Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
Other urls found in this thread:
>1 out of all of those (NBC)
pretty good
Ha, The Nightmare Before Christmas, now that is like the original flick for fruitcakes. If you see a "Jack Skelington" sticker on a car you can be sure it's being driven by a nu-male
Just call them faggots like a rational person. With the other names, they just start spouting it themselves and you have to come up with a new memeword that'll get wasted in a month. If they tried to say faggot they'd get in more trouble than they could handle. The only people opposed to calling them faggots are faggots and faggots-in-denial.
do estronauts actually like seth rogen?
essential just turn your brain off core
essential turn your dick off core.
Keep tese new terms coming I am loving triggering numales with this shit
If I had all of the power in the universe I would just use it to obtain pictures of the people that make these threads.
am i soyboy??
These proportions make me really uncomfortable.
This is all just stuff that average well-adjusted normies who go to parties and get laid watch.
you look post-op
What's testonaut tier?
>average well-adjusted normies
Hi soyboy
I unironically like Bobs Burgers and Pixar though
Fuck you
Not that bad, actually. It's pretty good.
Not as good as I've seen many people claim, but it's a solid 8 or 9
I hate Bob's Burgers so much. It's like a shitty episode of the Simpsons where every character is Lisa turned into a show
Fury Road
my little estronaut
Very accurate.
what's wrong with swiss army man?
it's got paul "classic paul dano" dano in it
I just realized 99% of insults here basically boil down to this:
- insulting one's intelligence
- insulting one's masculinity
>my little estronaut
That's what I thought, fag
>I let strangers on the internet dictate what I watch
..yikes man
Dumb soyboy
pretty fun, huh? Calling people who like things you don't like retarded pussies, maybe even with a silly picture. good times.
t. brainlet soyboy
its okay if you like that kind of media. But you have no taste.
>includes Bladerunner
>no mention of Star Wars
You were so close.
>LOOOL look at those soyboys, am I right? Praise Kek!
Why are all of these pictures always a combination of really fucking good things and really fucking awful things?
Don't think you're off the hook, boy.
nothing wrong with nightmare before Christmas, not sure if youre talking about just its fanbase or not
Congratulations, you've figured out the secret behind bait images.
and don't forget the most recent one
- insulting one's ethnicity
dumb amerimutt
t. 56% smoothbrain neo-man
t. brainlet soyboy Yuropoor
>these insults are lame, it's all just intelligence and masculinity.
really puts my brain in a state
I really don't even understand the 56% meme
it means that 56% of the population is white. not that the population is 56% white. right? lol
>yankees still butthurt over amerimutt
Holy shit You learned your bitching well from your jewish masters
>really fucking good things
You haven't outgrown half the stuff listed. Or you may never.
Why have I never seen any anti-soycore? On Sup Forums, or Sup Forums, or anywhere. I've never seen what types of things people who post "soyboy" actually enjoy.
It doesn't mean a good thing either way.
but the former doesn't make sense with all the drawings posted
Using youtube is a qualifier for getting made fun of by kids on Sup Forums now?
reddit has good taste
anything popular is reddit. i agree
ITT 56% soyboy cuck incels from reddit
Nightmare Vefore Christmas is good shit dude. Nothing nu-male about it.
I'm probably the most soy one here yet enjoy nothing listed
I'll give you a head start, user. Wanna tell me something?
et al
t. 56% soyboy cuck incel neckbeard numale kekisttani from reddit
it implies that a majority of american Sup Forums posters who call others non-whites are actually not white themselves
>Bowie, Queen, Pink Floyd, and Radiohead is redditcore
literally kys
This is my last day on Sup Forums see ya guys
see ya tomorrow soyboy
>mfw I'm literally none of those things
nice try cuck
you upgrading to Sup Forums deluxe? grats my dude
I think this photo would be better title Bugman Core
t. le 1% faec estronautical male feminist MGTOW redpilled blackpilled undercover meninist anti-leninist tankie leftypol ancap stirnerite capeshit capeape culture critiquer amerimutt pokemon go
there's not nearly enough franchise content there to be bugman
see you tomorrow faggot
same here. i'll be thirty tomorrow. i don't want to be a thirty year old man still posting on Sup Forums.
t. 4channer
I like Pink Floyd and Bowie and I'll admit it's Reddit as hell.
damn leftist memes are #powerful
t. Homo
>you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”.
>reeee don't point out my virginity
hahahaha cry somewhere else, incel
based t. le 1% faec estronautical male feminist MGTOW redpilled blackpilled undercover meninist anti-leninist tankie leftypol ancap stirnerite capeshit capeape culture critiquer amerimutt pokemon go poster
I don't want to be a numale. At least I work though.
I am volcel. I am celibate. Don't lump me in with le epic "incels." I can shag any whore I want, it's simply a matter of choice. And I choose not to.
>Not degreasing your pizza
>hating on netflix
Sup Forumss contrarianism never ceases to amaze. what's better than scamming Skins off someone you don't even speak to anymore. what am i gonna do, fill my hard drive with it? kill yourself
no one's buying that cope, incel
t. .01 % faec yuropoor amerumutt amerigobloin mexihead turkroach gook chink jap nip polack mick spic leaf falseflaggin CIA shill reddittor normie numale soyboy incel cuck KHHV faggot shitposting capitalist commie jew kike redpilled blackpilled greenpilled bluepilled ancap antisemite brainlet frogposting kinossiouer capeshitter consumerist feminist meninist kekistani sneedposting chuckhead jonahposteing waifuposting onionpilled gyno having tourist from 9gag and facebook
what is this thing? is it a tranny?
You aren't even human
Oh no I like the wrong things to fit into someone's definition of masculinity. However will I go on?
literally this. Sup Forums plz go
pol stop coming up with these new memewords
I agree everything on the list except nightmare and swiss armyman
with the exception of curb, OoT, akira, and back to the future literally every other bit of that is pure trash
if you listen to queen, bowie, pink floyd, electric swing or radio head off yourself promptly
Now that is nu-male as fuck
sucking donald trumps rancid penis is the only thing they enjoy
fuck off leftypol
>i voluntarily don't get laid
t. glow in the dark MIT nigger deepthroating children with pistols microbrew craft beer le 0% faec dyel Treacher-Collins Downs Marfan Syndrome jiggaboo wehraboo naziboo ancom estrogen white ally FUDD disinfo spreader zipperhead normalfag heeb yiddish cross-boarder wapanese mantits ebaumsworld connoisseur newfag oldfag cancer troll autism 7-0 wrasslan faggot reddit Sup Forumseddit Sup Forumsentooman Sup Forumsedditor /lgbt/bbq Sup Forumsro /vr/o /lit/izen /fit/izen MAGApede cuckold libertarian cryptocurrency miner feed and seeder? I barely even knew 'er sloped forehead slav caveman muh freedumbs net neutrality volcel celibate hemoglobin