My father told me

>My father told me

Being Æthelwulf is suffering

He's just gonna get chucked again isn't he? I'd wish the series could stop shitting on literally the only sorta-likeable non-Viking it has since they killed Athlestan, and one of the few likeable characters left, period.

If he doesn't have a redemption arc where he becomes based as fuck I'm dropping the show.

I especially cringe at his wife's retarded LIBERATED WOMYN character arc that consists of nothing but letting men fuck her and give her stuff. She's done literally NOTHING namewirthy in the entire series.

For all her faults, Kwyntreth at least had initiative and a sympathetic fucked-up backstory to justify her being bananas. Alfred's Mom did nothing save get fucked and act like she's fucking Queen Victoria.

>shown to be anice guy
>tries to be nice to vikings
>shat on
>gets cucked by Athelstan
>gets cucked by his dad
>falls in love with Kwenryth who likes him too
>slut Judith kills her
>dead dad
>living in swamp
>now might get cucked again

I really like Æthelwulf. He gets shit on by everyone while he just wants to do his duty to god and his kingdom.
based paladin.

same here the only likable char on show atm

I swear to god if Judith doesn't die at some point and Æthelwulf ends up with the first historical wife Osburh somehow.

There's literally no reason to hate the guy either, everyone in the show is insufferable one way or another but him.

Bad news, he dies after losing a big battle against the Danes, along with Bishop Heahmund the Templar-200-Years-Before-The-Templars-Were-Established.

>Lagertha went from "Okay, this shieldmaiden thing's silly, but let's let it slide since it's lowkey and she's overall likeable" into "ALL WOMYN ARMY WOMYN KING GIRL POWER BITCHES" stern forced badass.
>Kudos to the guy playing Ivar because he does a spectacularly convincing sadistic, rage-filled unlikeable little shit, but the character is unfortunately a sadistic, rage-filled unlikeable little shit.
>Bjorn's suddenly turned into a sour ass with his DON'T QUESTION ME WOMAN and random acts of boring OBEY ME
>Ubbe is nice, but not much else. He's just "the not shit one."
>The other brother whose name sounds like you're choking on a plum stone is a nonentity.
>After some terribly-written actor-fiat contrivances, Floki's fucked off to who gives a shit
>Hararandanos Fairhair or whoever it was is a fucking mustache-twirling cartoon villain
>After five million flip-flops, Rollo is actually fun and likeable, but mostly offscreen.
>Bishop Ladykiller Bishonen is a textbook case of "forcedly 'awesome' character introduced in the late seasons in the desperate hope people will latch onto him because the cast is running thin."
>Judith is

Aethewulf is legitimately the only likeable character the series has left. Since the series clearly doesn't give a rat's ass about being even remotely historically accurate after they murdered the fucking founder of Denmark, have Ubbe jump ship to the brits for whatever reason, have Alfred turn into the savior king, and just fuck all the Vikings already because I no longer give a shit about any of them. I'm using Aethewulf as the likeability yardstick from now on, and Alfred's literally the only character who's been nice to him, so just fuck it.

Literally this^

Was Rollo in the new ep?

I dropped this series after the whole all woman army vs invaders shit. I never like to cringe that much while watching a show.

The battle scenes also went to absolute shit.

The final confrontation in the last season was just unspeakably bad. Buncha knights and vikings running back and forth between areas of wilderness the viewer had no way to piece together into a coherent map, not even a bird's eye view of how the fuck the armies were moving. Just a lot of confusing running back and forth until the brits fall into an ambush that consisted of viking archers materializing behind yet another impossible-to-distinguish hill, and the story basically hoping you'll shut up and consider this a badass genius trap by Ivar.

I might be convinced to give Judith at least some amount of credit if at some point she does something with all that learning and education she says she's doing offscreen, but she has yet to do ANYTHING AT ALL onscreen save have a vagina.

pretty good at shrieking

And leeching, though apparently all Alfred really needed was a bath.

i wonder if the entire season his actual son will remain like a weird silhouette in the background

I want to know why everyone in the kingdom is so perfectly chill with the idea of the next heir being the bastard son of sorta-heretic with absolutely no blood ties whatsoever to Egbert and Aethefulf, instead of Egbert's actual grandson.

It's not like it's a fucking secret, Judith screamed the kid was Athlestan's in front of the entire fucking town.

Because in time of crisis, it's best to just stick with someone capable instead of paying attention to actual heredity. It even crops up in The Last Kingdom, where Alfred's rule is essentially propped up by managing to avert disaster after disaster and cozying up to the Church, while his irreverent little bro keeps scheming against him.

What happens to him historically?

They really shouldve given the sons of ragnar longer character arcs.
They developed ragnar for seasons and he was fucking great. Sons suddenly kinda appeared and we were supposed to believe that Ivar is this crazy loco smart badass cripple, despite him doing literally nothing to prove it. Same with everyone else, they're supposed to be these great fuckers because sons of ragnar and whatnot, but none of theyr actions show why they are great. With the exception of Björn.

He sorta holds the fort until Alfred is old enough to be badass, and then dies.

But Sigurd historically founds Denmark and you saw how that went, so the "History" part is well out the fucking window.

I think they did a great job with the "crazy loco cripple" part of Ivar, mostly because his actor really nailed it, but the "smart" bit just came out of fucking nowhere and is mostly delivered through things happening and the story going "Oh yeah, this was Ivar's idea."

Bjorn's been around since forever, but they just turned him into a generic tough guy in the last part of last season. The others, yeah, they're just there.

>I think they did a great job with the "crazy loco cripple" part of Ivar, mostly because his actor really nailed it
Yeah I agree with that. That actors facial expressions are god tier and really sell the crazy part.
They shouldve just shown that he is smart when the sons were still younger, all they did was tell that Floki is going to teach him, but Floki isnt really a genius, just a great boatbuilder/carpenter and loves gods. Cant really get tactical experience from building boats.
I hope with Björn mediterranean we can see more of his leader and explorer side instead of the dude badass warrior.