>and they call it a mine
And they call it a mine
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should have wrote this guy out, heard he was a sour puss almost all the time on set.
probably spoiled the mood for the children playing the hobbits
Nice meme faggot. Pretty sure he was the most passionate about the film out of all the actors.
The actors of the Fellowship literally loved each other like brothers
No wonder the homosexual tension showed up in the film
you're full of shit. The guy would up and buy the whole cast dinners and was notoriously generous and funny.
>t. someone who was obsessed with the behind-the-scenes of these movies
If you're looking for a sourpuss, apparently McKellen was really feeling his age around them young bucks
He constantly felt self-conscious because that fucking beard and prosthetic shit made him swell up like a red balloon. You'd feel uncomfortable too.
>The guy would up and buy the whole cast dinners
In the bloopers for Two Towers (I think), Merry and Pippin were comparing the sizes of their dicks and tried to hide a blow-up doll
>they call it a meme
That's called a joke user. I take it you're on the spectrum right?
I want to do a supercut of every time in The Hobbit and LoTR movies where they stop to say the name of a place they're about to arrive at but I don't have good editing software and I don't want to watch like all 20 hours of both trilogies.
Durin's Bane? You don't get to pass with orcs.
>every time in The Hobbit and LoTR movies where they stop to say the name of a place they're about to arrive at
>That's not how you spell Christopher Lee.
Seriously though that guy was something like a Tolkien scholar. He was autistically into the stuff.
Based Lee
these movies are so boring its just a bunch of guys running lol
It is one of those movies dangerously close to being incomprehensible to grills.
Not true. All of the English major chicks are into those movies.
i dont believe you
i dont think the modern women could even comprehend or be empathetic to arwen and aragorn's love story
it's a-mine, moria!
Holy shit, I fucking hate myself for laughing about this shit meme.
Nobody will ever miss you as much as this when you die.
I always liked how JRD was so enthusiastic during those bonus clips in The Two Towers video game.
was it really acceptable even in 2001?
>the scene where the hobbits accidentally light off the firework, and a giant japanese fighter plane comes out and flies over the village
what the fuck?
As a desert dude from a mining town, this scene made me cry.
Literally the only thing I've ever heard about him that can be construed as negative in that regard was that he didn't want to get a group tattoo. That's not really a negative thing though, it's his right to not want to permanently alter his skin. Nothing else but seeming like he's having a blast while wildly swinging his axe at the orc actors and forcing them to dodge or actually be hit by it.
Were they, perchance, hot dinners?
The most beautiful yet tragic piece of kino of all time.
:*( fuuuuuck, user.....
So how did Gandalf know that Moria had been overrun when Gimli had no fucking clue until he saw the skeletons of dead dwarves?
He reread the trilogy once a year.
He was the only member of the cast and crew to have actually met and spoken to Tolkien.
It was a dream of his to play Gandalf, but when the opportunity presented itself he was too old and had to settle for the less physical role of Saruman.
All this and over 5 decades of other films and theater and before that he fought the Nazis. He was also a heavy metal singer well into his 80s.
Lee was unironically an Übermensch.
He didnt know, he just knew about shadow and flame.
Understandable why he got so pissed when they cut his death out of the theatrical release..
>you may just see a few orcs but I see the new age of the amerimutt
I know its from pol and everything but I find it funny because of the literal implication of the orcs actually taking over and replacing humans in day to day life. Its really weak meta commentary on immigration is a lot less interesting.
Butt brothers.
amerimutt is an Sup Forums meme, it actually triggers Sup Forums to no end
I meant the image I posted, but I would go further and say independent of where the meme came from, its very pol in nature.
>probably spoiled the mood for the children playing the hobbits
nobody commented on this kek