Can we all agree that the musicals are objectively the best film genre?
Can we all agree that the musicals are objectively the best film genre?
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only if you like to taste of penis
Can we all agree that the one you posted is literally the only good musical in the whole genre?
>typical Sup Forums homophobic trashpost
we're here to discuss films and suck cock if u don't like it ur on the wrong side of history, shitlord.
Musicals bait only the best pussy.
this picture reminds me of that one pasta where the sofa is an eldritch abomination that eats people, and its powers are projecting 2 women who then seduce and lure innocent passerby's into sitting with them, in order to be sucked into the sofa and eaten
holy shit i need that pasta user
Have you seen this one OP
Weird, that's how my uncle Tony died.
This! I watched a few minutes of this then went to play video games or something.
Dad watched it all the way through, then reported on it: "Really weird, really French." Like, the number they sing is this "oh we are French ladies living in the city, we do young French lady things la-dee-da" and they're prancing through the street and so on.
I skip over singing in everything . Musicals are gayyyyyyy
>I-I saw one and l-liked it but refuse to watch m-more!
you guys literally can't go one post without identifying yourselves can you? jesus christ.
uh no sweetie it's you Sup Forumstards who need to shout about ur regressive bigoted bullshit IN EVERY THREAD fucking cis scum
I used to love Moulin Rouge and now I can't watch it because Ewan is a fuckhead.
I watched plenty, all the "classics"
My least favorite genre by far
>and so on
this made me read your entire post in Zizek's voice.
Musicals are the only good genre. This isn't even up for discussion.
I liked dr horrible and repo when I was a teen but not sure if I could watch them now. lala land was okay but only half a musical
Sorry, I'm not an absolute faggot like you. Thrillers and action movies where it's at
You sound like you take anal creampies on a daily basis.
Fuck no. Musicals are god awful. Only good musical is Nightmare Before Christmas.
They are the best "dude just turn off your brain" movies, next to comedies
young Liza is underrated cute
Even the best musicals like Oliver and the Sound of Music use up all the best songs and moments in the first half of the movie. Then they get bogged down in the plot.
t. ADD-addled short attention span baby
Watch Singin' In The Rain, its the perfect entry level musical to introduce you to the charm and the craft... you pleb.
jesus is lena dunham immortal?
goat french musical
If you don't love Singing in the Rain you don't love movies.
Musicals are definitely not the best genre and here's why: Catchy songs are retardedly easy to make. Just look at the trash that gets written for people like Beyoncé. I mean seriously, just think about High School Musical, it's got plenty of songs that get stuck in your head but does that make it a good movie? Fuck no
you can have complex scores AND catchy songs.
that's why my favorite composer is Sondheim. Sweeney Todd is genius, even if you aren't into musicals.