Shoot the dog
Shoot the dog
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The size of a tangerine
I remember the entire theater gasped when he said that
I could easily shoot a dog but I couldn't shoot a cat
>I could easily shoot a dog but I couldn't shoot a cat
A cat would gladly shoot you if it had the chance
I can't believe shooting the dog was considered "loyal" and a passing grade, they should have been deneuralised and chucked in a ditch for that
Wow I've never run into this kind of dogfag logic before
On what grounds do you base this argument? I know you won't reply because it's hard for a muttfag to articulate himself but I still have to ask
Cats don't give a shit about you. Do you even own a cat? They are assholes. Literally the worst pet.
You'd think Eggsy and Roxy being willing to die rather than snitch would prove their loyalty enough
>I could easily shoot a dog but I couldn't shoot a cat
I own three cats who cuddle with me everyday and lick my face to wake me up everyday, who I love dearly and love me and trust me.
>lol the gun wasn't loaded
>lol everyone had a parachute all along
The first time was okay, the second time just felt unnecessary. Okay we get it, you act like assholes but actually care about life.
Cause youre their bitch
But what can you do? She's right, she's right.
>lick my face to wake me up everyday
Can't feed them in your sleep, m8.
Literally the gayest thing I've ever read on this site.
this is the most reddit-tier thing I have read on Sup Forums.
I would've shot the dog with a shotgun to blow its whole face off.
God forbid that a decent human being browses Sup Forums
>decent human beings
You guys are just bootyblasted that you don't have what it takes to earn a cats love and trust. You just get doggos because they are retarded. Enjoy mediocrity.
>God forbid a toxoplasmosis host spreads its virus propaganda on Sup Forums.
The sequel to this movie was hot garbage
Ok Sasuke calm down
A sheltered man-baby is not a decent human being
ok soy boy
>tfw the guy behind me fell asleep
Literally the most Reddit thing I've ever read
Shut the hell up, soyboy
*hot kino
>N-no YOU are reddit
Is that all you fucking FAGGOTS got? Seriously? When all else fails, call him a soyboy?
How was the sequel?
t. soyboy
Let's play a game. If you can insult someone without using the words:
>kill yourself
Then you win
Stop spamming you retard
It's great, but Amerifats will try to tell you differently
I didn't use any of thos words so I guess I won already lmao
Make me, kike
How's life being so mediocre you can't even get a "retarded doggo" to respect you.
Kill yourself
If you can get a cat to respect you, you can get any dog to respect you, that's the basis of my argument you fucking idiot.
Nah, it was great, pleb. Good plot, villian, music and dialogue. Although the stylized action was a bit much at times.
The train was to test their loyalty to the group but the dog was the final test to make sure they would follow orders
Cats don't respect you, they use you for your submissiveness to their needs.
You're some kind of next level pussyboy aren't you?
t. r/ptg/
It was more of the same, which is good. But at the same time what made the first stand out was how unique and original it was given the super seriousness of other contempary films. The sequel lacks that and even ignoreing that its still not as good as the first, but worth a watch and has some great fight scenes
The parachute was great if only for Merlin fucking with Eggsy after the fact. I wish the water wasn't fake, though. That seemed like it needed to be real.
Dog was dumb.
i put this movie on when i was spending a night at a hotel and there was literally nothing else to do. i was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. he should have shot michael caine in the leg.
I think the second movie has more heart. The scenes with Eggsy bonding with Harry and butthole princess are comfy kino
You're a shameful poofter
U wot? I'll deck ya in the 'ead
I have a fag cat who wakes me up six times each night for food, scratches my front door up so I can let her in so she can shit in her box and won't stop scratching her shitty neck wound costing me a fortune in vet bills. Cats fucking suck, and you suck, little bitch boy.
Your cat deserves a better home