MODS please dont delete this thread, I know its meta and everything and it's supposed to go on /qa/ but I just wanna discuss these things with people who populate my main board and /qa/ is literally dead, so thanks.
I'll go first
>28 >Male >Mediterranean (Greek) >Orthodox Christian >Goodfellas (1990)
Colton Bell
Isaac Mitchell
>go to /soc/ to learn who posts on Sup Forums and what their tastes in movies are thanks retard
Hunter Cruz
Fuck off CIA
Jace Anderson
>19 >female >white (Spanish/German Idk) >agnostic I guess >American beauty
>24 >Male >White (British) >Church of England >Moonlight
Bentley Rivera
I mean the 1972 version by Tarkovsky, not the god awful Clooney remake
Hunter Powell
18 Male Brazilian Catholic Au Hasard Balthazar
Lucas Martin
>21 >Male >English >Agnostic >The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Nathaniel Brown
22-Male-Master-Agnostic Gladiator
Colton Hernandez
>26 >Male >White English >Atheist >12 Years a Slave
Hudson Turner
>21 >Male >Anglo saxon / Celtic >I spend my time thinking about porn and console wars, not the nature of my existence or the future of my immortal soul. I always call myself Catholic though because my family are and it triggers certain individuals >The Wicker Man
Grayson White
>19 >Male >England >Christian >Schindlers List
Zachary Ward
back 2 reddit
Alexander Price
>21 >Male >White >Agnostic >Saving Mr. Banks
Eli Thompson
>31 >Male >White (English and proud of it) >Christian >The Pianist
Leo Ward
21 Male Indian Sikh Batman v Superman
Jason Adams
>28 >Male >White >Anglican >Django Unchained
Aaron Mitchell
24 Male Irish/French mutt Non-denominational Christian Apocalypse Now
Logan Jones
>36 >male >british >presbyterian >lawrence of arabia
Chase Brooks
Why are the British such cucks?
Brayden Bennett
60 Male White Jewish Inception
Jose Wright
20 Transgender American Protestant The Force Awakens
Sebastian Taylor
>28 >Male >Med/Irish >Catholic >Lock Up with based Sly
Cooper Lopez
>20 >male >a white mutt (British, Irish, and Persian) >Agnostic atheism, or something like that >Terminator 2
Ryan Walker
>25 >male >kind of white (ostrogoth rapebabby) >lazy christian >Barry Lyndon / 12 Angry Men
Carter Reyes
Aight. >23 >Male >Norwegian >Agnostic probably >La Dolce Vita or The Emigrants and The New Land
Alexander Roberts
>21 >Male >White >Catholic >Stand By Me
Gabriel James
>21 >Male >Eastern European >Lord of the Rings Two Towers (extended, and series in general)
Christopher Walker
>23 >male >brown >muslim >anything produced by greg lansky
Wyatt Clark
>19 >female >white >catholic >lost in translation
Austin Nelson
>barely a couple of kinos ITT not surprised tbf
Luis Adams
>28 >Male >Balkans >Orthodox >Lost highway (based on how many times I've watched it)
>21 >Male >White (Dad is Anglo, mom is German) >Orthodox Christian >Lawrence of Arabia (mainly because T*rks get BTFO)
Eli Barnes
Does jews like anything that rhymes with a 'deception'? Also >jew >white
Charles Hill
>25 >Male >Spaniard (write down whatever you want, cunt, sandnigger if you wish) >Roman Catholic >>Having a favorite movie: Full Metal Jacket I guess.
Brody Cox
>59 >Male >African >Unn-on-oBongo >Barbershop.
Jason Flores
20 Male Finnish Atheist Your Name, although my list has changed a lot in the past months. BR2049 for example was amazing and easily makes my top 3
Tyler Flores
Gabriel Rivera
>p-please, Sup Forums, give me (You)'s i'm not lonely and desperate i swear >i really do care, and i really do want to know all this useless shit about you!
Colton Cox
>26 >male >German (white) >none >cruel intentions
Zachary James
>söta brors rapetoy >is an autistic weeb pleb Shocker.
Hudson Morales
>23 >male >pajeet >hindu >Man of Steel
Kayden Smith
I hope none of you retards reply seriously to this data mining OP I genuinely hope you are all better than that but this is nu-Sup Forums........
Levi Smith
>25 >male >black Irish (white skin, dark hair and eyes) >agnostic/don't care >probably The Exorcist if I must choose
Christian Morgan
>22 >Male >White (Finnish) >Christian >The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Jayden Wood
>27 >male >white >Catholic >Fight Club
Jordan Nelson
21 Male Dutch Non-denomenational Christian Donnie Darko (loved it as a teen, and nothing since has connected with me as much)
Ryder Turner
You're not seriously a finn who believes in god, are you?
Nolan Watson
>30 >M >Danish mother, Scottish father >Pagan LARPer >Police Story
Michael Wilson
Robert Wood
Yes, I am. Why do you ask?
Kevin Carter
beautiful scene
Luis Rogers
>24 >Male >Indian >Hindu >No Favorite movies
Alexander Garcia
8/f/under your desk
Justin Mitchell
>18 >female >arab >shia muslim >lost in translation
Christopher Powell
OP here why do you think im data mining? Dont you care who you post alongside with?
Mason Long
Kill yourselves redditors, Hiroshima just axe this place
Cameron Thompson
if you you're over 15 and have a favorite movie you're a retard
Jack Perry
>25 >male >Arab >muzzi >The Royal Tenenbaums
Luis Cook
>31 >Male >Nordic (Scandinavian) >Atheist (Bertrand Russel, Noam Chomsky > Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins. And someone please kill Sam Harris) >Alien (1979)
John King
>23 >female >jewish >pretty woman
Easton Hughes
>23 >Male >Anglo >Catholic >Stalingrad, 1993
Kayden Stewart
26 Male English Fellowship of the ring.
The shire is how i imagine yorkshire could be without all the pakis
Nolan Evans
>Hollywood being this hard up for metadata
William James
Didn’t know Finns likes anime, good taste my man. Have you seen Koe No Katachi (A Silent Voice) yet?
Brandon Anderson
Do you currently have a belief in some deity? If the answer is anything but "yes", you're an atheist.
Get over it, and stop being so afraid of the label. It doesn't mean anything other than that. Those that say otherwise are either ignorant or lying.
The term "agnostic" has no meaning in this context. Either you have a belief in some deity, or you do not. There is no gray area here.
>inb4 "atheist" means denying the existence or possible existence of a deity No
Zachary Miller
why the fuck you care so much
Austin Myers
>27 >Male >English >Non-religious >Fifth Element
David Stewart
What did he mean by this?
Kayden Price
I don't think that they are afraid, they just don't know or care.
Jace Rodriguez
It irritates me. So what? Anyway, I've said my peace.
Joseph Nguyen
t. Autistic American
Nathan Cooper
not that guy but the whole "lmao y do u care so much??" is such bullshit
youre literally on an imageboard based on discussion and whenever someone writes something beyond 5 words people like you go
Liam Reyes
>I don't think that they are afraid Perhaps.
>they just don't know or care Well, I aim to change that.