ITT: Scenes that traumatized you as a kid.
Pic related made me afraid of women and sex.
ITT: Scenes that traumatized you as a kid
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haha yes that is the word i would use for the effect it had hahah yes 'truamatized' haha
100% agreed OP, I too blame movies for my virginity.
This movie along with "true lies" strip scene were unironically some of my first faps.
I “traumatized” my penis to this scene relentlessly
I'd be exaggerating if I said this scene traumatized me but it certainly was unsettling for a little child to see
that and the whole "hey guess what you're going to die someday and before that you'll be frail and worthless with only your memories of the good times long ago to keep you sane" musical sequence at the end. jesus fucking christ.
That's just erotophonophilia. Don't take it so seriously.
Are you fucking serious? This was hot af. Don't get me started on the sauna scene. And her death scene? I was popping boners all over the place as a kid because of that.
>ITT: Scenes that traumatized you as a kid.
>Creepshow: The Raft.
>Where the chick gets eaten by the slime monster after the guy checks her tits out while she sleeps.
Equating boobs with slime monsters is not good.
>Nightmare on Elm Street 3
>Scene with the mirrors
I already didn't like mirrors and that made it worse.
>tfw you got scared shitless by IT but now you realize its just goofy ass Tim Curry in a clown costume
>>tfw you got scared shitless by IT but now you realize its just goofy ass Tim Curry in a clown costume
i know right?
Though to this day I don't think I could watch the clown scene from the original Poltergeist.
That's another one that really scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.
the original story of the raft: they're banging to keep warm, he's keeping his eye on the slime. staring into the slime puts you in a trance, it slowly moves up and grabs her by the hair and kills her.
"God! She was warm in there"
I was rock solid of this shit.
As I read this I honest-to-god thought you were going to say it climbed up her snatch
>the original story of the raft: they're banging to keep warm, he's keeping his eye on the slime. staring into the slime puts you in a trance, it slowly moves up and grabs her by the hair and kills her.
>pulls out..
>black slime coated penis comes out
Just thought of another one...
Punky Brewster Halloween episode (Perils of Punky)...
Jesus Christ on a crutch what the fuck were they thinking?
>thought you were going to say it climbed up her snatch
the saved that story line for an ep of The Orville
Toilets are a baby's first nightmare
>tfw (((they))) intentionally put scenes in movies where sex is equated with violence/death
>tfw (((they))) want people to need violence to get aroused
One of the GOAT kid's movie songs.
>saw Exorcist as a kid, scared af
>saw Exorcist recently, still scared af
The version with Pazuzu's face hidden throughout the movie was creepy as fuck.
This scene gave me a boner I still have to this day
I was more weirded out by it than anything. I was like, "That doesn't look very nice or fun."
I can't believe no one ever mentions this scene.
I still hate that scene.
More like scenes that are responsible for your femdom fetish
Donkey transformation in The adventures of Pinocchio. The live version.
Literally had to turn off the movie at this scene. Didn't finish it until years later. To this day, it still makes me uncomfortable.
>Young when IT broadcasts.
>Dont get to watch it because "muh nightmares"
>Resident Evil 1 on Playstation comes out, gives me nightmares.
>Mans me the fuck up for Resident Evil 2.
>Huh, thats not so bad.
>Certain scary movies I used to get scared of no longer bug me.
>Silent Hill 2 game, by then im full blown cynical and know how these movies are made, games too.
>Decide to watch IT.
>Its fucking boring.
In a way, I both miss that childhood side of me, and dont considering as a full blown adult my over active imagination would kill me if I was afraid of the dark or some shit.
But you know what movie still gives me the creeps a bit?
The Blob remake, specific, where the child fucking MELTS!
I distinctly remember as a kid having no idea what was going on in this scene.
based toadposting
this fucker made me afraid of going in my basement
What's that from?
Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan. I remember watching this as a kid and eating a whole box of Rice Krispie's Treats.
Return of the Living Dead
I first saw The Matrix when I was 6 or 7, and for an afternoon, I thought life was a simulation.
The first exposure I had to a sex scene or sex in any context was the Wicked City Anime.
If you think Xenia harmed your psyche, Imagine my feelings at seeing Xenia as my second exposure to sex in any context. I thought roughly all evil women could naturally do that if the guy couldn't pull out in time and I never watched legit porn because of this alone until maybe 2009/2010.
I live with the shame of throwing my first two girlfriends off of me mid-intercourse because I didn't know better. "Gold medalist" and "Mr. Olympic" has been a running joke with my friends for years because they often tried to estimate how far I threw them.
I want of this fucking planet
>Creepshow: The Raft
Real talk: is she having formaldehyde injected in to her face? Why else is it piss colored?
There isn't enough NOPE in the universe.
Good luck living with that, though.
The scene in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang where that child snatcher comes to town and grabs the two main kids and hauls them off in his prison cart. Fuuuuck that guy.
Nice shoop
she can "traumatize" me any time
Man this scene bothered me as a kid so much. Perhaps this was the seed that caused me to adopt an emotional connection to a certain plane scene later in life..
I don't like spiders anymore
>Tfw unfortunate enough to see "The Fly" as a kid
Kinda surprised Xenia's face here has never been used as a reaction image. But no this didn't traumatize me, just made me horny.
>that guy who gets melted by acid in Robocop
this entire fucking movie. It's a bad movie but as a kid it made me so goddamn depressed. When the guy ended up skipping his entire life I just slipped into this spiral of like "is life really that short and meaningless? Is most of life just the bad stuff?" etc. and it changed how I thought of everything forever. Gave me intense existential dread. Only movie that ever had this effect on me to such a vast extent and so directly.
I was like 8 years old.
>8 years old
Kill yourself.
>the year is 2003
>7 yo blackanon is at some barber shop in the hood
>wait time at ghetto barbershops is like 5 hours
>some bootleg movie is on the television
>whatever looks boring
>some white dude I'd later know as joaquin pheonix is on the computer
>wait what is he watching
>pic related gives me nightmares for months
and then there was the time they put on from dusk till dawn. good times
My parents rented Robocop on VHS from Blockbuster way back when and scared me and my brother to the point of tears and hiding under blankets (we were like, 7 and 11 respectively or something?). I lol now thinking about their horrified faces when they realized they were scarring their innocent dumbass kids
>as a kid
I was already in college with a girlfriend when this came out. Underages has to go.
i loled and then reported him. I hope he gets banned.
i should rewatch this movie but i dont remember it as one of my favorite disnep movies
He 18ffs just point him to the nearest trap bread and be done with it.
When Boris Karloff wakes up in 1932 Mummy. All that decayed, rotten looks and then his hand moves. Seen that movie, well that scene at very young age, probably in 70s coz black and white tv screens were still around.
this scene
I always loved how well animated the spider lady was. overall really good movie with solid sex scenes.
lol how unique
it's my ________FUNCTION________
pull out game strong
Honor kill it please...
ahh yes black barbershops where true philosophers meet
The Blob remake fucked me up as a kid, lol. The scene you mentioned stuck with me but also the idea it was a monster that could move through pipes and get in through any crack really let my imagination take over.