Never forget.
Never forget
Reddit Tier Post
>Barb is the final boss of Stranger Things
Literally useless character.
her face makes me want to vomit
if i wanted to see this much ugly, i'd go to work
Too late.
i just want to rub my dick along her sweaty legs and then shove my nose as deep as i can in her ass
Tfw no Barb gf
Not if you like kino eye candy.
Never forget.
I'd like to see her upsidedown
fucking boring bitch - like if it was such a problem that your friend was having fun, growing up, having sex for the first time then fuck off - instead she's all like "cinndyyy what are you doing :'( but I'm lonely"
like fuck off slut you've got the car, stop ruining the mood, had no patience for bitches like this myself
>never forget
>can't remember
bitch was square and frumpy
I'm glad they didn't try the resurrect Barbara meme in season 2
Looks EXACTLY like my brother's ex.
would probably sperm her face if drunk
>implying he didn't bait you with this exact knowledge
and blind
She was top tier thicc qt. Why didn't you save her Sup Forums?
It's all Steve's fault. Typical Steve.
Never forget, she died trying to make sure Nancy got home safe. We never deserved Barbara.
Dumb guy here who doesn't keep track with fan theories.....why was Will kept alive by the monster but not Barb?
Nice blog, faggot.