Thoughts on the villain of the Star Wars sequel trilogy?
Kylo Ren
He's a fag
best part of TFA
I've only seen the first act of the new trilogy. Traditionally, the drama and interest are introduced in the second act. Please make this thread again in late January. Will you remember to do this?
Reminds me of myself. Intelligent, powerful, full of darkness.
Fairly interesting so far, looking forward to seeing what happens in the next film.
For you
The only semi interesting part of the new movies. The rest are all flat characters, or forced memes. The next movie will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt why Mark Hamil, and Carrie Fisher never got work after the original Star Wars.
At first I was like Why the fuck did he take his mask off already, but I like him. He seems very unpredictable.
The best and the only redeeming thing about the nustarwars.
Snoke is the villain, he's an antagonist.
I think he's quite promising. The actor is competent and the fact that he's not a fully trained sith lord leaves enough room for developing his character in new and interesting ways.
Yeah, that's exactly why he's interesting. Unpredictable but not in a random way, just crazy human way
Better than this side character, that's for sure
He probably won't be the big villain and have a redemption arc like Vader turning on the Emperor to protect Luke.
He has great potential as an antagonist-antihero.
He's my favorite Star Wars character, but I wish he was more fapable.
He being a white joke has to be on purpose. I mean... look at that fucking face for christ sake
I hear he has an 8-pack.
He looks beautiful here, too bad it's not real.
Dude needs jaw surgery and a rhinoplasty to look that good.
I can relate because I'm fairly ugly and have had a metal rod shoved up my ass as well.
I can't relate, because I could never find Lena Dunham attractive
I like that he's a bit goofy looking. Keep in mind that the original cast was goofy looking too. The problem with Hayden as Anakin was that Lucas went out looking for a teenage heart throb and picked one that couldn't act.
all ships attack the 10 xwings!
Well I assume he didn't find her attractive but, he was paid quite a bit of money to find her attractive.
Regarding op I don't find any of the villains interesting or threatening after TFA. Kylo was a loser, I get that's his thing but still meh. Phasma didn't do anything but get dumpstered and now I'm suppose to find her threatening.
Snook besides the stupid name is a mystery though so who knows.
So for villains they are 2/3 as jokes and 1/3 mystery.
the only performance that i'd like to see more of in these films. testament to driver's skill i guess
Garrett Hedlund would've made a cute Kylo Ren.
He's the only reason I have any interest in the sequel trilogy at all. Otherwise I'd just not bother.
He's a big wild card which is great. We didn't have that in either other trilogy, in the OT it was clear cut good guys vs. bad guys. The Prequel trilogy was boring as hell because we already knew what was going to happen. Kylo could honesty be a surprise, we sure as hell know Rey isn't going to suddenly get interesting.
I unironicaly hope he becomes the new Luke Skywalker of the series.
I hope Rey becomes dark, and he is forced to kill her, even though he comes to love her.
Kylo ren is the best part of the new trilogy.
Kylo redemption arc is all I want from the new star wars especially if it includes a fallen Rey
Hamill is one of the greatest voice actors of all time
He should have kept the fucking mask on. His introduction was great and then it all falls apart when he reveals his goofy ass lopsided face and Rey Sue out-forces him.
Who the fuck did this casting. This actor should only play Down syndrome afflicted characters by the look of him.
Villains should be at least mildly intimidating. This guy looks like my middle school sister would shove him out of her way
he's the only interesting part of it, and he's edgy as hell, so that says a lot about VII
HE banged lena dunham, his transformation is now complete
What did you just say bitch? Don't talk to my goat and me ever again.
He's the only ST character I'm interested in at this point.
His face is pig disgusting.
He's a decent actor and you don't need to be physically intimidating if you got psychic powers and an army.
lost pic
Christ is that from Eragon? Almost forgot that fever dream existed.
13 year old tumblr fujos pls go
I like how he's basically the equivalent of a Vader fanboy - trying to be just like his grandfather. He has an edgy, whiny teenager sort of vibe that works. I like the scene where he throws a tantrum and starts sperging out on the consoles.
Wtf I'm gay for Adam Driver now
Kek, yes it is.
I liked him in Silence
>Funny looking Vader fanboy with anger issues
>Fucks everything up
He's literally me
Yeah, welcome to my world post SNL "I hear Kylo-Ren is SHREDDED"
loved that
>Keep in mind that the original cast was goofy looking too
Pre-car crash Hamill was a genuine pretty boy.
Can't pinpoint what exactly changed. His nose?
>harrison ford goofy looking
okay, pal. you got any goofy looking friends you wanna present to me?
his nose seems less sharp, his chin and cheeks seem droopier, sharper cheekbones
also the light is gone from his eyes
Agree with all of you.
he's HOT
Nose, his nasolabial folds, eyes, and his skin in general looks more weathered.
I want to go back in time and protect this face from being ruined in a crash
He's the only new character that isn't boring shit. Finn is OK too, I guess.
Kylo Ren will be ruined though if Reylo happens.
This guy is one of the worst actors I've ever seen.
Yes, dear.
What did you expect from an actor with a name like Doomhain Geeson.