I think he has AIDS or something
I think he has AIDS or something
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good he deserves it
Look at the top of his head!
Box office poison, ugly wife and now he looks like a meth head. Karma is real!
Rotten Tomataids
What did he do?
>a year younger than the black panther guy
>some fat 56%ers say this is being ugly and looking like a meth head
I think he was on his way to be a big star and then fucked it up by agreeing to be in stupid bullshit and also being a bad actor
potato genes. they're actually kicking in late since he's only half
Hes been only on trash after Shame
He's aging badly
Chadwick Bozeman is 41 and he looks like he's in his 20s
Wtf happened to fassbender
So was he wearing a hair piece for Alien Covenant?
Fassbender's been living life hard and very fast since he blew up in Hunger
I'd still fuck him in a heartbeat.
Black don't crack
whitey doesn't age well
That's because you are a gayboi
That man looks exactly his age, you are either retarded or very race insecure.
I had a dream last night that I had a really thin comb over covering up baldness. small dead trees/vines were sprouting out of my head and I was ripping them out. then I woke up
It's come to that point where you have to stop trying to look like a hunk and embrace your age, but his profession demands he pretend to be a hot 25 year old as long as possible. It's just not as convincing as it was 10 years ago.
Kobe is GOAT
better than Jordan
Your mind is alerting. You’ll get there soon.
I will always love fassbender even if he looks busted
also not a gayboi
How the fuck the fuck even hollywood is unable to fix baldness? There really is no cure is it?
lmao look at this fucking pleb
i dont see any problem here, despite the balding he is still very attractive. gives balding guys like me some hope
I've already accepted my fate. As should you.
black only smokes crack
Great name
Is this considered attractive?
are white ppl really this cucked?
I'm not white, but I'm also curious. Guy looks ugly to me.
he is not hot lol
yeah white people are cucked, but blacks are ugly
He looks very good for his age dude, considering most Americans look 45 at 23.
Shit, I think I look a lot like Michael Fassbender but only now that his hairline is visibly shit.
I just don't have his chin.
There are already a few 'cures' but like all medical interventions there are side effects.
he fucks a lot black chicks
i would let fassbender do anything he wanted to me
idc about his hair, he's still daddy af
I saw this nigga outside my house last year filming The Snowman