Goth Clara edition.
Goth Clara edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
/who/ for the /who/res
What's /who/ with you?
Reminder that canon
contemplating the deletion of the wiki
Standing outside the studio waiting for Jodie to leave
Is that in the top right who I think it is?
I do believe it might be
latest bowlestrek video, if anyone is interested?
Doctor Who is dead.
Are the rumours true?
His videos were interesting until he went full anti-SJW.
RTD made that shitpost magazine.
Are Jim's Rants of The Day better RTDs than RTD?
>it's a "TheBlackadder5 is completely oblivious to the ongoing situation" episode
Damn, how does that woman still manage to look cute as a Goth?
I take it Jenna was pumped and dumped?
Can you find me a videoclip of this
Why does Perts look older in The Five Doctors than he does here?
is this real
no, it's an edit
Requesting ginger Tenth Doctor
nth for Jodie.
Poor Harry was dumped in favour of pic related. Can't blame her desu
literally chad
Did Jonathan Pryce Master basiclly go through Heaven Sent but in a sewer?
merry /who/mas
Maybe, but I'd happily shag the chad till my vagina was raw.
Ten confirmed for qt as ginger
yes dumbdumb
trying too hard
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user requests a the Radical Doctor Lym requests Jess art.user requests art of a Ironside trying to make tea.
Post your lists!
Don't want a physical gift? Make a request for OC arts, Vocaroo holiday greeting, or something else maybe? Perhaps someone will fulfill your request!
Merry /who/mas!
Will add them to the copy pasta for the next thread.
Why are you telling us this
Now watching the 1996 TV Movie with McGann in CWS. cytu.
Tom Hughes is sex on legs, he is just fuckin JUST. Possibly the most beautiful man I've ever seen. My opinion, we all see beauty differently.
someone please add brazzers logo
>he is just fuckin JUST
That's not what JUST means. In fact it's like the opposite.
>"Personally, I think that's a hell of a turd."
Why do people think it was redditors anyway?
This lady is my fantasy Doctor model. Sooo British!
The wiki was linked to on reddit, and they referred to it a few times as the "dw-shitpost-wiki", plus with reddit being Sup Forums's usual boogeymen, the assumption was made that it's redditors, but I think in reality it's just a bunch of non-/who/res who think they've found their new meme hideout.
She's got that Elsa Lanchester look going on.
I'm so, so pissed that TUaT is being screened early. There was no need for them to do it and now all it's going to do is cause spoilers.
Rare Briggs.
>There was no need for them to do it
Money. That's all the BBC cares about these days. Public-service broadcasting my ass.
get over it American dumbdumb
I'm English.
Where is it being screened early? I know about the UK screenings but they're cutting the regeneration scene from those.
It is terrible. Screenings on the day or even just a day early would have been fine, but there is something of a real "fuck you, non-casuals" involved in putting out a huge episode to shitloads of people for two weeks.
Imagine if they'd done that for Day of the Doctor!
Australia is getting it on 22nd December, complete with the regen scene:
That's ASININE. Why on God's Green Earth would they do such a thing? It's perpetually insane! Why ruin it for everybody so the roos can see it a few days early?
Apparently there's a non-disclosure agreement but seriously, they're mad if they think that's actually going to stop people from spoiling it.
It's so weird seeing people this up in arms about television being aired at slightly different times in different countries.
Five years ago this would be considered top notch distribution.
It would be fine if it was a regular episode.
But it's absolutely the biggest, most important episode since the 50th Anniversary, and that wasn't aired early and did just fine in cinemas.
Oh look he's reeeeeing
get over it, who cares? nobody will spoil it
>being aired at slightly different times in different countries.
"special early screenings for fans before the public airing" is a completely separate issue from that.
>nobody will spoil it
that's the funniest thing i've heard all day
Put your fucking trip back on Kinda
Someone will somehow find a way to record the most important scene and spam it on /who/.
It's a early screening of a regeneration episode
>Five years ago this would be considered top notch distribution.
By Who?
Are you retarded? Honest question.
>nobody will spoil it
Every main plot point or twist will have been posted in /who/ at some point by Christmas.
Why NuWho is inherently sexist and patronising towards women:
For 26 years the Doctor was a completely asexual character and was often played by older men like Jon Pertwee and William Hartnell.
However for the revival Russell T Davies and Steven Moffat both said they wanted women to like Doctor Who so they decided to make the character more appealing to women. As a result of this they not only for many years cast younger actors in the role, but they completely rewrote the character of the Doctor to be more romantic and sensitive to make him appealing to the fangirls.
Imagine the absolute outrage there would be from feminists if there was a major, completely sexless female character like say Miss Marple who had to be reimagined to be sexy for male viewers and they not only cast an actress like Maggie Q in the role, but also deliberately rewrote her to act like what they think a young man’s idea of the perfect woman is. You can see how this is just sheer and utter hypocrisy.
Because normies are patronising towards women.
fuck off hoodie you fucking braindead moron
I'll probably be joining Neo in staying off /who/ starting from the 14th. Normally spoilers don't bother me too much, but since Capal is my favourite Doctor I'd like to enjoy this episode as much as possible. I'll try and pop into the stream every now and then, though.
I'll probably move into the stream 24/7.
It's Knida shitposting with his trip off again.
"Feminists" love Tennant and Smith's young cute romantic Doctors. They want to be patronised.
He didn't call anyone a seppo so I'm going to say no.
If someone here ever proves me wrong I will.
Not really, in my experience there's nobody more patronizing than a really extreme male feminist, and those people are neither common nor normal.
Society as a whole is patronizing to women. Male feminists just take it extreme.
>and was often played by older men like Jon Pertwee and William Hartnell.
>Who is Peter Davison
>they not only for many years cast younger actors in the role
Eccleston was 41
Tennant was 34
With the exception of Smith that's the average age for an actor to be to play the Doctor even Jodie she's like 35.
>they completely rewrote the character of the Doctor to be more romantic and sensitive
None of the NuWho Doctors were romantic and sensitive is subjective unless you count PTSD as "sensitive".
Aside from worrying about the possible political agenda what do you guys think about Jodie?
Once I get used to her voice, I think I'll like her.
boardie out
I hope she gets a better costume in Series 12
I'm really hoping they go a more 5/early 8 direction with her, but there's nothing to pull from yet so I can't say anything for certain.
>someone asked a question that's actually related to Doctor who
>fucking boardies
Get some help
I'm not familiar with her work, and after series 9 and 10 I lost all interest in the future of the Doctor Who on TV.
She's awesome and I think she'll be an amazing Doctor. I'm not worried about Jodie herself at all. I can't wait to see her in action.
It's the quality of the scripts and the stories that concerns me. The show will live or die on the strength of the writing.
It's amazing how much Adult Life Skills feels like a precursor to Jodie being cast as the Doctor. Her character even has a 'companion' in that young kid.
Back in the 60s, a 55 yr old had survived (and many fought in) WW2. Most people also smoked which ages people quicker: non-smokers were in the minority back then.
Also, Hartnell was wearing a wig that aged him greatly. Had Capaldi worn a similar wig, he'd have looked way older than 55 too.
>kinkier than you think
It is not an edit, you lying kike.
I wish they would stop doing Christmas specials every year
Nobody cares dude
Not worried about a JodieDoctor at all: having seen some of her previous work I think she could be a great Doctor.
DESU, I'm more worried about Chibnall. Not a fan of his previous DW contributions.
>It is not an edit, you lying kike.
But my ruse was successful in getting that boardie to fuck off.