>we need the Rock but he's too raunchy, the critics can't handle him
>I got just the guy
We need the Rock but he's too raunchy, the critics can't handle him
>we need the Rock but he have to be able play something else than family comedies
>we need the rock but someone who can act
I liked him in this movie
He was funny in Guardians of the Galaxy
>we don't need that talentless roided brainlet, get me the other ex-wrestler who can actually act!
>say no more, sir
>we need a geology inspired wrestler that isn’t the rock
>Stone cold Steve Austin?
>on second thought just get me any wrestler
>the rock delittyfied
>we need someone who is really good at cocksucking
I thought he was quite good desu.
>we need Dave Bautista
He was actually pretty fucking good, even for a small role.
too LITTY some might say
he's a massive lib cuck. I pray he gets cancer.
>we need Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson who can act
>i know just a guy
got any examples?
>Be Rock
>Use steroids
>greying before even turning 50
>Be Bautista
>Use steroids
>greying before even turning 50
Don't do steroids kids.
>greying before even turning 50
that's normal
>be me
>start going gray in 5th grade
>salt and pepper hair before 30
It's not so bad. Women love it.
Why is there a meme dedicated to slandering Bautista?
He did great in the Blade Runner movie.
big, BIG DISCONNECT between what the public think about the Rock (love him) and what the eletist, sneering 4channers are writing
this, his movies are PURE turn your brain ON FUN
People like Rock acting as a Rock in every single movie. That's great but Dave is better actor in the end of the day.
I've never done steroids in my life and I started greying at 17, by 30 I won't have a single black strand left.
>we need a black scientist but we're not paying more than $10,000 for his entire part
this is just a casting meme
Shut your dumb ass up you piece of shit
Not anymore. His gimmick is stale and he's not drawing a dime, brother. He needs to go heel and work the marks more, jack.
A thousand times this. The rock can't do drama for shit.
Perfect casting.
the rock
>walks around flaunting his persona
>plays different characters and takes his craft serious
how can rocklets even compete?
Steroid use has literally nothing to do with the greying of your hair. In short you're an idiot
This. Bautista even in the handful of roles he's played has shown much more aptitude for it
They age faster because the toll on their bodies of all that training and all that stuntwork they did with mandrama nearly killed them.
Some people think "go /fit/ and you'll live longer". No, you just don't have to be a fucking pig, if you push the engine for too long the car dies sooner.
right, not all the drugs, drinking and steroids. definitely doesnt age you, its because they work out. crawl back into your hole fatty
Oh come on, Dwayne. Are you really that upset Bautista got that role instead of you?
>Be Rock
>Sitting on his porch drinking a beer
>Phone rings
>One of his kids picks up the phone
>Hello, Rock Ressidence. Little Rock Speaking!
>Hello Little Rock? Mr Producer here, we have another great movie for your dad.
>Daddy is not home, but he has given me full authority to agree to movies for him.
>Wonderfull, well in this script your daddy would play a heroic guy who flies around in a helicopter while giant monsters wreck havoc on a city.
>Does he get a girlfriend? my daddy has been lonely since the divorce.
>We'll write it into the script Little Miss!
>We have another movie..
>Its about your daddy who gets sucked into a computer game, and then he has to play the hero!
>Does he get a girl? a cute princess?
>He does now!
>Rock comes home
>Any messages for me?
>Yeah I got you two new roles in Hollywood movies!
>That's my little rock!!
Go /fit/ and you will live longer. Literally any study supports regular exercise for positive long term health outcomes. That said obviously there is a point at which the volume, intensity and frequency become too taxing. Most people are too stupid to even understand the basics of nutrition so telling them not to eat like a pig isn't gonna get far. No reason to discourage exercise ya goof
>we need the same fucking thread every fucking day
>look no further I got you user,
>we need a buff Leland Orser
Yeah, look at all those olympic athletes who die young.
I came in to post exactly this
>steroids are bad
And Drumpf am i right my media sheep friend ?
is batista really a decent actor? i remember he always fucked up his batista bomb
He did very well in BR 2049, much better than the Rock or anyone else with that build could, and that role was basically the complete opposite of Drax in GotG, so I'd say he has potential.
that's good. fuck the rock.
Again THIS fucking thread, FUCK YOU dude, Bautista is the only actor.
He was one of the strongest characters in BR2049 and his short film is decent too.
Bautista is objectively better than the Rock.
I started greying with 25, im 31 now.
Right. It's definitely not because of drug addictions or alcoholism that some of them aged like shit. It has to be the exercising.
>OP: i need a shitpost but i cant think of one.. ok i'll repost the same shit over again