miller's DKR was a mistake not because that version of Batman isn't cool but because there was no real set up for it other than a few hints and teases. There's a whole movie's worth of character development in that journey and without it he just comes across as an asshole.
Who's great idea was this?
>Critically acclaimed Oscar winning Batman trilogy that the public adores
>Follows it up with a complete hamfisting of the character across 2 movies and destroys all public goodwill in the character
Batman was literally the most beloved superhero in the world. Even during the beginning of the MCU domination when there was no DCEU. Even Marvel cucks loved him.
You mean DC fatigue. After being shoved down our throats with DC shit for over 50 years, we are finally free of their monopoly.
I legit have marvel fatigue though
Live action wise, yes, just like the nolan movies. A relatively realistic and down to earth batman story.
They should move to Batman Beyond
nah, he's great in all the Justice League cartoons, he's just yet to be done right in live action Justice League form. He's also just surrounded by other things done incorrectly
That would've been a good idea, to have movies that show Miller's Fatman story arc, but NOOOO, they wanted to take shortcuts.
This is what comes from greed
>that one friend who tells you that philosophy is stupid/irrelevant and proceeds to explain how batman and the jedi have influenced his life
america was a mistake
Nolan's movies were always going to be a tough act to follow because they were the first movies to actually treat Batman like a real person. Even Burton's Batman, as much as Iove it, never got past the surface layer of the character.
WB just doesn't understand DC or what makes their characters appealing.
> There's no superhero fatigue. There's DC fatigue.
Seriously though, why would you reboot your franchise with a version Batman that's from the END of his career?
How about a Batman movie instead of shoving him in movies with superheros with real superpowers?
this times a fucking million. the only answer is Warner Bros/DC complete incompetence.
Why is Batfleck so terrible?
agreed on justice league but not robin. i'm still holding out for an actual teenage robin instead of 30 year old chris o'donnell.
Batman v Superman was an acclaimed version of Batman, with a stellar performace from Ben Affleck. JL made him a quipping fat guy with a bloated, botox'ed Ben Affleck acting with an obvious discontent in the role.
I dunno man. There are some seriously good Batman and Robin comics out there. As someone who has read an unreasonably high amount of Batman comics I can tell you I prefer him with Robin almost 100% of the time
Is he going to be okay?
No there's bad movie fatigue.
I hope not
Robin has probably the worst superhero design ever made in the 90 years of superhero comics
Because they skipped ahead. They made a Batman with 20 years of backstory and didn't show us any of it.
What they should have done was shoot for the middle. Show a Batman who's maybe 10 years in and is teetering on the brink of darkness because of some kind of quasi-recent tragedy. He's BECOMING more cynical and violent but he's not the full on militant DKR asshole he is in the movie.
His confrontation with Superman is what forces him to decide what kind of Batman he wants to be.
Then you've got a Batman with emotional weight, but you've still got a place to take the character after.
I’m gonna get shit for saying this but
Batman needs to be:
>Human with flaws
>Vulnerable to emotional and physical harm
>Fights have to be brutal, but realistic
>Practical suit without big fake muscle pads pretending like hes buff
This is why Bale, aside from that absolutely shit voice, was a grounded and believable Batman. He had flaws, played Bruce Wayne like a real person, and was all about overcoming his human flaws to rise to a legend.
Batfleck was everything Lego Batman was parodying, but played completelt straight.
>Edgy without realizing it
>Giant brute with big fake muscle oads hiding his divorce flab
>Able to literally run horizontally across a wall faster than a shotgun, getting shot point blank in the head does nothing
>Kicks Supermans ass, never even harmed/tired by dozens of thugs coming at him
>Kills people in gruesome ways for cool factor
For a movie about a “realistic” world, Batman is the most unrealistic demi human mary sue ever
So to not have to spend time building the character so they can cash in $$$$
Too bad it permanently ruined the goodwill of the character and the long term $$$$ will suffer from it
I'm still amazed that WB gave Nolan as much creative freedom as they did.
>Who's great idea was this?
The same people who thought hiring Zack Snyder again and again was a great idea
Literally only because his movies make a shit ton of money. They have no idea why they're beloved. They'll probably murder Affleck right before the next movie comes out because they think Heath Ledget dying made the Dark Knight so popular
Batman is only interesting as a foil to his rogues gallery, but Snyder decided that instead of using any number of exciting villains from Batman comics to just make him fight boring Superman, boring doomsday, and boring steppenwolf
I wonder if they were ever planning on doing anything with Jason. They really fucked shit up by just having him be dead already
>Batman being grounded in his humanity and not an invincible war machine is creative liberty/freedom
Yeah, no. Batmans best stories are when they raise the stakes by playing up his vulnerabilities.
the worst part of that mememovie is that there was nothing stopping Wonder Woman to continually chop DoomsDay limp after limp until he couldn't move. She didn't though because of reasons
They should have done a Red Hood movie before BvS. That would have given some backstory and justification for Batman being a colossal anus during BvS.
The Batman/Superman fight worked in DKR because Clark was also a cynical old man who sold out to the government, so Bruce waiting on him felt at least somewhat justified.
Having a cynical, old Batman beat up a young, confused Superman just made him look like a prick.
>superhero fatigue
>Batman fatigue
How are these things? All these kinds of films are vastly outnumbered by all the other types of films every year. Why is there no Drama fatigue? No Indie fatigue? No Comedy fatigue? No Romance fatigue?
>Batman is a genre
Because Sup Forums just likes to bitch about capeshit.
>Even Marvel cucks loved him.
nope, my childhood hero is always Spiderman.
>Batman was literally the most beloved superhero in the world. Even during the beginning of the MCU domination when there was no DCEU. Even Marvel cucks loved him.
Batman sold more merch in 2016 than any marvel character. Fuck off, he is still the most loved character.
And for the record superman sold more merch than any marvel character outside spiderman last year.
The justice league movie was complete shit, that's why if failed, that's it.
Batman fatigue? If anything there's Marvel fatigue.
Tell that to Thor 3’s box office.
>Avengers model on steroids
So it will make 4B worldwide?
Even in DKR, Batman isn't killing thugs willy-nilly. Snyder is fucking retarded. Not only did he blow DKR without any set up, he also blew the death of Superman. Shit, even before all of that he did the fucking Watchmen, which works best as a deconstruction of archetypal superhero shit. It would have landed much better now after 10 years of capeshit.
I think this Batman was great but he sucked ass in JL. It made sense going for the TDK Returns Batman considering man of steel.
robot voice batman
Funnel fairy butter bar
Funnel fairy butter bar
>Batman, 1989
>Batman Returns, 1992
>Batman Forever, 1995
>Batman and Robin, 1997
>Catwoman, 2004
>Batman Begins, 2005
>The Dark Knight, 2008
>The Dark Knight Rises, 2012
>Batman vs Superman, 2016
>Justice League, 2017
There has also been an incarnation of Batman on TV in one form or another for the past 25 years. The character needs at least a decade on the shelf to lie fallow, desu.
>The character needs at least a decade on the shelf to lie fallow, desu.
I'd agree two decades ago but the current consumption of pop culture is now measured by months. We are getting Star Wars movies every year now so don't be surprised when get yet another incarnation of the Dark Knight.
I say this because the competition for nerd attention is really fierce now and the studios know this all too well. The studios don't care for old fans because there is a steady supply of young kids to attract.
you mean Guardians of the Galaxy 2.5?
If they really want to have an older Batman they should scrap the solo stuff and make him the DCEU version of Nick Fury, the guy that recruits, coordinates and provides vital info.
Stop blaming your garbage writing directing and editing on everything else.
If there was a legit good batman or superman movie people would flock to see it. Instead they keep churning out the same garbage over and over while asking why it isnt working when they try nothing new.
Wrong. There is shit fatigue. I would love it if Nolan did a fourth Dark Knight movie. So would the entire world. If DC was smart they would throw money at Nolan until he came back.
>I would love it if Nolan did a fourth Dark Knight movie. So would the entire world
Lmao, what a pleb.
DC stands a better chance of attracting new audiences by developing other properties because Batman has more cinematic baggage. A big part of Marvel's early success was that they brought characters that people had never seen on the big screen before.
If Marvel can make a hit out of Guardians of the fucking Galaxy then WB should be able to pull any B or C lister and make it work, but they don't have faith in anything that isn't Batman.
You would buy a ticket. Don't even try to deny it, faggot.
Ding ding ding.
They already did this with Wonder Woman, which while not an obscure IP was fresh by virtue of not having any major exposure since the 70s tv series.
it's because WB sucks
they tried to make movies about other characters but the fact most people don't even remember them is clearly telling
>Batman v Superman was an acclaimed version of Batman, with a stellar performace from Ben Affleck.
maybe because those genre films don't have a multi-million dollar budget and hype machine behind them, you fucking idiot
batman is the one character that they need to move beyond the origin of. he has had numerous movies, and every damn time hes there someone has to talk about his parents OR they actually waste movie time showing his parents getting shot. We get it already- you dont see spiderman reliving his uncle being shot every movie, or supermans planet blowing up every movie they just move on.
Yep soyboy batman needs some diversity. Let's shake things up and win that sjw vote.
I'm actually okay with them fucking up Batman so bad.
Cause I love watching DCucks cry. I only wish they weren't all such big pussies, that they'd actually have the courage to go thru with it...
I genuinely feel like the only way you could attract audiences to a batman movie again would be to go full meta-camp/fun batman. Bring back the Adam West style camp/deconstruction of superheroes. I think people are bored with the whole mopey dark and gritty batman.
>And for the record superman sold more merch than any marvel character outside spiderman last year.
Source: your ass.
I would believe it if you stop at Batman. Batman
There is no Batman fatigue. We still have a ton of Batman villains that weren't properly explored. There's Ben fatigue, he's just not a good actor, stop praising him for the shape of his jaw
That's retard logic. 25 hours of footage across 30 years isn't too much footage. There are TV shows that pump out 25 hours in 3 years, not 30.
Not the one you replied, but I myself never buy any tickets to watch any of Nolan's Batman. Not even torrenting it, I just watch it from TV rerun.
(And here you are talking to a person who buy tickets for BvS and JL)
People just want decent movies. You don't need to make a gimmick movie for it to be successful. Batman is popular as fuck, all you need is a director who can actually make a good movie.
It was tho.
Spiderman had even more fatigue and he just made a huge comeback with Homecoming and is already back to being one of the most popular superheroes on the big screen. All it needs is a good casting choice and a good director. Ben Affleck and Snyder are the polar opposite of that.
>we still have a ton of Batman villains that weren't properly explored.
And yet WB/DC will play it safe by reintroducing big name like Joker, Bane, two face, cat woman all over again.
We have a version of 3 Jokers, 2 Banes, 2 catwomen and 2 two-faces right now.
>marvelets are STILL bootyblasted that snyder make the greatest capekino of all time with bvs
“Muh Batman killing people”
“Muh not faithful to the source material”
This is the depth of their criticism. Pathetic.
That being said, Justice League was trash.
goddamn good point
Umm... no sweetie. There is superhero fatigue.
>wonder woman: 400+ mill
>gotg 2: 300+ mill
>spider-man homecoming: 300+ mill, just a couple years after the last one tanked
>thor 3: on pace for 300+ mill, by far highest grossing thor flick
Synder had all the tools available to him to make the best goddamn Batman v Superman movie. No need to include Doomsday and the Death of Superman, all he needed to do was translate The Dark Knight Returns into a movie and it would've made BILLIONS. What an idiot.
>We still have a ton of Batman villains that weren't properly explored.
They're all goofy af and wouldn't fit in a serious movie.
Batman by Wes Anderson
Affleck batman in JL is definitely the worst batman of all time, completely surpassing clooney batman.
Eh, i wouldnt say so
>hugo strange
>the red hood (jason todd plot)
>black mask
>proper harley queen
>mad hatter
And if you are willing to go a little more wilder like the old movies
>ventrilloquist (scarface)
These can be used to make some good tragic villains despite their weirdness
And if you want to go full re-imagening
>killer moth (basically anti-batman)
>killer croc (mook tier but there were more grounded versions of him)
>firefly (another mook tier, but the fire thing is pretty neat)