Zephram Cochran had inertial dampeners on the first warp flight, which is more interesting than the warp drive IMO. Why don't we explore the development of peripheral technologies that enable interstellar flight?
Zephram Cochran had inertial dampeners on the first warp flight, which is more interesting than the warp drive IMO...
Other urls found in this thread:
first for she did nothing wrong
>Quark is the only DS9 character to appear on Voyager
This means something
You think it's a joke but they did nothing wrong. They were in the right in each circumstance
>Intrepid beats Defiant
STO is now canon
totally forgot to put in a subject line,,,just fuxx my shit up
Runs a loose ship, constantly getting dressed down by admirals, refuses promotions because he knows that under closer scrutiny he would be revealed as a fraud and a fool
Runs a tight ship, hasn't ever even seen an Admiral, accepts promotions for the specific purpose of dressing down his former equals, knows that under scrutiny he would not only hold up but be revealed as the greatest hero in the history of Starfleet
yeah you fucked up because people only do ctr f trek when they want to go to these threads
Oh well, all the important contributors will be here.
What did they mean by this
niiice trips. i agree. lets get this big enough where it doesn't need trek in the title
was Sisko a cuck?
I don't know about any of you, but I would rather post in a Trek thread than a /trek/ thread. This is the superior thread.
Repeat after me:
Quark did NOTHING wrong.
i agree with you. but it will be difficult to keep this as the top thread without /trek/ in the title
If we bombard the other thread with link posts, we might be able to draw their posters. Keep up the frequency of the redirection links.
i was just thinking of making original and interesting posts to stimulate conversation here
the other one is already getting that annoying holodeck spam LOL
Why did Worf wear the bandolier? What did it signify?
Quark is the best character in DS9. Prove me wrong.
Everyone hates Jellico though.
he earned some girl scout badges.
It was a sash not a bandolier. And it held important medals that signified his house
>Not Mommy Winn
Kira tho. She had the best story arc. Quark's arc is just becoming brainwashed by the hewmon propaganda.
>that image
Don't know why, but it had me in stitches
Add "Pretty Boy" to Picard's list and "Qualified, Skillful, Yet Misunderstood" to Jellico's
Why is Kai Winn the best in your opinion?
Kira is always right throughout the series. No development.
>Captain Janeway's Wild Ride
I liked the episode that explored the fact that the Bajorans were the first to discover interstellar travel
Just like the Jews, yes?
so, which one?
What's in all the rest of it? It's weird to think that most of what we see is that tiny middle part.
What do you mean? I think Bajorans act like whiny jews because of muh occupation but I don't know what else you are referencing
She was wrong about Marritza, she was wrong about Ghemor, she was wrong about Winn, and for bonus points she was wrong about Garak and Damar.
*sips coffee* Kill ALL of them
Damn look at all those characters. This is fucking diversity not making everyone a sheboon.
the killporter and janeway.
The very middle is the PROMENADE. the next ring is the habitat ring and the most outer ring is the docking ring
Just got done with a 12 hour shift. Feels good to cuddle up with my pup, catch up on /trek/, and have Voyager in the background
I would assume a lot of cargo bays and equipment for servicing ships that are docked there, probably a lot of residential quarters, some holosuites, Quark's is actually the largest single space on board
>the virgin diplomat vs the chad captain
Everything that's not the promenade or command center.
You want it to be one way. You want it to be one way. But it's the Janeway.
We just need quality content.
Wargames Continue: A temporal rift opens, and the Enterprise-A and Excelsior, briefly after the events of Undiscovered Country but fully crewed and fully functional encounter a D'deridex class Warbird commanded by Tomalak. Does the 23rd century have a chance?
She is never wrong because she always followed the Prophets
You forgot
>BTFOs Picard's fish
So did Quark, after you fix your typo.
What do you mean? Quark never believed in the Prophets
You're not getting his little joke
Yeah I guess im not
Don't post pictures of Data if you're going to make typos and use contractions. Fix your typo and then peace will be restored to the galaxy. Enlightenment will dawn upon you and for once in your life you will truly understand the quirks of Quark.
>Don't post pictures of Sisko if you're going to be white. Fix your color and then peace will be restored to the galaxy. Enlightenment will dawn upon you and for once in your life you will truly understand the jokes of Jake.
I abandoned trek threads as soon as they turned them into cancerous eternal generals. The only reason I'm here is because it DIDN'T have that /trek/ in the subject line.
I don't understand what typo are you talking about?
>Watching with a quasi-critical eye,I simply cannot take the concept of the Holodeck seriously anymore. At first I started making my Holodeck posts as a joke ("Why don't they call it X instead of a Holodeck? The name is misleading") but I'm starting to get annoyed whenever anyone uses the Holodeck. I just can't stop thinking about all the plot holes, the unbelievable decisions that people make, the fact that it's possible for the technology to work flawlessly while not responding to controls because of some major spatial anomaly, there's so much about the Holodeck that doesn't make even a little bit of sense.
What did he mean by this?
The Janeway or no way. You make the choice.
Sup Forumsish Trekkers unironically can't understand what a good character Jake is. The writers took everything wrong with Wesley and fixed it. He's not a super-genius wunderkind, he's not a brave hero, he doesn't save the day, he doesn't have a special destiny and he doesn't get molested by a traveling hippie spacepedo.
>What's in all the rest of it?
Ore processing, cargo bays, quarters.
>"I wanna be a war correspondent :)"
Books and shit
I wouldn't say that Jake is a "good" character but he's not bad.
I'm glad they didn't make Jake like Wesley and turn him into a starfleet cadet superstar. But he was still underutilized and deserved at least one more episode about how his stories affected the course of the dominion war imo. I was surprised by Nog's development
who would be a better slut
a bajoran or a trill
How does Dukat just constantly end up on DS9 unannounced?
I like the episode where he grows up to become Worf's brother in bad old age makeup, and sacrifices himself so that he can save his dad.
It's pretty touching when he finally dodges the energy blast from the warp core, and he see's jake and realizes that even though he's growing up, and they're not as close as he'd like, that he knows how much Jake loves him, and that his sacrifice is the only thing that gave him another chance at life.
It's subtle, but it's a really effective emotional episode.
>Jake is one of the first "journalist" bloggers.
guys know what guys like
While you're here we should play some Beer Pong.
That's the opposite of character development.
>"I was playing a married woman!"
Bajorans don't seem so slutty
Bajoran women were ballbusters by nature. If you want someone to stomp on your balls and call you a weak little bitch, then get yourself some earrings.
If you want to be invited to all the really good orgies, get with the trill.
Besides, trills are obviously the bigger sluts because they're all dying to get the worm in them.
>"You're older than I am"
that line really got to me
I can see why nobody comes to your house to marathon movies and TV shows with you.
Sisko still knows his son loves him enough to dedicate his entire life for the possibility of saving him. Trek tends to follow the "time is a river" notion that even if things wildly change history, a lot of similarities will occur. Depressingly, it's likely that after disappearing after "What You Leave Behind," real Jake will similarly work to bring his father back.
Why watch movies with my pleb friends?
We're talking about Jake, not Ben.
DS9 has a bad problem with overacting. Siddig does it a lot. Avery Brooks is more obvious about it.
Bad question how bout this:
Top 5 sluttiest xeno girlraces go
idk enough besides trill
>they're doing their job too much
they're actors, how could they do that too much?
So was I. Just because Jake isn't aware of the events afterwards doesn't discount that it informs us about his character and what is father meant to him.
Orion, Trill, Risan, Betazed and ... Human? Deltan?
the species from Angel One
the species from Justice
LOL so if I do my job I'm doing it well no matter what? Good joke. I bet your boss loves you.
Yes it does because that version of Jake never existed.
Trills are ultra sluts. Confirmed by Ezri that Jadzia has been with hundreds of people
Avery Brooks is a theater actor where one needs to project their voice so that the audience can here them. That is why it seems like he is overacting
They were probably already invented for dropping bologna on the whole world
Because Star Trek surely doesn't have a tradition of hammy acting or anything.
OK but that's a problem that film directors solved decades before TOS went on the air.
TOS is garbage and ds9 actually has a good story, this kind of shit takes away from the story the actors are trying to tell
>deltan's last
>literally had to take a vow of chastity to even be allowed on a star ship
I've heard it both ways.
>TOS is garbage