>Im all in
Im all in
Other urls found in this thread:
>*baby sounds*
I would literally fold to Dwan every time unless I had a nut flush (and he'd river a FH with 7, 2 off suit)
>lactation begins
>all in on the river
>when you don't even have the highest pair
>He called a raise with a Q 10 Honey!
>its just so sick
>no concept of poker
You need to bluff on some of your bricked hands otherwise you're not playing balanced and can be exploited. If you never bluff and you only value-bet you won't get paid.
was he /our guy/ ???
Literally poker kino
The poker chips, Dwan...
i love durrr
That's not a terrible call especially in position, he's getting almost 2:1. Phil just gets steamed so easily that's kind of his thing.
How can he be stopped?
was he just raging cause he lost or is there some poker etiquette Levy broke that im not aware of?
Sup Forums WSOP threads were absolute kino back in the day...
nay. this is youtube.com
Phil thought he had the best hand, but he didn't and he got pissy.
Pokerkino coming right up
he's such an ugly autist it makes me sick
only reason he ever got to meme on people is because he's such a fucking ugly autist
that head nod he does? holy fuck, put the guy in an institution
Have you seen him lately?
> I'm the captain of the table, Phil
not that it matters but Im pretty sure hes gay too. Hes never been spotted with women and I remember when he first became rich he ended up moving into a mansion with his "male roommate."
how are you guys posting about pokerkino without the greatest vid of all time
The real life Australian shitposter
He's Lithuanian.
>When he was 11 years old, he moved to Australia.
He assimilated.
THIS is kino
I had trips.
Phil raised to 3x the blinds pre-flop. Usually you'd only call that with a pretty decent hand, and Q-10 isn't particularly great. Most pros wouldn't call that unless they were really far ahead in chip count.
QTs is for sure playable, especially in position. A 3xBB bet from Phil is only 1BB more than a min-raise. From the button you should be playing a ton of your holdings.
one of the greatest putdowns of all time
seriously though, helmuth with his fucking coach? get a bike, homos
Suited tho
How is pro poker a thing? Doesn't poker have absurd amounts of RNG because it's gambling?
I mean it's random but not exactly RNG. You can deduce to some degree what your chances are with stats but that's where bluffing and betting come in. Only like 50% of the game is what cards you have
It depends on how you play. If you play on the internet you can play so many hands that if you play well with maths eventually you will win. The more hands you play, the more % will tell you if you win or not. If you play tourneys and/or casino it's more about playing the players. But most pro's back when poker was huge got most of their money through sponsor deals.
Video is from 2008, old schoolers were nit as fuck and pre flop raise sizes were all over the place, now yeah, for the current meta and GTO approach, QTs is pretty standard call and not aggressive at all
It's completely gambling
Pros hide behind it being a skill game because they make an argument about long term statistical edges
Don't ever play that shit, they will rob you blind
youre playing against the players, not just RNG like blackjack or some dumb shit.
>I didn't look at my cards
>Really? then I'm in
This is comedy gold
Rounders sequel when?
ive played my fair share of poker and rounders is some poker kino
Tony G always be trollin'
What's the one where the commentator says "meltdown in 3, 2, 1..."
You're all in, and for that reason I'm all out.
>there are people who think staged gambling is entertaining
And I thought capeshit threads were bad
does he still owe millions?
wtf happened to that guy
High Stakes Poker was so comfy. Post kino hands.
Tony G is best.
>Trouble in River City
That's a pretty good reference. I'm going to start using that.
they re did it this year with tom dwan and shit, but i cant find anywhere to watch it
Gabe Kaplan is the best commentator. I will never forget that "two and a half men" joke he made about David Benyamine and one other guy.
this is excellent
you have to subscribe or some shit fuck that
>Of course I lied! It's poker, Phil!
>that look on esfandiaris face after hearing tom dwan say "im all in"
pure kino
Anyone got the video where he says "The only way you can beat me is if you get a queen!" then they draw a queen and the guy teleports out of the building.
Did Dwan get AIDS while he was overseas?
Durrrr reminds me of Mr. Robot.
This never gets old.
did he win or lose? can't tell
Motherfuckers act like they forgot about tuff fish
He lost and just got the fuck out of there.
is that the dude from mega64?
Give me a quick rundown.
Guy has to get first to stay in and others are safe so he says fuck and goes in basically every play and ends up winning
>I think he's from Florida, or someplace stupid
That's hilarious. How did that scenario come to be?
Just the rules of the tournament. Other people had their places for the knockout basically secured and so he knew they wouldn't risk too much so he ended up going all in 20 times in a row without even looking at his cards and even when it ended up going badly when it came to the turn/flop/river he always ended up with the card he needed
He lost so hard that he dematerialized, and his atoms were scattered across the universe
why does it matter what position you're in on the table? i haven't played poker much at all but it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. you're either gonna bet or you're not depending on the hand right? why do some act like certain cards are better in different spots?
You want to be the last person to go because you can see how everybody else acts before you bet.
Poker is a game of skill. Sure, there's luck involved, just like there's luck involved in football, but the best players will still tend to consistently dominate over time.
That's why online poker should have never been banned in the US, comparing it to sports betting.
lol what. theres so many different possibilities
someone can be going first and want to look strong with a weak hand, then if they hit the flop they get paid off because no one would possibly think youd raise early with a 45 suited, etc.
Never watched poker before, how often is it this hilarious?
Is there a name for the even where someone is so new or incompetent at something that they actually end up succeeding because they don't follow the traditional conventions?
beginner's luck?
wile e. coyote?
No, not really luck. Like someone is expecting you to do what everyone else does but because you don't follow the trend they end up failing
What does Sup Forums think of Gus Hansen?
Gus Hansen is a fookin legend
i know what you're referring to, i'm just trying to think if it's called anything. the closest thing i can think of is "beginner's luck."
with fighting games, someone might get called a "buttonmasher." in poker, i've heard people disparage others for playing a "slot machine."
do you think levy saw through phils big pre-flop raise and put him on a mid pocket pair
He seems like a really nice dude.
Dwan was the absolute madman that made me start playing. I miss the poker boom
Should I get into online poker? I like playing it but have no friends