How cringy is this line going to be in 20 years when everybody has figured out Musk is a total joke?

How cringy is this line going to be in 20 years when everybody has figured out Musk is a total joke?

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Nobody will remember this show in 20 years mayne.

I don't see you making rockets that land their first stages and electric trucks that drive themselves.

Tesla is a total joke. SpaceX not so much

Nobody remembers this show right now, it's astounding

Fuckin' Enterprise was more relevant as it was airing

name one (1) person currently living that would be a better choice to use in that sentence than elon musk.

people still worship Edison so I don't see Musk fall from grace

donald trump


>making rockets that land
The old way is more profitable and will keep being the standard. Having them land requires much more fuel

>electric trucks that drive themselves.
neither of those are his ideas. electric cars existed for a hundred years and self driving cars were worked on way before reddit memed musk into a household name

maybe as a joke on orville instead

das rite

>The old way is more profitable and will keep being the standard. Having them land requires much more fuel

Fuel is cheap as fuck compared to the booster. Stop pretending like you know anything about anything.

>implying ideas are important
It's the execution that matters.

>How cringy is this line going to be in 20 years when everybody has figured out Musk is a total joke?
About as cringy as it is now to someone who isn't retarded.

don't you have a containment thread to sperg about "LOL STD GEDDIT XD" in

The Wright Brothers don't deserve recognition either. Some Brazilian guy was the first man to invent a flying machine.

In 20 years you'll be driving a Tesla like everybody else.

This is factually wrong. His plane was a couple of years after the Wright Flyer.

ill drive an electric volvo or some shit

What show?

>20 years

when people already forgotten about this pile of garbage

They are already controlling 30% of the market and Falcon Heavy will be 1/3 cheaper to LEO than SLS.

Musk is not a joke and you fags will only feel more and more stupid as SpaceX achieves more and more.

this, losers can't accept that Musk's inventions are going to actually change the future

Do you think moon landing was fake too?

And Discovery is trash.

>rocket company completely supported by lavish government funding
>meme car company valued 50 times its turnover while the competition is already catching up fast
>new investor bait ideas were laughed at

I wonder what can go wrong!

You sound like retards shitting on first cars because they are noisy and scare horses.

See you in 10 years.

Nice reading comprehension!

>meme car company valued 50 times its turnover while the competition is already catching up fast

Im a brainlet so this confuses me. I remember reading somewhere that Tesla cars aren't profitable to make, so how is his company worth so much?

>Musk pioneering green fuel through his Teslas
>simultaneously burning shit loads of fuel to get to space

Konstantin Novoselov.

Literally nobody. People are so desperate for a new visionary that they are clinging to Elon Musk

Nailed it.

Potential, promises and stock market memery basically. If he'd deliver on his promises of a middle class electrical car, he'd crack open the market and make the investors very rich. But his production schedule is lagging behind so badly that he's only producing "small" quantities, which is about 1 billion dollar in turnover. The battery plants also account for some of the value since there's also applications in other fields.

>private company reduces the cost of sending 1kg to LEO by 2/3 within 12 years
>LOL it's nothing Musk a meme!

Grow up.

Nigger it is nothing. Go fucking figure a private company was going to be more efficient than a government entity.

What did musk have to do with the Delta Clipper?

Discovery will be the new enterprise in 10 years

>tfw there will never be another good star trek

The moon landing was real, but the footage was faked. This is common knowledge.

this obviously means we have to praise the CEO and not the people that actually did it


It doesn't even make any fucking sense. Musk isn't even a scientist or an inventor, he's an investor.

No one says, "He's the greatest explorer since King Ferdinand, that rich asshole that gave Columbus a bunch of money and ships!" They say, "He's the greatest explorer since Columbus!"

It would never happen without him.

Why would it take 20 years to figure that out? He doesn't actually do anything himself.

>This is common knowledge.

Autism speaks.

the sentence doesnt make fucking sense,in star trek earth's they were in ww3 in our time so elon musk would have done jack shit.

just mention einstein ffs

>turning science into a personality cult
I'd rather it be Wernehr von Braun

Musk is so stupid that he doesn't even understand why people are afraid of the dark. People aren't afraid of the concept of darkness, they're afraid of the shit hiding in it that they can't see.

>TheEugenics Wars(or theGreat Wars) were a series of conflicts fought onEarthbetween1992and1996. The result of ascientificattempt to improve theHumanrace throughselective breedingandgenetic engineering, the wars devastated parts of Earth, by some estimates officially causing some thirty million deaths, and nearly plunging theplanetinto a new Dark Age

So tell me how Musk and Tesla can even exist in this timeline?

Fucking stupid. What did Einstein do for avionics? He helped create the nuke/split the atom etc. This statement is clearly referencing people who paved the way for avionics/space travel

At least they waited until Steve Jobs up and died before self-consciously wanking over him as a contemporary Howard Hughes. Musk even calls his company Tesla, literally baiting the reddit crowd.

Fucking kek. Literally just trying to sound smart

so can we all agree that so far STD had the least shitty (but still not good) opening season of any trek since TOS

Yet here you are talking about it.

It’s literally something you think about as a kid, come to some hot conclusion and feel really satisfied about it before realising you’re retarded the next day. Though I think in Musk’s pic it was probably mostly a nice way to demystify and despook the dark for him as a kid.

Dyson, He made that vacuum, that fan and that sphere.

Somebody still had to start it idiot. SpaceX cost reduction allow moon and mars colonization. It's no longer a sci-fi dream.


>we want the reddit audience

the problem is that they are glorifying a guy that couldn't accept his baldness in Star Trek

Nobody will remember this show in 2 years

nah, I think it's a question of temperament. for example, once I stopped caring about wether I'm impressing women or not it made it easier for me to hook up.
it might sound "obvious" that you shouldn't try too hard when socializing but there's a difference between knowing it and truly feeling it.

Investors think electric cars are going to be big in the future, so they look for the best positioned company out there right now to enter, and that's, for now, Tesla.

But thats the thing. Who the fuck is actually scared of just darkness? Like the other user said. People are afraid of what they can't see in the darkness. Kids are afraid of the monster that comes out when its dark. Not the darkness itself

>electric rockets

>Fuel is cheap as fuck compared to the booster
Lifting capacity is not, more fuel, less shit you can send up.


He cant say that he fears niggers hiding in the dark.

I remember when I watched voyager as a kid and couldn't wait for the wars they promised us for 2009

I've been afraid of the dark and I probably couldn't tell you why if you asked. I can believe musk when he says that it became more tolerable when he rationalized it like that. it's not some great insight but not all kids can manipulate their emotions by being reasonable

You're just a fucking retard. There's the problem.

So in a dark room would you look under your bed? In your closet? No? That's my point you aren't scared of the dark. You are scared of what's in it. You just associate it with the dark

DISCO is the best Trek ever made. FACT.

shut up monkey boy
right, and if you asked me I'd probably say "I'm looking for monsters" but not everyone would get that far. especially when it comes to stuff like phobias. I'm sure you could be reasonable about your fear of spiders but it wouldn't automatically mean that you'd feel different about them

Jake Paul

Seriously though, Lorca is pretty great

This. Elon never shot an entire music video in a day

>you will never be raped by a Klingon female

Its cringey now, Christ. How shit is std?


The new star trek doesn't have any rewatchability. No one will be watching it in 20 years, even for nostalgia, like they do TNG or the original series.

Goddamn I suck at this.


Bill Gates?

>wright brothers
Shitty inventors memed to death in US schools to take away from the credit of Santos Dumont and others.

>elon musk
Imbecile with a lot of money who is going to help rich people escape earth when this is all shit

>zefram whatever
Fictional literally who character

>eugenics plunges the world into dark ages
Gotta love how you don't have to have cause and effect in your fictional works. Fucking libshits would have you believe ending women's suffrage would bring about a new stone age and all the normie fucking shits from reddit will lap it up - because they can't distinguish the events in a story made up by a human from the real world.

>He helped create the nuke/split the atom etc.
Only as an authority figure in a letter.

people will forget elon musk and nobody know what tv show or movie is that.

I hope his martian dreams come true, but mentioning him instead of von Braun would be like mentioning Hughes over the Wright brothers. If not for one autistic kraut using the war as an excuse to develop his space rockets, there would have been no man on the moon. At least not anywhere near as early.

>total joke
Getting our asses to Mars isn't a joke

Nope space x is a joke too stop drinking the coolaid


>making an entirely new rocket is cheaper than re-using

>you'll die of radiation poisoning in 20 seconds guaranteed
>that's ok, I only need 19
>good luck Bo Burnham that's a great plan
STD is a joke.

STDs are no joking matter. Always use protection.

yhea that's why we're only space shuttles today you stupid fucking mouthbreather

also this.

Musk is making electric cars mass produced for the masses

He's like Ford

But in 2 years the mass production is actually going to take off

Have you actually seen his plans?