ITT: Things you would have never believed years ago
>Michael Bay is going to make a series of huge blockbusters off of the Transformers cartoons
ITT: Things you would have never believed years ago
>Michael Bay is going to make a series of huge blockbusters off of the Transformers cartoons
Other urls found in this thread:
>Justice League will be destroyed by Thor 3
>that kid playing Chekov in the new Star Trek is going to die like a moron getting crushed by his SUV
>banes a big guy for me
>one day she'll be gone
S-shut up
>You know that orange douchebag who hosts The Apprentice? He's our president now.
>Sup Forums will be completely spammed to hell and back by Sup Forumstard manchildren with fucking capeshit and they actually have fanboy wars over million dollar ips like the bunch of fucking peabrained shills they are
Come on man.
why don't you just go somewhere else?
That pic related is now a broken down housecuck.
Shouldn't you ask this about the people literally spamming shit from Sup Forums?
I would have believed that immediately. This was after Spiderman and X-Men. Turning silly cartoons / toys into big blockbusters was an established strategy at that point.
>the prequels will be bad
>you're still a virgin and you still aren't happy
That characters like guardians of the galaxy would overshadow DCs top superheroes.
>one trivial line from a movie would spawn the biggest meme ever
use a filter if it upsets you
>not believing this years ago
You're chad
They would make a Simpsons Movie and not end the fucking show.
We would have two Star Trek-like series on (STD and Orville) and one would be funny and the other serious and you would like the funny one the most.
> And mostly, the New Yorker that did a cameo in Home Alone 2 and had his Apprentice show would be save western civilization.
>Fassbender is a sellout little bitch
>that guy from The Notebook will become one of your favorite actors
>Prince is going to die in under 10 years
>this emo music you hate will infect rap and kids will be getting tattoos on their face and take those pills mom takes to help her calm down when she gets all anxious and irritable
>you're gonna stay on Sup Forums
>Johnny Depp is gonna go full JUST
>the world isn't going to improve
These two. Even in Marvel, Thor is nowhere near being as popular as Spidey, Tony, Logan, etc. And the GoTG while funny cater to a niche audience at best. If you fucking told me that these two properties by themselves would destroy DC at the BO, then I'd call you a fucking liar.
>that guy from The Notebook will become one of your favorite actors
okay, you got me there. that's true.
no one has ever called me chad so thanks for this
Spotted the youngfag
He was known for a lot more than just The Apprentice. He was basically Mr New York. He's even mentioned in American Psycho (the book)
Sup Forums will be largely populated by actual, unironic Nazis
>Louis CK is going to become the biggest comic in the world and then lose everything because he made some girls watch him masturbate.
>i would unironically be a divorced single dad
haha kill me please
how old are you? I'm 25
Brendan will become un-just
>Batman v Superman will be destroyed by Iron Man 3
Blade runner will get a sequel and it will actually be really good
You ass, they would just say Donald Trump, who was really relevant in the 2000s because of The Apprentice, but not known for that, and the joke of him being president is a lot older than now.
A film featuring a dispute between Iron who? and Captain Who would do better at box office than Batman vs Superman and JUSTice League
it's interesting that Sup Forums blames live-action capeshit discussion on Sup Forums and Sup Forums blames it on Sup Forums
This was obvious unless you were a brainlet.
>James Cameron would make the highest-grossing film of all time not once, but twice
>Twin Peaks will get a new season, and despite being as weird and fucked up as Inland Empire, it's actually a damn good love letter to the original show with tons of fan service
It's Sup Forums's fault for unironically liking comic books and cartoons, and Sup Forums's fault for wanting to ironically discuss their derivative products.
>Twin Peaks is going to have a 3rd season and it's going to fucking SUCK
>JK Simmons and Michael Keaton will both have Oscars
>You're going to end up becoming extremely sympathetic towards Jonah Hill
>that idiot from that Step Up movie your little sister loves will become a movie star
>Pikachu ends up speaking
>Things will get better but you're gonna stay on Sup Forums
>There will be more Star Wars films, but they won't start like this.
>and he will be for 7 more years, minimum
Sup Forums are literally tumblrtards who unironically watch nucartoon network trash and post about it
>she will never leave me
>she will never cheat on me
>our love will last forever
I'm not trying to start shit but you're crazy if you think Trump is getting a second term.
you are going to get trapped in a loveless marriage by a horrible shrew of a woman that destroys your career, alienates you from your friends and fans, and forces you to raise another man's child
>Every white person who wants their country to not be displaced by non-whites are part of a 70 year old, short-lived, foreign political party.
>He'll never win the nomination
>You're crazy if you think he'll get elected
>Impeachment is coming any day now
>>Twin Peaks is going to have a 3rd season and it's going to fucking SUCK
imagine being this much of a plebbit retard
24, but I'm not American
Perhaps I'm wrong but I thought The Apprentice was a side joint for him and he was already famous well before it
sounds an awful lot like what people were saying before he won in the first place
My husbands daughter
Bill will get married to a feminist negroid who controls his entire life and fortune
>a biopic about Tommy Wiseau is getting rave reviews and may be in the running for some Oscars
Not an argument.
so all that holocaust denial is just ironic then?
Good points except Jonah Hill is a plastic douche who only got to where he is via nepotism. He is self-deprecating because he ought to be. He's a one trick pony ("sarcastic, awkward loser") and he's so bad at it people immediately ignore he exists every time he loses a little weight. His being fat is an crucial part of his "comedy" even though it's never really acknowledged, let that sink in. I mean, he doesn't do fat jokes much and yet his whole persona falls apart the moment he's no longer fat. That's crazy limited range.
>Donald Trump is actually going to be President
I actually still don't believe it and I was 100% pro Trump the whole election.
How can you even say that with a straight face?
at least I get alimony
Ah yes, Sup Forums, the wholesome imageboard known for its virtuous and morally upstanding userbase being corrupted by "nazis". Who could have imagined?
>Disney will buy the rights to Marvel and as a result the film industry will become over saturated with comic book movies, going so far as to have up to 3 a year, and they'll all be the same bullshit over and over, and I'll likely never enjoy one ever again. On top of all that, the last comic book movie I'll like is Spiderman 3.
>Disney will buy FUCKING STAR WARS and take a bigger dump on it's legacy than the prequels did
>The Jurassic Park franchise will return, with Bryce Dallas Howard of all people as the lead actress, and despite it being shit I'll like it more than the new Star Wars
I remember checking the upcoming movie trailers on the previews on demand channel or whatever it was called and seeing Transformers, and I thought it was some kind of joke. I watched it, saw live action footage of a probe landing a rover on mars and a robot briefly appearing on screen to destroy it and it blew my fucking mind. The thought of a live action Transformers movie seemed so fucking strange to me it didn't seem possible. Then again I was 14 at the time.
This is actually a good thing bros. let the redditurds think like this. It will keep more of them at home ripping the bong and watching rick and north instead of voting come Election Day if they think they'll have a clear sweep.
Someone who has questions about what happened in concentration camps isn't the same thing as a Nazi.
>controls his life and fortune
Billy boy buying a helicopter says not, but I will agree she is either a great foil for him to make fun of her beliefs on his podcast, or neurotic and micro managing his life.
I still don't get why he sold the drums. It sounds like Cleo is at some "dog retirement place" that he can go visit her at when he wants.
I don't really like Nia, but she's not ruining Bill completely, its just annoying that she tries to soften down his views at every chance.
He was like Warren Buffet tier famous before reality TV
anybody else want in on the screencap?
Yes fellow bros I am a member of Sup as well do you like mud clips?
no, I agree with other user, it's shit
>characters stare at each other for 5+ seconds
>one of them says something weird
>more staring
>out of place brutal murder scene
>cut to different characters staring at each other, mumbling weird shit
>look, here's another character you recognize from back in the day
It's everything that sucked about the second season of Twin Peaks, minus everything that was good about the first season. I won't deny that some scenes had potential but I tuned out within the first episode. I forced myself to sit through the whole thing (it was a double episode, right?) but that was it. Not going back.
Mr. Robot has been doing this stare-off nonsense way too much as well. Basically every scene is like that now and I'm sick of it. What makes Mr. Robot watchable is that it tells a coherent plot in an overall competent manner.
Twin Peaks is emperor's new clothes trash like most of Lynch's work. He's always got those strokes of genius but they really seem to be strokes rather than intentional.
yes start by not cropping out my initial 7 year reply and my followup about the nomination and election, faggot
He's the reason NYC isn't one giant XXX theater covered in AIDS cum
He was. Just all the younger people know him for the apprentice because Sup Forums people were children when it first aired
>The first ever live action BATMAN VS SUPERMAN movie will make less than a billion dollars worldwide.
>tfw brown
>tfw liberals telling me he'll crash the economy
>tfw liberals telling me I'll be lynched
>tfw liberals telling me everything will get worse
It's been over a year and everything is exactly the same. He's a buffoon who doesn't know when to shut up, but he's not destroying my life like they promised.
>The Apprentice was a side joint for him and he was already famous well before it
this is accurate, he's pretty much a b list celebrity his whole life because of his money and intermingling with the media. he's talked about running for office at some level for years.
the apprentice was him trying to stay relevant. people tend to tire of him and treat him like a punching bag/joke, then he would do goofy shit like a movie cameo or the apprentice and he'd get back in a positive light. right before he ran for president people where tired of him and his show was going to get cancelled. the presidency gave him a 20th wind, i'm pretty sure if he hadn't won he'd probably be irrelevant now and maybe even caught up in the weinstein scandal, without the presidency/trump tards backing him up he'd probably fall along with the rest.
it's actually 3 more years minimum
if we're being factual
7 more years maximum
Is it possible you are so hyper-intelligent that other people can't even understand the difference between minimum and maximum
Or are you just so autistic you can't catch a simple joke
everything is slightly worse actually and more tense
the world didn't end but don't be naive about his political missteps.
I haven't listened to his podcast in a few weeks.
He sold the drums?!
He loved those things, that's awful.
I saw this one on /r/Sup Forums as well
it's hard to know a statement is a joke when it's not funny and just seems like everyday ignorance
RIP green sparkle
I stopped listening to the podcast for a few months, and when I came back they had been sold, still unsure as to why, he didn't need the money and they were in the garage.
I think NIA bullied him with "muh baby needs to sleep" type of BS
That's why I said buffoon. He's made plenty of blunders, but people treat a president like an emperor who single handedly controls all of a nations institutions. The executive branch has less power than the legislative or even Wall Street. They are the ones that control when we go into booms and recessions and into war.
>Ben Affleck will make an academy award winning Best Picture and then will become Batfag and lose everything
>the Minnesota guy with a soothing voice from public radio is a rapist
>the guy from The Man Show is America's left-wing conscience
if the situation is worse and more tense it's because the left are too childish to acknowledge defeat and continue to act irrationally because the big scary orange man is in the white house. apparently their tactic is to try and make everything as shitty as possible for everyone to show what a bad president trump is. they're doing a good job of making everyone miserable, but they certainly aren't convincing anyone that it's trump's fault.
l m a o
>everything is slightly worse actually and more tense
Lmao you're spending too much time on Reddit and Twitter
Is that Ivana Trump?
>i can't make a good joke reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>he hasn't watched HyperNormalisation
or more irl and not on just Sup Forums
Sup Forums called this shit for years, the only thing they were wrong about was a black guy being there while he jerked off.
or maybe he is just growing up and noticing tension and getting more cynical things as part of growing up. I definitely felt like things were getting worse and worse in the late 2000s. I never attributed it to any politician but I can see how it could happen, especially when the media feed you that narrative. Blaming DROMPS is an easy containment mechanism where you put a lid on all the negativity and pretend like it's temporary. Imagine it from a cuck's point of view: Blaming Trump creates the prospect that once Trump is defeated by the cuck army or at last by the 2 term rule for presidents the world will be as comfy as it was before harsh reality set in. It's a seductive idea.
>Twin Peaks is going to have a 3rd season and it's going to fucking SUCK
Imagine the brain cells this fucking mongoloid has
>a Star Wars movie EVERY YEAR
>No more (good) star wars games
>the Hobbit movie is actually 3 movies and they suck
>Di Caprio will finally get an Oscar in a movie that cares more about the environment and lights than its protagonist
>Wolverine gets its closure in a serious but not overly tryhard grim manner
>a dark Super man movie
>Sup Forums fringe calling people trying to avoid wall of texts redditors.
>Twin Peaks will have a third season
>and is incredibly padded
>and it teases an ending, then another then it does not end
>Xfiles gets a new season but does not end the story
literally nothing has changed. society is still declining into ruin
>there will be a trend amongst all major studios to give roles made for white or asian people to black actors and people will literally sit there and call you crazy for pointing it out to them instead of thinking about why they would do that
>The Lord of the Rings, SIX GIANT BOOKS of Fantasy gets condensed to 3 films
>The Hobbit, a children's novel gets THREE FILMS of the same length
It doesn't make any sense. Really it just doesn't.
>six giant books
Im guessing english isnt your first language? Most foreign publishers split them up.