Why is DC's CG so shit compared to Marvel?
Ironman and spidey look like cyborg did tho
is this new hellboy?
Wow is that a real purple man?
This a guy with wearing makeup is it yes?
give it a lick
Cyborg looked like Cyborg in a finished movie. Ironman and Spiderman are in a trailer with 6 more months of post production to come.
Well, I dunno because Spidey was animated a bit too rubbery.
But then I think it's also because they didn't put wrinkles on the spidey-suit. Because when they animated him in his original homemade outfit I found it believable.
this really takes me back to 2003
Who even gives a fuck about CG dude.
how is metal supposed to look if not like that?
>Who gives a fuck about CG dude
>Half the threads on Sup Forums whenever a big movie trailer is releases are 'HAHAHAH' and 'OH NO NO NO' relating to effects
CW 4 hour DC crossover event this week was better than Justice League. I give up on DC movies.
>CG that still has 6 months to be worked on looks better than anything DCs ever done
>Who even gives a fuck about CG dude.
literally Sup Forums does
Disney has Pixar tech an ILM from the Star Wars Acquisition.
They also have Germans doing crazy computer science research all the time.
Also WB is cheap as fuck, they figure they make their money back with a brand, not a movie.
>inb4shill, most Marvel films are shit, but you can tell they put more effort and production values into their shit
>he didn't look at the top of their heads
Why does he look like the pawn shop guy?
Go back faggot
They also perfected the 12 prinicples of animation. Even though mocap and CG is lightyears beyond steamboat willie, this shit is still the foundations.
Only because WB is in the middle of a buy out with AT&T and Tsujihara knew that delaying the release would mean he wouldn't be able to cash in whatever bonus he could muster before his imminent removal as President. WB can't run shit when parasites like Tsujihara are present.
to be fair they probably rendered the thanos shots first so they would look good for the trailers
>Meanwhile in the DCEU
are we really going to sit here and pretend the Marvel movies didn't have terrible CGI as well? Do I need to start making a bunch of webms from GotG2? Because that looked like a cartoonish pile of shit. What is it with the partisan cumguzzlers here that they cannot accept that both brands turn out capeshit en masse for easily entertained children.
woah, is she jewish?
Yes it's still shitty CGI but leagues above anything in the DCEU, that's the point of this thread
They also used a horned, mostly black and edgy CGI baddie in their past three films
Uh oh...
>yeah it's shit cgi B-BUT IT'S BETTER THAN DC'S CGI!
Zac Snyder doesn't know how to budget a fucking film or do CG/Greenscreen well. They're spending as much money as Marvel (if not more) but Marvel's movies net ~1bil while DC's barely break even. They need to lower the cost of their production until they start making as much off their movies.
This looked pretty good in motion tbqh famm. It's a very dense scene, there's so much going on
He looks like a friendly guy. Were they trying to make Thanos look like the kinda guy you'd want to chill and have brews with ?
It looks like skin, I admit it.
I thought Rich Piana died.
Why didn't they just have a guy in a suit? Why GCI him? Is it really cheaper?
>put a guy in a suit
>people laugh at how tiny he is
Didn't they say that they wanted Thanos to be a partial protagonist?
it doesn't look good, but it doesn't look as bad as Steppenwolf. Still not good, I just really would prefer some other villain so they didn't have to do CGI
yeah but andré is dead.
i might have quoted the wrong user here.
yeah I figured lol
is he huge then? Didn't seem very huge in a trailer. Is the gauntlet made specifically for huge men like him? Seems pretty arbitrary
>is he huge then
Compared to humans kind of, yeah.
>is the gauntlet made specifically
The gauntlet is literally just his glove. At least in the comics it was. No clue what they're doing here now.
>Seems pretty arbitrary
Yeah the Hulk was WAY cooler when it was just a bodybuilder painted green.
the comic version is only 6'7" but I have no idea how good the makeup could be if they didn't want to do CGI. They probably could've "enhanced" him with cgi instead
Unironically what's wrong with this?
Looks the same to me
It's blurry
he looks completely cgi. I understand it when he is doing shot that you can't really shoot the live actor doing like big web swinging, but that pose is simple enough it can be done with Holland in costume
It's made by Disney so it SUCKS! WHOOO! EPIC BURN BRAH!
That's sounds like truth.
>it's revealed cgi wasn't used and it's all makeup/facial work done on brolin
It's in motion it's supposed to be blurry
He's climbing on a CG thingy. Tom Holland in a costume can't climb on a CG thingy.
Let's cut the bullshit. Cyborg looked fucking terrible. DC is finished. They can't compete
pls do.
Legit looks good
You're a special kind of deluded aren't you?
But have it your way
What, no defense? There's plenty more where that came from.
How about this green screen gem
capeshit containment board discussion thread
boards.Sup Forums.org/qa/thread/1743794/
Yeah that's what I thought.
Here have a good bye cartoonish capeshit style
Ego dying looked pretty freaky.
the thing he is on in that shot specifically could be done practically since its literally just a black something and he could easily do that pose for a shot.
These movies have had Weta Digitals help since day 1. And they are the hest cgi company ever.