Thoughts Sup Forums?
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>He-Man movie
Hell Yea
I lol'd
The original Dolph Lundgren version is no longer canon will be taken out of circulation since the director molested Anthony Edwards.
That's probably the worst thing I've ever heard
Didn't he learn anything from Blade Trinity?
im hoping brad pitt plays he man
>a lot of people will enjoy the movie and it will make lots of money
>every thread on Sup Forums will be trying to convince people it flopped
Here we go again.
>SONY scraping that 80's barrel
>Goyer directing
I see...a ~30% Rotten Tomato score in their future. I don't even need more information. That's all I need.
Screencap this, senpai.
a match made in hell
Who wanted this?
cannot make this shit up lads
SONY executives.
You may as well throw
in there
this. it's just so obvious how it will end up. Amy Pascal still has a fucking job
That's bullshit. I love that movie. Frank Langella is the best Skeletor there will ever be. This movie will be CGI fuckfest doomed from the start. What a shame.
Next Week:
•Sony gets rights for a ThunderCats movie, McG to direct.
What do you think "goy" means?
I can't think of He-Man without thinking of Car Insurance now.
I marathoned this commercial instead of writing my 200-word dissertation. Anyone have any cliff notes on 19th century soy agriculture?
Has this not been "in development" for like a decade? There's a BS update once every 6 months.
>David S. Goyer Will Direct Sony's HE MAN & THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE
jew, dropped
Dead on arrival/10
It means human cattle
By who? Why? Did anyone actually want this? Even robot chicken was done with he-man by now.
It will forever languish in development hell.
Goyer will dropout within a year.
screencap this.
I want it. Just not by rat-face-man
They will fuck it up beyond all recognition.
maybe they'll make it like that dope 2002 reboot
Even He-man deserves better than this.
Not happening since those women came forwards revealing sexual harassment against Goyer