> Tony, I'm already a demon.
Tony, I'm already a demon
Other urls found in this thread:
>another capeshit thread
Fucking cancer.
>yfw it turns out Cap is a decoy and the real Cap is actually hiding and planning to take over the world with the Illuminati
saw the thumb nail and thought it was a metal gear solid thread
Who would play miller?
Karl Urban
> avengers losing decisively at end of movie
> suddenly Snake Eater theme comes on in the theater, the audience are visibly perplexed
> a squad of attack heli escorting a 70 foot tall mobile bipedal thermonuclear mech appear on the horizon of Wakanda.
> Thanos and the rest of the surviving avengers look up at one of the choppers in disbelief.
> We see someone who looks like Chris Evans with wind blowing in his beard, except he's wearing an eye patch and smoking a cigar.
> "S-Steve?" said Tony while laying amongst his ruined armor.
> "You shouldn't be alive!" shouts Thanos clutching his giant purple fist.
> The chopper lands, and Chris Evans walks towards Thanos flicking his cigar onto his chest. He looks directly towards the camera and stars it for a beat, then in a raspy voice he says:
> "Kept you waiting huh?"
> 1 or 2 members of cinema who plays MGS orgasms.
While a Chris Evans version of Snake could be cool, what we really need is a live-action version of Armstrong.
No actor is SWOLE enough.
Mam there’s only one big boss and he doesn’t dress like that
Punished Cap, a man denied his shield.
Medic is cooler than BB. And a much better person. Because he's me.
>yfw all of this is true and Kojima was planning this all along with Marvel and the MCU.
Sadly this, no actor can meme as unironically as Armstrong
Boss, I told you it wasn't a good idea to extract a nig let alone hundreds of them to Zanzibar!
A Kojima directed Avengers would be pure kino. Imagine Black Widow and Scarlet Witch's outfits.
Thanos and Armstrong look kinda similar to me honestly
What the fuck is wrong with her face?
The problem is that Kojima is a shit writer so the writing in the films would somehow be even worse.
Yes, bring Yoji Shikawa on board.
Parasites man
How can anyone be upset by this character?
It's majestic.
Because when a woman dresses like a slut and walks through the streets she's powerful but when a man likes it he's a literal rapist.
u fkr
God damn, Kojima looks like THAT?!
Man if I ever seen some dick sucking lips she's definitely got them.
Fans weren't upset by her design, so much as by the fact that in game she is a fucking pointless character.
She looks like my sister, it's kinda creepy.
Post sister
Right, so pointless and disappointing that they made a mod that brings her back when she dies and begged devs to make it official.
Blame waifufags and people reliant on how broken she is as an assist.
>Blame waifufags
Oh, I do. Spineless cunts.
armstrong's the best
Big Boss and Miller
It would be funny if he dropped "Kept you waitung huh" when he appears in a moment of need just because.
Alex Jones isn't an actor (allegedly) but he's the only person who comes to mind that could play a semi-decent Armstrong.
Bullshit Alex Jones was in A Scanner Darkley. He literally acted in a major motion picture.
The world calls for wetwork, and we answered.
No greater good. no JUST cause
Punished Captain is so great. I hope the writer drops some MGS cameo in there. Maybe a line from the game.
Kino for ages.
Well the Russos did Winter Soldier, and that was basically MGS2: The Movie
I reckon it's pretty likely we'll get a fair few nods
> MGS2: The Movie
No it wasn't. Not even close.
You either never played MGS2 or never saw The Winter Soldier. Honestly, what in the hell are you on about?
>tfw no mgs kino
>MGS movies still possible with kurt russel playing all snake and boss roles with use of CGI deaging
War has changed
What a time to be a live
>supersoldier doesn't know who or what he's fighting for, his bhosses conceal his mission's true purpose from him
>major theme of personal privacy in the digital age
>Hydra/Patriots reveal themselves to have been shadowrunning the government the whole time
>opening scene infiltrating the tanker at night
>Winter Sildier/Grey Fox are robotic supersoldier versions of their old selves
There's loads of similarities, that;s all I can remember off the top of my head
>tfw my favorite comic will never be ruined by Hollykike
I have the same problem, senpai
All of the creepy stuff that the Japs did to her and say about her just makes me angry and defensive
You might be onto something here. I need to rewatch it now.
So then Civil War is MGS4 because Cap meets up with an old crush, doesnt recognize the world he's living in, meets a black guy, and infiltrates an abandoned military base in the snow?
Similar themes and elements do not make it "Basically MGS2 the movie."
Oh come on, I'm saying there's a heavy linking of themes and story beats between the two
Tfw you go hunting and ocelot forgets his boots but brings along his engraved hunting rifle
I never finished mgs5 did I miss something
Sisters name and Facebook profile?
Asking for a friend
That I agree with, but if you're the guy I originally replied to, you said that WS was "basically MGS2 the movie" and similar themes and beats do not make that the case.
No chapter three and a whole lot of other cut content, gameplay was alright.
Was pretty hyped for it from the old tokyo game show threads years ago on Sup Forums, Konami played us like a fiddle, cucked us and was pretty let down. would have been a good way to round out the series if Kojima had input through the whole process
Hopefully death Stranding with Del-toro and Kojima is sucessful and the co-direct a MGS movie / series
>punished cap
>a man denied his best lines in the movie version
>I never finished mgs5
Neither did Kojima Productions
It's really cool seeing a character's appearance change. He looks really good too.
>tfw Armstrong is our president
Best timeline
You watch the planned ending on YouTube, where Venom confronts Eli and Sehalanthropus on an Island. It has some unfinished cutscenes and storyboard panels which is a shame, but it's satisfying to see nonetheless.
Shit, it would be perfect in Winter Soldier, but fuck no, they had to make someone else say in another movie.
No one should ever copy so much dialogue into a movie. At least they put it in a eulogy.
i want to fuck your sister user
Punished Stark would also work.
>comparing capeshit with vidyakino
you're the reason cinema is dead
Tony is Zero
>both sacrificing freedom for control
And Cap is Big Boss
>militaristic, does what he thinks is right no matter what anyone says
>MGS2: themes of reality, censorship, information, memes, the nature of hype and the very medium the story is experienced through wrapped in a postmodern tale
>WS: drones, bucky, capeshit.
Yeah dude, Konami was so fucking stupid to put the kibosh on that. Its like they don't even know their own series, the MGS community would have gladly waited and paid extra for the game, and the 10" Snake action figure that i can put up my ass.
Fucking SEETHING even after 2 years.
>muh Konami bottom line
"Based Nippon" fuck off
CQC tutorial with Evan's when?
>Imagine the scene of tony visiting cap while he's in coma and saying goodbye.
I want it
Imagine and MGS 3 movie with naked snake and Chris's hairy chest.
Eh, during his tenure as Director of SHIELD Tony was also a petty, warmongering asshole who was so fucking selfish he purposely fucked with other people's tech so that he could have the monopoly on it.
He's not exactly Big Boss, but he did create his own country as well, so...
I have no idea what that song is so instead of listening I'm just going to imagine it's sung in this style
>Were not responsible to judge an enemy
What did snake mean by this?
Venom was too nice, probably the nicest character in the series. Real Boss would've had Heuy sleepin with the fishes.
Who is Raiden?
>I have no idea what that song is
i don't like you user
i don't like you at all
Rich Pinata is dead, so you're right.
Sleep tight, sweet prince.