The League of Shadows has been a check against human corruption for thousands of years. - We sacked Rome,
- loaded trade ships with plague rats
- burned London to the ground.
The League of Shadows has been a check against human corruption for thousands of years. - We sacked Rome,
- loaded trade ships with plague rats
- burned London to the ground.
Cancelled Firefly
Created Reddit
Invented My Little Pony
Funded Rick and Morty
-created Sup Forums on Sup Forums
...and now you simply relinquish your privilege of democracy to the likes of Drumpf?
it was her turn goddamnit, and I'm gonna make sure it still is
- raised the taxes in Gondor
- started the fire
- made Milhouse a meme
- shot Dunnhier
- bankrupted Chuck so he was forced to sell
Made the Hobbit Trilogy
invented lootboxes
-rustled some jimmies
-put him the mask to the big guy (Literallly)
-leaked JLaw pics
-created Sup Forums pass
-dethroned m00t
made the Maccarena popular
Disrupted communications
Attacked the wookies
>bankrupted Chuck so he was forced to sell
fucking bastards.
- did a barrel roll
- imagined being Arnold
- got the fucking shinebox
- did script doctoring on Raimi‘s Spiderman
>forced the Immigration Act of 1965
What did Ra's mean by this?
>st-stop having fun
>fun is for reddit and my internet friends say reddit is a no no
Made the first conga line
>shot Dunnhier
Started the fire
Elected Donald trump
Wrote for the Walking Dead after the pilot
McKenna was an agent of the League of Shadows
Was kangs n shit
Murdered zyzz in the sauna
- see how this is a party
- got the DA breathing down pur neck
- know what‘s going on, Aunt Diane
- mawe
Next thing you're going to tell me is that they're behind the Mongol Invasion.
- told Chapelle to keep it real
>killed JFK
>gave cocaine to the ghettos
>invented propaganda
>founded Israel
- control the British crown
- kept the metric system down
- kept Atlantis off the maps
- kept the Martians under wraps
- held back the electric car
- made Steve Guttenberg a star
- robbed cavefish of their sight
- rigged every Oscar night
Got litty and pissed myself watching Baywatch
-assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
-faked the holocaust
-created Israel
-did 911
-hacked the US presidential election 2016
-supply North Korea with nucelar weapons
You fucking bastards!