Is he a good actor? Lots of people are praising his performance in The Punisher, but from what I've seen, he's exactly the same in every role.
Is he a good actor? Lots of people are praising his performance in The Punisher, but from what I've seen...
mask you summin
i love how certain actors just get marked as 1 memorable character for life. fucking urkel got shafted man
no, he's not convincing. he just acts intense and stares off into the distance
no, he's a jew
Jews aren't supposed to be that handsome. I want to worship his mutilated cock.
He does that one thing he does really good, but I've yet to see some range on him.
I've been thinking, does he look Italian?
Haven't watched punisher yet. does he do the shane head rub thing?
I enjoy watching him though
>he's exactly the same in every role
Pretty much, yeah. Not bad at it, just a very discount Tom Hardy. With less grumbling and shitty voices.
Yea he is pretty one dimensional so far...check out Sweet Virginia tho. I think hes got a little more range.
I liked him in Baby Driver. He's not a good actor but whatever. Not everyone has to be great.
he could be a good actor like bruce willis was a good actor or like nicholas cage was a good actor, nothing that necessarily requires talent but their manerisms and face can fit specific roles very well.
oh man... is he still trying to rap?
>Jews aren't supposed to be that handsome.
I dunno, he's always Sonic Prime to me
He looks Hispanic
Answer my fucking question. Does he do the head rub thing in punisher?
Except Nicholas Cage is a superb actor and deserves his Oscar.
He's my favorite 'that guy' actor.
Yeah, that was my point. Jews are typically ugly.
Who's that second last one? He looks familiar.
the jurrasic jew and stranger jew jew
Wasn't he in daredevil?
Ashkenazi genes are horrible. Most are highly inbred.
He doesn't have much range but he's very good within it.
Why is Lady Gaga on there?
>Lots of people are praising his performance in The Punisher
No they aren't. That's nothing but marketing shills.
Well so are most European whites but they've managed to produce beautiful people over time.
This. Kinda like Leonardo DiCaprio, though the latter has started to branch out more.
crypto ethnic jew
Ride attendant for the ball ride in Jurassic World, arcade attendant in Stranger Things 2. Pretty typecast desu.
Because there's a certain subset of Sup Forums who believes any ugly female with a prominent nose is a jew. She's actually an Italian Catholic.
She's also had so much shit done to her face that she now looks like a horrific beast. She was a qt before she got famous and started getting nose jobs.
Hes actually a pretty cool and dorky guy out of character. It really caught me off guard since he always plays those hard ass characters. I would say he's a decent actor.
He's good at playing one character, and there aren't that many actors who can play that character.
He's got major Big Dick Face.
Look it up if you don't know what it means. Dude is hung like a horse.
>Big Dick Face
kek. He's got the face of someone who knows how to fight.