really makes you think
They're big guys too.
>all 4 villains are white
Lasseter's got it spot on desu
>The first thing you gotta know about me, I’m a hugger
more like alarmingly bland
Uhh one is a grey spider thing and the other one is literally a pink bear
>taking what womyn say seriously
he may be a grey spider but if that grey spider ate a button that made people into human you'd be surprised if it was a black guy be honest
I’m getting pretty fucking sick of women and their oppression
>First thing you need to know about me: I am a hugger
what did he mean by this?
The grey spider thing is a CEO, he is obviously supposed to be white.
Make comparisons all you want, but I think women would rather have a man hug them than a giant fucking spider
any evidence to back this up?
How do think THEY feel!?!?!??!!??!?!?!
spiders are the fiercest killer in the animal kingdom
Wasn't Lasseter's apology about giving hugs?
Tbh it's more due to dramatic purposes. It makes a nice little "twist" (too much of a word) to have the nice elderly father figure turn out to be the villain.
Disney really can't write villains very well.
That's how it was spun by disney related companies. He was actually molesting women constantly.
The hug thing was to tie into the jew meme of "wow this is such a witch hunt guys, can you believe these women? they're all making it up aren't they? heh crazy let's just ignore it"
>the jew meme of "wow this is such a witch hunt guys, can you believe these women? they're all making it up aren't they? heh crazy let's just ignore it"
I didn't know Sup Forums was a jew meme.
Fred Willard’s character in Wall-E was not a villain....well not to the story, AUTO was the villain.
king candy was well done imo. all the clues were there but because of the order they were given it still surprised me
If Sup Forums is correct about it's retarded theories, than of course they'd be under Jew control. How could they not be? Everything is.
>I didn't know Sup Forums was a jew meme.
Then you have been successfully fooled like most.
This is the laziest cope yet. Fix your narrative.
>Max Landis
How is it lazy? If the Jews tricked 75% of the world population for thousands of years, why would Sup Forums be immune? Sup Forums campaigned for the Republican Party last election. They loved Trump (even though they pretend otherwise now). He's got Jews IN HIS FAMILY.
No because that spider has black people hair
>t. kissless virgin
>alarmingly on brand