Which will be better Sup Forums?
Netflix's The Witcher vs Amazon's Lord of the Rings
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Whichever one has the hottest sluts.
The LOTR one will be absolute trash because what Jackson gave us in the early 2000s is as kino as it can get, and the new series will crash and burn because every fanboy will compare the two and it obviously stands no chance against the original trilogy
Who gives a shit about the witcher series
this guy knows what's up
Witcher, no doubt.
They're both going to be shit because we're talking about Netflix and Amazon here. These franchises would have had a chance on HBO, or even Hulu, but they got the shittiest options.
There isn't enough info about either to say just yet
Oh god I knew they were making a new LOTR, and I was sad.
Amazon is doing it though?
Amazon's Lord of the Rings will feature a cast of characters not features in any of the movies.
Netflix's The Witcher will feature all the prominent characters from the video game, these characters has become ingrained with the fans, their looks, mannerism, etcs.
So essentially, the Witcher series is at a disadvantage since it needs to appease the fans, while LOTR already lost a lot of steam with the Hobbit trilogy and none of the prominent characters will be featured.
The Witcher. It's a new television IP so people aren't burned out on it and the creators have almost complete freedom with regards to lore, because only a few people will rag on them for breaking canon, unlike the hordes of LOTR fans who will be bitching nonstop about Amazon tainting their beloved series.
I expect LOTR to not be as good as Jackson's.
I expect The Witcher to only be good according to the fans and shit for everyone else. The circlejerking tho with this place combined with reddit will give them a sequel.
That depends on so many things...
Clearly LOTR will never live up to expectations and it will be Shadow of Mordor/ Hobbit tier at best. Which is to say that even if they manage to nail a decent plot they´ll just invent a lot of shit and tremple over the lore.
And then there are the politics and whatnot so you can expect "muh diversity" agenda on both shows.
I would say the witcher has better chances overall since i feel it could get away with doing both of those things pissing off less people but you never know, a good or bad casting may be all what it takes.
ONly if they cast best girl.
>And then there are the politics and whatnot so you can expect "muh diversity" agenda on both shows.
It wouldn't even be so bad if they just went and diversified without pointing giant neon signs and screaming in a megaphone about it.
It's pure cringe even as a progressive.
More black people = worse show.
Whatever show has more white people in contrast to other races, specially blacks, is the better one. And not just actors, I'm talking about writers and producers.
The Witcher mostly because it bends more fluently into the modern climate than LOTR which Amazon has to break a part in their need to make it more politically correct so, that it will resemble LOTR in name only,
Who is this slut?
Lucy Boynton
looking forward to the witcher slightly more, because I know nothing about books or early games, only played witcher 3, so whatever they do will be new to me.
read most of tolkien's work and not looking forward to it being butchered again like the hobbit or reduced to shitty fanfic.
probably both be shit.
Where does this assumption that Amazon is shit comes from? Amazon Studios produced Love and Friendship, Wiener Dog, Manchester By the Sea, Neon Demon, Paterson, The Salesman, The Lost City of Z, Brad's Status, Human Flow, Wonderstruck, Last Flag Flying and You Were Never Really Here, which is one of the best lineup of films for a modern studio. I haven't seen their shows as much, but I've heard good things about The Man in the High Castle, Bosch, The Tick, and Mozart in the Jungle. The first 3 are all adaptations and from what I hear, Amazon has been very good at staying true to the source material. I mean, their resume is looking better than Netflix, Hulu or modern HBO at this point.
God she looks like she would make The Witcher cringer than I was thinking it would be
Amazon is gonna smoke Netflix in the next couple of years
screen cap this
>Love and Friendship, Wiener Dog, Manchester By the Sea, Neon Demon, Paterson, The Salesman, The Lost City of Z, Brad's Status, Human Flow, Wonderstruck, Last Flag Flying and You Were Never Really Here
Gonna be honest. I haven't seen a single one of those movies and have never heard of them except maybe the first one off hand. They just sound straight up bad.
>hasn't heard of the latest films by some of the best directors currently working
Amazon Studios gives full creative control to people like Jarmusch, Ramsay, Linklater, Farhadi, Solondz etc. This is a good sign.
>Captcha: coconut joux
>current year writers
>being faithful to the source
Both will be shit.
Those are some of the best films of the past 2 years, you sound like a pleb.
why are you on this board
Didn't they already say that the LotR is going to be something between Hobbit and Fellowship, so it's not from the books at all?
Hulu's Wheel of Time
Sorry but Ciri already has been cast.
Is this the Sup Forums circle jerk?
>"I watched this movie fellow Sup Forums anons!"
>2 other people
>"I too have seen this movie and thought it was Kino."
You all are the reason video media is on a death spiral.
Whichever is higher budget. Both need GOT tier budgets to really capture their world.
I have a feeling Netflix is going to skimp out on investing any real money in it.
The shows haven't even come out yet and already there's a thread about which will be better.
So people who actually watch good films are bad? The fact that you haven't even heard of The Salesman or Paterson means you don't know much about film. Farhadi is one of the best modern directors.
bretty funny,
I would personally cast Mads for Geralt
Oh no, it's the hobo witcher!
>So people who actually watch films are bad?
>The fact that you haven't even heard of Movie #1 or Movie #2 means you don't know much about film.
>Some Guy is one of the best modern directors.
I get it's your opinion and you are entitled to it, but please be less of a dweeb. What you posted is just insanely idiotic.
>Man in the High Castle
Don’t tell me they adapted one of my favorite Dick books
where have you been?
They'll both be trash like the books they're based on.
>there will probably be a bunch of niggers in the main cast cuz ""muh diversity"" while in the Kino version there isn't a single one
So which book is the amazon series going to be based on?
After /tpg/ died I stopped lurking Sup Forums until yesterday to see the Infinity War related memes/shitposting because it’s not like Sup Forums is useful or interesting for any other reason... I was disappointed though
You said that you hadn't heard of any films on that list except for maybe the first one. What films do you watch then? Exclusively hollywood mainstream stuff? You're the dumb fuck who said these movies sound bad without having even heard of them before.
The netflix show is going to be super boring shit and Amazon LOTR is completely a cash grab, we already have the definitive version with 3 movies that amount to a 13 ep tv show timewise and actual great cgi/practical effects and a great cast.
>haven't heard of these films
>lol they probably suck
Kill yourself pleb
*blocks your path*
>Amazon LOTR is completely a cash grab,
obviously, there is nothing to expand on in the LotR trillogy unless they adapt something like the simarillion which may not have mainstream appeal
The witcher is a really cool setting and idea but the books are really poorly translated from Polish so any English speaking person who reads them thinks they're complete shit because the translators ruin the theme. It's why everyone liked the games because the lore is actually cool if you can get into something you can take in without blowing your brains out from trying to understand it.
They sounds bad, but that doesn't mean they are. In fact, you fucks sperging out is turning me off of them more. Why would I watch something only literal whos have seen and then those literal whos scream at me on the internet to watch them cause KINO?
I'll probably give them a look, but you guys are still autistic as all hell
the one that stays more true to what the original fans liked about it instead of pushing "diversity" or sjw crap
I wouldn't really mind watching the start of the Elven invasion or the first war. They'd have to invent a lot of characters and plot but it could be cool
I'm going off of their TV productions, since obviously those are going to be more applicable. Not to mention that many of those movies were co-produced with other production companies.
I've seen Man in the High Castle and Transparent, and they both felt like low-budget trash.
Author himself that he doesnt want any colored characters but they can be in the background masses.
>Why would I watch something only literal whos have seen
This is what outs you as a pleb. Those films were included in the best of lists from Sight and Sound and Cahiers du Cinema. The Salesman is from Asghar Farhadi, who made one of the most critically acclaimed films of the 21st century. Jim Jarmusch, Richard Linklater and Todd Solondz are probably amongst the most renowned underground and indie directors ever. Every one of those films is made by a director who most film fans know. If you don't know them, you are probably not much of a film fan. Which is okay, but stop trying to act like they're made by nobodies because all it does is make you look stupid.
The one that will dare to break new ground and portray a black man inseminating a white bitch, breaking all taboos.
The Witcher is full of yassssss queens so it will likely be more popular
so it's going to suck
>Why would I watch something only literal whos have seen
>Only literal whos have seen Manchester by the Sea, Paterson , Lost City of Z and Neon Demon
Nigga do you even browse this board? Do you exclusively watch capeshit?
Right? I mean, isn´t calling attention to a character for being woman, gay or black discrimination on itself?
The only real context where this should be acceptable is if it´s somehow part of the story or historic content.
The Dark Towers come to mind here... King wrote a great black female gunslinger called Sussanah. She came from the late 50´s/ early 60´s so he did not shy away from the racial problematic. A great part of the character development comes from the fact that his girl was dragged by two white males to a shitty run down world. She was scared and did not trust these characters because they where white. The whole thing had meaning.
What did the movie do? They made the MC black for no reason and didn´t even bother to bring the woman. Absolute nonsense.
One could argue that as fantasy shows/ movies there should be no obligation to maintain anything and that every change is possible.
Which is kind of true as long as the world created can remain coherent. The story the text should always comes before the politics, those should remain as subtext.
Autism levels reaching heights thought impossible. Abort humanity ABORT!
I just know that the Witcher will be made into a generic fantasy show #352, so it's bound to fail. Too bad, it's a really cool world.
The lord of the rings on the other hand is already kind of established in the mainstream, so it's got its own identity. With a huge budget like that, it might just end up entertaining.
Fair enough, I haven't actually seen any of their TV productions. It all comes down to who they choose as showrunner. Their film work shows that they're willing to give creative control to great artists and not interfere with their vision, so if they get someone good to head the project I'm going to be excited.
Also I have seen Transparent and although I didn't like it, it's clear that Amazon gave the woman in charge (forgetting her name) full control. So like I said, it all comes down to who they get as showrunner.
Just admit that you were outed as a pleb and move on. This is getting embarrassing now.
wrong, at least for LotR
>Which will be better Sup Forums?
I expect both to be shit. There's no way we'll get true source material from either streaming service.
Show is based off the books, there will not be an adult Ciri
That's the thing about cliche's buddy. You think its getting embarrassing, but honestly your opinion just doesn't matter. You want to argue that I don't know film thats fine, but it doesn't make it true especially because I haven't seen a couple movies.
You guys are becoming more and more like reddit everyday.
Absolutely pathetic.
This argument all started cause you all believe Amazon can make a good LOTR? OK
both will be degenerate subhuman nigger kikejew sjw libshit. for this to work we would have to live in a non-fucked timeline.
>It's a two retards try to bait each other while everyone ignores it
But that was the show Sup Forums wanted.
you are all incorrect.
just give Kaya Scodelario white hair
I almost guarantee she will not be portrayed white in the show
Anyone who says differently hasn't been paying attention
They'll both be a stinking pile of SJWed shit.
So the Witcher. Women really shouldn't even exist in Lord of the Rings except as background.
The only person who's reddit is you considering you only watch shit movies
I could see that.
Yaaaaaaa... Keep thinking that buddy. I'm sure you tried really hard to find the downvote button.
Sorry bud, but people are allowed to have differing opinions on this website. Must really get your panties in a knot.
How old is Ciri then? Like webm Related?
Amazon paid a billion dollars for LOTR. They won't piss that money away by making it SJW bullshit.
Netflix will put brown people in TW, they're worse than Disney/Marvel.
>posts the most reddit meme of all time
Gerald will be the gayest brown man in the history of cinema.
Or at least one of his sidekicks will be.
>we wuz school of black panther n shieet
I really hope this is a from a pre-interview of a porn scene.
>Literally spergs out if someone has a different opinion than them.
You have to go back.
I honestly think Kaya is just a literal piece of perfection, but she doesn't look good as a blonde.
Tweenage for the most part. Pic related would be on the older side for book Ciri.
>has only heard of filmmakers mentioned on reddit
>thinks he's not reddit
top kek
I'm pretty sure Ciri isn't grown in the books and Witcher 3 isn't canon, so fuck off
Hopefully Lambert is the brown one, he's a cunt anyway.
>Has to make a strawman to make an argument.
Ho boy here we go. Illogical autists think they are the super smartest.
>They won't piss that money away by making it SJW bullshit.
under what rock have you been living? also Netflix will make Witcher 30%+ nigger. I seriously wouldn't be surprised if they cast Idris Elba as Geraltyrone.
I just hope that they dub whoever gets cast for Geralt.
hhahahaha no.
There's no denying Kstew is dead ringer for Ciri.
when has Amazon turned something into SJW bullshit? Transparent doesn't count since that was already SJW to start with, and it's honestly in the upper tier of SJW shows. Way better than trash like Orange is the New Black
she's even got the lesbian bit down
>Transparent doesn't count since that was already SJW to start with