So is he the only reason to watch the new season?
So is he the only reason to watch the new season?
prove me wrong
I literally can't, m8
Most likely, I haven't watched it. Although it's worth watching also to see Flóki find Iceland though.
>"Waaaaah I'm a cripple"
>does a crazy laugh
>le psycho face >:)
The actor is good though.
Rate best and worst actors in this show
I just started season two and I need someone to explain to me why Ragnar's actor thinks putting on a shit-eating grin no matter the context qualifies as acting?
Uber"s better.
Fimmel was weird at first but him and Jarl Borg's actor are the best by far.
>watch the new season
>Jarl Borg
I forgot how good he was. That blood eagle scene was great.
dat nu-male gape
>T. a nu-male calling someone else a nu-male.
That fucking handjob scene was lewld
Yeah, by the end of that scene I think even Ragnar was rooting for him not to scream so he could go to Valhalla
>Here brother, fuck my wife on our wedding day. Is the Viking way you know :^)
And Ivar killed that nigga. Anymore memes?
>ecbert, ragnar and athelstan are dead
>worth watching
Nah, cunt.
Can he kill the mighty STRONK WOMIN army, though?
Lag is literally going to die this season and those chicks are constantly getting btfoed. Next meme.
W-which one?
I stopped watching a year or two back... which is the handjob scene?
which type of 9th Century hair gel does he use?
They fucked up, the actor can't handle the character
it's that bad ?
In the new season which just started fag
Still better than the Last Kingdom
Last Kingdom was fun and not too bad either
She gives Bjorn a handie for being such a good son
Uthred son of Uthred saves that show with his shenanigans
Clearly bovine semen, the white cream of GOD.
I was a good son :( mommy never did that for me
this is weird but vikings is epic
>it's a 'pandering to my fetish' episode
literally yes
>it's an Uhtred raids a neighbouring village, rapes all of their women, beheads a priest and rapes a sorceress then acts like he did nothing wrong episode
I miss TLK
Vikings will do though
>tfw will never be raped by Lagertha
>tfw no more smugfu vikingette ;_;
she was SO smug ;_;
Do you think Harald will beat Lagertha in a battle for Kattegat and then proceed to rape her in front of the entire village? Just a thought haha
we can all hope..
she deserves it that naughty cunt she raped him first when he was all helpless
She's so hot bois I don't even care that her character and her """army""" has hit levels of feminist pandering that is beyond farcical and a-historical
She is
>you will NEVER get pegged by her
>Ragnar dead
>King Ecbert dead
>Aethelstan dead
>Jarl borg dead
Man this show sure likes to kill all the actors that actually have talent
>you will never be publically castrated by Lagertha
it wasn't just a handjob you incel
harald was suggesting they get married like his cock had any value, so she jerked him off till he got hard then briefly full-on raped him and then left before he could finish for the ultimate insult on what his cock was worth
it was fucking glorious
Nah i like Bjorn too. Apparently Jonathan Rhys Meyers is supposed to play Bishop Heahmund and is gonna be a badass so thats cool
Bjorn will probably die too, or get written out as a mercenary for the turks, and we'll only have mediocre actors left
>briefly full-on raped him and then left before he could finish for the ultimate insult on what his cock was worth
p sure the writers have a log of my browser history