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>pink shoes
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What happened after episode 2?
Muh gay sex
Muh guards wife's son
Muh childhood
This show masterfully tread the political line.
>dude Trump is the pope lmao
>dude house of cards in the vatican lmao
still can't believe these were serious descriptions of the show put out by "critics"
what do you mean? Lenny was a soyboy by the end
This show was really on another level, brainlet clickbait TV "journalists" literally couldn't wrap their heads around the possibility that a show could be both a critique of modern organized religion and a celebration of it at the same time. I'm amazed and really grateful we got it, hope the new season lives up to it
Perhaps the greatest character development I have witnessed in any media. Both the protagonist and side characters. A fucking masterpiece
Yeah but there was some conflict so it reaffirms the liberal opinions of every smart person out there.
absolute tv-kino
>He boils character evolution down to r/ptg/ buzzwords of the week
Lmao. How big is your pepe folder?
of course there had to be some concessions for the show to air on a major network however you'll notice he never explicitly condones degeneracy. He says "you don't think I've reconsidered my views of homosexuals?" or something like that. It simply means he's no longer condemning them outright but this certainly doesn't suggest he embraces homosexuality either. If anything the show depicts homosexuality as arising from an abusive past since Guttierez is revealed to have been molested. Meanwhile Lenny's "brother" is killed for his sexual sins. I would say the show got away with some pretty conservative undertones.
It really is amazing. And to your point, literally, the first thing Lenny say (outside the opening dream) is that he's a contradiction. It's a gigantic theme through the whole show. Also, I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea but it honestly one of those shows that gets better and better. If ppl can make it to the end of the second ep when the show takes a turn than I feel even bored watches will get hooked. Fuck this scene is so good it hurts.
>"I have no idea what to do with the friendship of the whole wide world."
That's a good line.
I really liked the Africa visit.
the speech was beautiful
good post. Also don't forget that evil bitch in the commune was a lesbian.
The greatest single season of the decade. It even surpasses true detective s1.
What would a Muslim version of this show look like?
This show was before Trump retard
I'm not sure I agree, but the fact that it's even debatable says a lot.
we live in blessed times
How did this show not get any awards especially when compared to what we see on TV these days is beyond me (actually it's not and we all know why).
Ridiculous claim. He decided to act less radical but his opinions remained the same.
it had a dope soundtrack
For the same reason meme awards like the Grammys are a farce, they only cater to whatever it is normies like.
In music they nominate random plastic popstar #99999 and a flavor of the month nigger rapper, and tv awards nominate bullshit like got or stranger things.
But it makes me happy, as it filters out plebs and instantly improves the fanbase and the quality of discussion of the show.
Read critics. They literally cried because it was too much like Drumpf and It was hard enough to have him IRL.
The Young Sheikh.
A Young mystic Sufi Sheikh fight radical wahhabists. He ends up captured by ISIS or Saudi Arabia and is executed.
The tone of both are so distant it's hard to compare them.
I've watched the scene where Lenny addresses the Cardinals about 12 times.
>Come home late one evening
>See these guys chilling in your living room
>They ask you to explain your post history on Sup Forums
What do?
>user, stop saying 4U
>That's a big hat...
Really a great fucking show, though I could have done without Lenny's pastor pal getting spontaneously raped.
Just look at that shot
fuck him, they even showed his kids at the end and he still had the arrogance of acting morally superior
They weren't his, you idiot
>It even surpasses true detective s1.
I think so too, the ending of true detective kind of ruined it for me while the young pope was all around fantastic till the very end. Too bad ameritmutts hated it (with some notable exceptions of course)
except they were, they couldn't have made it more obvious
Too close to reality
It would be a bio of Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi of his rise from young preacher capture to the Caliph of the renewed Caliphate
I'm not totally sure what this scene was meant to convey. Just the pits of his suffering, rock bottom? His vulnerability at the steps of Lenny's palace? Getting raped by his own institution somehow? It feels out of place.
Amazing show though, might be my favorite. It's so goddamn beautiful while carrying on such a fascinating conversation with the viewer.
WE HAVE FORGOTTEN how to appreciate television and film of this caliber ;_;
Yeah, made no sense to me either. I guess it's him facing the consequences of his sins. He had a somewhat elegant life, banging that couple, and avoiding the fact that he was engaging in a disgusting sin, particularly for a priest. Maybe that was supposed to show the filth and griminess of his acts, regardless of his high place in society. I agree with you, it felt really out of place, but the rest of the show more than makes up for it.
Literally tv in kino form. Voiello is the best written character ive seen in a while. He waa like a real person in a tv show
So The Young Pope actually is True Detective season 2?
so he fathered them when he was 12 and they didn't grow or age for 20 years?
>all the plebs ITT
What, what scene are we talking about?
We can all agree that, while the story is absolute bullshit and simplifies the life at Vatican too much, it has great characters and great character development, right?
He could raise people from the dead, what’s so strange about that?
I loved this show. It's depiction of genuine faith and devotion, and the more than even handed depiction of traditional Catholicism, was more than I expected from a movie or show.
I thought the story was fine. And it needed to simplify life at the Vatican otherwise it wouldn't be fun to watch, though I think Lenny's power plays were a little heavy handed, getting the priest to violate the seal of confessional and lying to him about not believing in God are two points that make sense to someone trying to play the politics of Pope but don't make sense to someone as genuinely devoted as Lenny was portrayed as.
how the fuck does that even affect the kids?
Pull out my dissertation about intersectionality of Baneposting, third-wave feminism, and climate change
because the show was mediocre at best, nothing stands out in it
Turned into a subtle theological kino.
Yo, like what the fuck ever happened to that guy. He wouldnt even tell Sup Forums's retarded stand-in.
After Lenny's childhood friend/spiritual brother goes out party rocking, fearful aftwr discovering Lenny's decision to mercilessly expunge and barr homosexuals from the church, he's raped by the dudn the car.
Why didn't he cancel Vatican 2?
This show was so good it almost made want to back to Catholicism after a decade, almost.
He didn't have enough time. But he started to backroll it slowly.
But seriously. I have a hard time remembering anyone saying anything good about vatican2 so why do you think hasn't it been undone?
It would be a PR nightmare: "trumpist nazi alt-right white men send Catholic Church back to the Middle Age"
>muh 41%
there are parts of vatican 2 that will never be undone by anyone with a working brain
They enshrined Lucifer and became the actual Church of Satan
This. Trying to convince someone to watch this show is impossible though. Normies - particularly American ones - are literally too retarded and infatuated with capeshit to watch anything with adult themes and interesting characters. Basically what said.
>dat speech to africa
Really the biggest turning point right there. When he improvised his homily in Rome he did so knowing that he would embarrass himself and disappoint a lot of believers. He knew they needed to hear it, though, and of course he was setting himself up for the address to cardinals. By the time he used the "official" address for Africa, he was really undermining himself moreso than "phoning it it". He needed to set aside his penchant for tough love to see if he could humanize himself, and when the journalist on the plane compliments the speech, he's simultaneously insulted that someone else's words attract immediate praise, while also relieved. His character is incredible.
>you have no idea how disconcerting peace can be
>warlord status: BTFO
But those who write that have no engagement with the either church/religion or any kind of conviction. To me it seems like that the Catholic Church somehow became this PR circus of good will (not unlike a CSR stunt if you now those) while also watering down the moral teachings because the way they are worded become somewhat unfashionable.
Is this the sequel to Journey
Also I really liked how the season could be split into two different part, not unlike the Bible. The first few episode he is a stark vengeful character who enforces his moral convictions on the church while punishing those who have transgressed against him. Not unlike the god of the old testament.
The next five episode we see his more loving and forgiving side and how that can change those around him. That perfectly aligns with the message of the new testament.
Also his journey as a man from hurt orphan to a loving father figure is beautiful. Not to mention the transformation the others around him went through because of him: Voielo and Gutierez being the most apparent.
I also loved how the show rather than having them debating a lot of issues of faith took the path of actually showing them in characters and resolving them through their struggles. Still Pius' and Spencer's dialogue about the sanctity of life and abortion in ep9 is one of my favorite moments of the series.
>first five episodes are ot
>last five are nt
user, that's brilliant. I never thought of that and it's spot-on. Damn. My appreciation for the show and Sorrentino's writing increases by the day. There's no way the spinoff can match it, right?
To your point about character arcs - that's the way characters should be in everything. It's refreshing to see it executed so well, and probably #1 reason why I consider this the best season of television I've ever watched. It doesn't cut any corners, it's just the characters being themselves.
The only popular criticism I find myself agreeing with with regards to the show is that it's definitely "on-the-nose" in places. I think all the great works of art within the realm of film kind of share that quality, though. It's a self-awareness thing, and it's done tastefully and playfully here.
The same but with his confession to Don Tomasso.
Exactly. I see we agree on this entirely.
I agree sometimes it's on the nose, but it has to, otherwise it would devolve into allegory.
On the criticism: I was really dumbfounded by how almost everyone in the usa missed the message of the show entirely (the same happened with Scorsese's Silence). All they could babble about was how trump-this and self-important-Catholicism-that displaying a level of unfamiliarity with the core teaching and motifs of christian faith that is really shocking to me.
>I have a hard time remembering anyone saying anything good about vatican2
Maybe because only the only people talking about it are people that can't stop whining. Normal people were either happy with the change or got over it.
He was so devoted to the work GOD Himself gave him, that he was willing to do ANYTHING it took to get the job done.
Lenny talked him out of doing what he was doing.