I just watched Lord of the Rings for the first time in several years. Is this Hobbit trilogy worth my time?
I just watched Lord of the Rings for the first time in several years. Is this Hobbit trilogy worth my time?
Not at all.
No. If you can find the 4-hour fan edit version which combines all three into one movie that's probably the best way to go.
Not really, you should watch the Lord of the Rings making of docs
Just watch LotR again
just watch it if you don't have anyshit to do, I wouldn't say that is that bad (we got some serious insane bad pointless stupid boring shit films this year) but you LotR is is GOAT, infinitely superior, don't get your hopes that high, but is cool to watch with a couple of beers.
80% of 1 is good
60% of 2 is good
10% of 3 is good
Yeah, this
watch the first 2. then watch the third until they kill smaug. then turn of your tv.
No, not at all.
Watch the Maple Films Cut like suggested
Depends on how autistic are you. The more autistic the smaller chance you'll enjoy it. I enjoyed it, mostly because the main theme is very comfy.
Autism has nothing to do with it concerning the third movie. That one is just unredeemingly bad, which sucks, because it retro-actively fouls up the entire trilogy and makes you feel like you wasted your time.
Not really. Maybe the first. It was by far the best. 2 had some decent stuff in it. 3 was so fucking bad though.
What's so wrong about the third movie though? I mean I remember some retarded decision making from the characters and yeah, the CGI but not much else in particular.
i remember this. What the fuck were they thinking?
Nothing of note happens outside the first 30 minutes. It's just mind numbing battle after mind numbing battle. Smaug is killed 20 minutes into it all. You could erase the entirety of the third movie and add Smaug getting killed to the end of 2 and some of the journey back and have been done with it. Hell, 2 needed to be cut down a bit anyway.
You have the fan edited versions that are better
Here's my experience:
I watched the LOTR when I was little and have always been infatuated with it since. I have the books, games, and other weird curios. Every time the LOTR comes up on TV, I would sit down and watch it all the way through.
I watched the first Hobbit movie and liked it even though there were issues. But then when Desolation of Smaug came out, I was literally going into micro-sleep mode during the movie and found myself looking at my phone for the time. That has never happened before with any LOTR related media ever for me. They should've just made it into two parts and not three instead. Some scenes drag on forever especially in the last movie.
-ugly-ass video gamey fight scenes, going on forever
-needless plots going on forever
-reserving a couple of great scenes for the extended version only (while that version also added an additionally ugly and unnecessary fight scene)
-bilbo is either off-screen for most of the movie or unconscious
-the movie looks ugly as a whole; too much bloom and use of CG compared to the previous ones
I found the entire thing to be full with infuriating story and production decisions
The first one is comfy. The second was so bad I couldn't finish it and couldn't bring myself to start the third.
The last duel between Thorin and Azog is a personal favorite of mine as an example of the movie's faults. It gets really stupid once Azog decides to resort to using an ice flail.
You also forgot trying to shoehorn in connections to the original trilogy in order to make the Hobbit more EPIK
No. It will retroactively ruin LOTR for you.
fuck no, stay the fuck away from it
Speaking of the theme, I don't recall any other music tracks that were memorable in the Hobbit trilogy. That probably is a result of the terrible production issues that went on.
How does it ruin LOTR for someone? Isn't this the equivalent of that normie thing where they sperg about something that "KILLED MUH CHILDHOOD".
It's been a long-ass time since I read it, but isn't the book just Bilbo getting knocked out immediately after the fighting starts and then waking up after everything is over? Can't have that in a movie though.
That's why I said not to watch it.
I think he participates in the early stage of the battle before being knocked out for the rest of it. I liked that PJ kept that aspect of the movie but again, by this time in the film, the focus had not even been on Bilbo since the start of the movie.
no, don't do it
I think 2 isn't much better than 3 aside from the kino scene with Smaug... but otherwise this is spot on
Go north. Find the Dunedain. There’s a young ranger amongst them. You should meet him. His father... A r a t h o r n was a good friend. His son might grow to be a great one. He is known in the wild as... Strider. His true name... you must discover for yourself :^)
Legolas! Your mother loved you.
Sadly not, but i think going into it knowing it sucks would make the experience better than having having high expectations
Dont touch it. Almost parody how bad it is.
>tfw go-pro footage in the first film
>that fucking CGI battle in the third film
Borderline experimental
The movies arent even cringe or funny, thye are just boring and bad.
fucking gaylord ruined almost all the entire saga, almost, only the gay-dworf and the retard-she-elf were crappier
The first one was good.
this, PJ also was never allowed to do any pre-production work as well what fucked the movies even more
they were thinking they would get there own roller coaster at universal studios in a year or two.
LotR marathon every Christmas
This always breaks my heart when I watch it. When Richard Taylor compares the pre-production work of LOTR with the Hobbit using that image of racks of Uruk-Hai helmets, I just can't believe how much was screwed up. There's more to this Appendice clip that shows how they overcame some of the hurdles (which is commendable) but ultimately the execution was far from the quality of the originals.
>tfw getting the SEE DVD boxes three Christmases in a row and bingewatching them at grandma's
life will never be this comfy ever again
The first hobbit is actually really really good. 2 and 3 are some of the worst movies I've ever seen I mean like how did they fund this and think it would be good bad.
pretend it doesn't exist thats your best move
I think the first one is pretty much LOTR tier
The second one is pretty thoroughly mediocre but has some of the highlights of the trilogy, the scenes between Bilbo and Smaug are especially good
The third is genuinely one of the worst high budgeted movies in recent years, but also has some of the best scenes in all six movies. The acorn scene, the scene where Dwalin confronts Thorin, and the scene where Bilbo says goodbye to Gandalf are all brilliant. It's such a frustrating movie because with some heavy re-editing it could've been something really great.
SEE dvds?
what is that series
>that video thumbnail of jackson having no idea how to salvage the hobbit movies
I liked the 3rd one the most, because they threw their hands up in the sky and said "Fuck it, let's fill it with dumb shit." and went all the way with the ridiculousness.
As part of LotR, they are dogshit. On their own as "lmao turn your brain off" they are okay.
I really didn't like the Hobbit book either.
it satisfies the lotr nostalgia a bit, the films are bad but they had a few moments where it felt like watching lotr again.
special extended edition
Why did Peter have to include Tauriel? It's fine to have female characters and all but her sole reason seemed to be for this needless love triangle that really didn't add much to the movies.
Just do it. What else are you going to do
fun fact, she took that part under the explicit condition that she NOT be a love interest and they promised her that she wouldn't be lel
that must a good watch.
The dude also gained back some of the weight he had lost at the end of ROTK. I can't imagine the levels of stress he went through.
Where'd you get this piece of info?
they actually made a documentary on why the hobbit was such fucking garbage . all 3 were shit it should of been 1 not 3 they could definitely of had them over the misty mountians within 35 min and at lake town in 1 hour .
also the battle of the 5 armies was a train wreak it was not well thought out and portrayed at all like it was in the book . the elves and humans were fighting and they thought they were done for when out of nowhere the dwarves of the iron hills came charging down the hill swinging their axes above their heads . did any of them even open the fucking book ?
Fuck everyone behind this garbage shit show I hope jakasson dies
also the dwarves looked retarded
Where's the documentary
Yeah, all the love triangle stuff was added in reshoots when they decided to stretch it out to three films.
>dwarves looked retarded
Woah easy now. I'm not a big fan of the Hobbit but the designs for the dwarves and their military was pretty good.
Hey may be referencing the appendices they included in the DVDs but I have no idea.
>had a few moments where it felt like watching lotr again
or just watch the lotr
fuck the studios for wanting it to be in 3 parts
>For the record, when I took this job, in 2011, I made one stipulation. That's it. I just said… I swear to God, I said, 'I will not do this film if you will not guarantee me one thing. You have to guarantee me there will be no love triangle'.
>And there wasn't. For the whole time I shot. For a year of shooting there was no love triangle… And then, I came back for re-shoots in 2012 and they were like, 'Well, we made a couple of alterations to some scenes and we added a couple more scenes'.
>And all of a sudden manifested a love triangle before my very eyes and the film was shot, and I'm in and there's no getting out and there was no escaping it.
>Where's the documentary
guy who I was responding to posted it but only part of it.
2-3 look ok the rest shit feels like a disney 7 dwarves live action film
that was a rather a lot of don't know what the hell i'm doings
The only good lord of the rings movie was the first as well. The hobbit and smeagol parts are horrendous and boring. Peter Jackson as a whole isn't a great film maker, and Tolkien was a shit writer.
If the lord of the rings films didn't have any of the Sam and frodo and smeagol parts it would be a lot better. The fact that Sam and frodo split up from the fellowship is the dumbest thing in the whole series. The first hobbit film was great, but the other two have so much filler its obvious. They clearly were desperately trying to stretch all this shit across three films for money. The higher frame rate, huge amount of bad cgi, and the retarded battles made the hobbit films even worse.
>I'm not a big fan of the Hobbit but the designs for the dwarves and their military was pretty good
aside from the fact that they don't look like dwarves at all but rather like humans cosplaying as dwarves, sure
Wow so the love triangle was honest-to-god padding for padding's sake. And here I thought it was some GENUINE poorly written romance.
I saw the first one when it came out, and though it deviated from the source material a little and was clearly trying to be more epic than it needed to be I thought it was a pretty good movie.
I saw the second movie when it came out and found it very frustrating. Cartoony fight scenes, wild deviations from the book, a bunch of shit thrown in just to remind you that it's a prequel to LOTR, a completely unnecessary love triangle. The scenes with Smaug were mostly cool, except for the dwarves' plan to defeat him which was incredibly stupid, like so many other things in the movie. Then it ended on a cliffhanger even though they could have easily trimmed some of the bullshit from the middle of the movie. It had a few good aspects, but for the most part the second movie was a bloated mess.
I have not seen the third one.
I remember watching the appendices for the first movie. I think both of them were like 4hrs long or something crazy like that. It was super interesting seeing the production of a large budget movie in so much detail.
This is why you have all of your demands written down in your contract.
where the fuck is the download button in the link?
>lord of the rings movie was the first
two towers
return of the king
you can see hobbit jackson in rotk all hobbit films were trash first was just a little better
i only remember kate and the dwarf cunt, who made it a triangle?
No. Trust me when I tell you no. Avoid at all costs.
Not all of them. For the main cast they originally were going with thicker prosthetics which would've given them giant foreheads. So there was an attempt to make them stand out physically beyond being short. You can still see aspects of them, somewhat reduced, for some of the minor dwarves of the party like big noses or large heads. However the worst culprits that lacked anything distinguishable about them were Fili and Kili.
>I have not seen the third one.
Fellowship was so fucking good. The other two films have flaws but are great. It's just really draggy in all of the sam and frodo parts. But at least the films are good. The second and third hobbit movies have so much filler and it feels so forced and fake with all the cgi and fake environments. It's embarrassing. Peter Jackson is a money grubbing shit film maker, and it's obvious.
Legolas you dumbo
what is it with him and knockabout slapstick bullshit and turning action into an almost literal rollercoaster?
Orlando Boob
yeah, says it all really.
third one is like the second one without any of the goods part and all the worst parts amplified. it's pretty amazing how shit it really is.
Orlando bloom is so bad in these films. I didn't mind him in lord of the rings, but it's so God awful in the hobbit films. That she elf is bad too. I hate all the stupid fight scenes in the hobbit films where legolas can jump on people's heads or climb a staircase of falling stoned in slow motion. It's so bad. It's laughable.
where can I download the fan edit?
if you have to watch the hobbit, this is the way to go
A bit unrelated but I always hate how in this scene they charge into battle without any of the more protective armor they had just before. Like I understand its symbolic of Thorin's change of heart but really logic should not be overruled for such a scene.
anyone got the webm of the elves leaping over the dwarven shield wall?
That scene was something straight out of Prince of Persia. Its also pretty ridiculous when Legolas could control that bizarre mountain troll thing with his swords
that's just a review