Thoughts on Steven Spielberg? Is he a good director?
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He already admitted to storyboarding the lava scene and the evidence on the screen indicates he didnt stop there. He also designed the vader scene with the mask closeups etc.
He's already been literally busted before. He directed Poltergeist not Tobe Hooper and they had to go to court over it. Everyone who didn't smoke pot with Tobe spilled the beans. And again the evidence is on the screen.
we will know the truth about him after he dies of old age
Star Wars episode whatever 3 I guess?
The Vader scene is far too kino for Lucas. What a coincidence that Spielberg admitted to working on another scene when he "visited"
Every "serious" movie he makes is low key topical propaganda.
>holocaust revisionism got steam in the 90s
>better make Schindler List and redefine the holocaust, bring it back to being hot topic
>people were talking about ridiculously disproportionate Jewish involvement in slave trade
>better make Amistad , blame chrsitians and use christian imagery while slaves get tortured
>Israel is killing innocent kids again
>ehh drumpf or something
>the post
hey OP
I love Close Encounters so much
Good in his early days when he was making blockbusters and light hearted affairs. Now his films are so unsubtle it's impossible not to notice a reoccurring narrative
Stop being so sensitive
He was also on set during the Twilight Zone incident and took off so he wouldn't be responsible for letting a cocaine fueled madman be in charge of dangerous stunts
Is this Sup Forums """"humor""""
Big fan of that one movie starring the little girl he raped to death
guy in your pic is actually a druze arab, reverse search it yourself
He’s a great guy, what a great guy Mr Spielberg. Him and Georgie boy afe really nice guys. Very cool, you could even trust em with your family and friends of any age!
i of course, am very comfortable with the idea of leaving my children with mr steven spielberg
While I'm hesitant to post ITT since anytime someone makes a thread on Sup Forums, it's to shill an agenda and shit on whatever the topic is, but Steven Spielberg is an amazing talented director and a national treasure.
He's one of Hollywood's biggest plagiarists. He gets away with it because he has a team of elite lawyers.
he made some very good movies, some avarge movies and some very bad ones
Source? Those are all completely different movies simply cobbled together for the film.
But you're talking about Landis right? I've got a conspiracy theory about him too. Landis is literally the infamous Bigfoot photo. As I recall he was making Schlock! around the time that photo was taken.
No, also stop deleting comments janitors. Learn that other people have different opinions that differ from yours. Grow up
>Scott Grimes was in that Alphy Soda Pop clubs
>He voices Steve in Amerian Dad
me too buddy
Defend the Jews! The Eurotrash Janitors will buy me a new toy if I do!
Spielberg married the very intensely beautiful what's her name. He's probably never had to want for much sexually.