did he really drown himself every night?
Did he really drown himself every night?
Maybe. Maybe who knows.
nice bait bruh, u dont know who's drowning the real one or the replica
no he drowned the clones
he made sacrifices every night
that alone made him better than teatime batman dying takes more courage than people realize, i can't imagine waking up every day knowing you'll probably be killing yourself at the end of it for the satisfaction of besting your rival and muh applause but i guess that's sort of the point
no, the clones reappear away from the machine, he stays and falls in the trap
If it's the clone that drowns, then that means the real one is shot by the very first clone.
The newstclone always survives, so each subsequent clone of himself only lasts a day before the next clone takes over
i just rewatched that scene, the og wolverine was indeed shot, from that point forward it's clone homocide all the way down
this must be it, so at a given time there are 3 copies of himself before the one drowns
>Let me create a cloning machine that could revolutionize society but use it only to perform a slightly better version of a magic trick
This movie was so good until this point, but it ended in disappointment, just like Arrival
>paying more attention to a plot device than the plot
only if you're a soyboy who doesn't understand rivalry
I think he drowned his prior self and the next clone was transported, but I guess you're not really supposed to know because the present he (whoever he is) doesn't.
>Hugh Jackman is butthurt about not being able to figure out a truck
>ends up finding great inventor to bend the laws of metaphysics to create trick where he has to kill himself
>”LMAO I was a twin the whole time you piece of shit”
What a typical dumb Nolan move
name one movie you think is good
But from the surviving clone's perspective, he is the one who always survives. While Angier may have been nervous the first time, from his perspective, he always survives, and the trick becomes easier each time.
The previous clone essentially becomes a separate person, and Angier doesn't give a shit about anybody but himself. His only sacrifice was the money he paid for the machine.
Didn't he say it was basically a gamble who would appear out the machine? I don't think that was the original Jackman at the end
It saddens me how many people in this thread have no idea what happened or even the point of the movie.
Hugh died every night on stage, he even said so himself that he never knew what would happen after he fell and who would appear, him or the fake. It was a clone that kept reappearing but the clone though it was real, similar to their first interaction when he first cloned himself, they both thought they were the original.
Bale was a cuck but ultimately his plan was too simple for hugh to accept, even alfred told him how it was done but he refused to believe it.
End of the day, they played each other. Hugh got tricked by Bale and Bale got tricked by Hugh not knowing if the Hugh he killed was the last one roaming around, although chances are he really was.
I'm pretty sure the point is that they both think they're the actual Jackman so there is virtually no difference
He made the clone before the show and tricked them all to their deaths
The original died. He could die in the first cloning event, when one of them shot the jackman IN the machine, or in the trick when the jackman OFF the machine dies.
Remember when he was so grief-stricken by his female assistant's death that he tried to drown himself in the sink?
That scene can still move me to tears, really heartrending stuff.
It would do far more bad than good. That's why Tesla encouraged Angier to destroy it.
Shut up
Iz a bloody DUH-BOOL!
angier prime is the one who shoots the clone. that angier dies the first time they do the trick and theclone takes over
You are all retards.
The machine never worked. It was all a meta "cinematic" magic trick. A clever use of the medium by Nolan.
This is not a sci-fi film. The flashback where the cloning machine worked was just a fake memory told and written by him to convince the other and fool them. I'm real life it was probably wax dummy's or just the actor guy that looked like him.
He used his double from earlier in the film. Notice how when he's in the tank, he kicks with his bum leg?
You're wrong and retarded.
>"Dude, EVERYTHING'S a twist!"
That’s every day stupid