What's next for her career?
What's next for her career?
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Its either sitting on my face or BLACKED
She's gonna ask 10 million to make a movie about her abusers.
Porn. The answer is porn. It doesn't matter who. Everytime you think yourself asking that fucking question the answer is porn.
>she's only 22
didn't /pol drop her like they're dropping JBP?
hopefully fading peacefully into obscurity
Sucking my uncircumcised cock.
Finding out how to not look twice her age.
foot porn?
What for?
Videotaping her sister shower
Is this the leaf slut that pretends to be conservative?
She did that one successful cam show. She should continue
shes a fuckin ugly jew. faith goldy is far superior in every way
Diaper fetish porn since she's already been BLACKED before
Incorrect. She's 25.
There's a lot of people there that expect public figures to come out against Jews. They get upset when the opposite happens.
Okay.....but everybody already knew that. Did they just find out?
no, Sup Forums shitters are just highschoolers who choose not to believe it because shes 'pretty'
have you read the threads on Sup Forums about it?
it's so pathetic.
>w-why won't an established professor already on thin ice call out the jews and destroy his career!
not like he has a family or anything
>find out idol is jewish
>drop her
>faith goldy is far superior in every way
Not really. She looks ever less white than Lauren.
Not a fan of Lauren but you have got to be blind if you think Faith is good looking. That bitch is ugly as sin
looks like
Why do they still like Trump then?
faith look like a kpop star (plastic face) at this point
Why does she say she is 25 in this video but if you search google for "Lauren Southern age" the results say she is 22?
shes much more attractive than lauren though
Oof. Imagine her on some facial abuse video where they would actually write that on her face.
I'm not seeing it. That slav/vodka face is hideous.
its satire, obviously .. but she does look older than 22
>he thinks slavs are ugly
>Those facial lines
>She's under 30
Years of makeup and alcohol abuse
Flayed & worn as a skinsuit by Laura Loomer.
Nothin related to Sup Forums, that’s for sure
Not really. Neither of them is even remotely attractive without makeup and/or photoshop but Lauren isn't outright ugly af.
Nothing. But her sister on the other hand....
lauren is hideous dude, and fat
Sister is the real one
Keep pandering to her permavirgin audience and collecting that Patreon money, and the world keeps turning
shame about that retarded whoville face
her missing upper lip and retard lisp are mongoloid-tier, and shes fat
It's amazing how slow the people at Sup Forums are. A small amount of people were saying this for as long as she was being shilled and they would be shouted down with extreme prejudice. Meanwhile, it was so obvious that her whole persona was an act that the only people more gullible, and there are some exceptions to this, are 3 year olds in Disney World thinking they're meeting the real Mickey Mouse.
post a pic showing that. We've seen faith's ugly mug so let's have it so we can compare.
her missing upper lip and retard lisp are mongoloid-tier, and shes fat
>take picture with black guy
>cuckolds on Sup Forums hope and pray she got blacked, somehow, based on a run into picture
lol wow
Pettibone is the one true alt-waifu
oh no
thats my fetish
shes even more fake than lauren
Lauren is cute! CUTE!
>Grandma tier cheek lines
Wow that amazing
>tfw you can become famous for being hot only after your little sister becomes famous for redpilling neets
she looks fantastic there
Thay woman is a fucking obomination, i have no idea what that guy was thinking.