What is Thor doing here?
Trying to outdo Cap's helicopter pull. From the looks of it, he's failing.
forging his axe
Trying to stop Bucky from escaping in a helicopter
That's just how some aliums jack off, user.
He's trying to dilate Hela's vagina.
trying to outdo caps helicopter scene from winter soldier
trying to fit new ram
Forging his new weapon in the star forge.
It's the new "Captain America pulling a helicopter, but really just showing off his body" stunt.
nigger you stole my comment.
whatever it is, its an intentional rip-off of the comic all-star superman, something you dcpajeets and synderfags wouldn't know anything about since its seen as the ultimate superman story. anyway at the end the sun is going to be destroyed by this machine placed inside the core, so superman files into the sun and there are gears and levers like that inside and he has to work them forever or the sun will explode, so he sacrifices himself for us, and stays in there forever (the pure solar radiation keeps him alive).
*the whole join you in the sun speech from man of steel is from allstar superman.
Based Marvel giving DC fans a scene they never would have seen otherwise
He's pulling levers which are opening the giant door behind him.
well its really fucking obvious a company as shitty as wb would never make something that kino. pic related. a great laugh.
>snyderfags wouldn’t know the comics that influence the films
If you believe the leaks from a couple days ago, it has something to do with him building a sword from the same material mjolnir. So thats a giant forging machine and something to do with a giang midget idk man should of screen shot it
Operating the forge that will make his new weapon. An axe.
He is the one that turns the Game of Thrones intro wheels.
Dying. He wants out of this shitty universe with shit villians.
Purple Homer Simpson wants his jellybeans
Opening a wormhole to travel back to Earth with GotG
Why are producers so oblivious to the real world?
I think it was an axe actually
Kek I need more of these.
>Right is colorful and well-framed
>Left is drab and so dark you can hardly tell what's going on
>Snyder frame has a bit of gray in it
Snyder is fucking shit. He copies a few frames from the comics without any understanding of the motivations of the characters or the context of their stories and retards lap it up. He's a fucking hack that do anything other than visuals.
Here's one about a Fox executive: there was an X-Men 2 screening at the studio, and normally producers will bring their families and friends to these things. The third act of the movie involves Professor X being tricked into thinking he's talking with a little girl in the X-mansion when in reality he's talking with a creep in a dungeon. So the movie is shifting back and forth from the vision world to the real world.
The movie finishes and an executive gets up and says that the ending made no sense, it was very confusing and audiences would never like the movie, and he wanted it all to be changed. But the executive's 9-year-old daughter stood up and said, "I understood it!" and explained it all to him, much to the relief of the crew.
Snyder is trash btw
>a bit of gray in it
>a bit
What ever happened to Natalie Portman? Does Thor not care about her anymore?
Snyder's movies look like fucking garbage dude
What app is this? Been looking for a solid chess app
Sacrificing himself for the greater good ;-;
>you can hardly tell what's going on
get your eyes checked, pleb
Ragnarok had him mention that they had gone their separate ways, in a more quippy way
this and this, Snyder got all wrong with the Ross motivations
she got fired
He's forging his new Axe