This show is one crazy god damn roller coaster ride. One minute its great the next its shit again? I thought they turned it around? But its gone backwards...again.
What does Sup Forums think of arrow?
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Shit from day one.
Season 1 and 2 are solid. First half of season 3 is ok. Then it wen't to shit.
I stopped 2 seasons ago. Someone spoil it for me.
Don't give fuck about this series, but due to my degenerate fetishes, seen 1 episode an user suggested in thread about unusual gags. And it was deviously wicked.
Ruined by Felicity.
Flash followed the same pattern except it became shit one season earlier
Season 1 and the first half of season 2 were great. Second half of season 2 goes to shit, almost all of the season 3 was shit and season 4 is shit.
Meanwhile agents of kino just keeps getting better.
I feel bad for any brainlet that has a limited-enough brain capacity to enjoy this and other CW capeshit.
Stopped at S4 sum user on here said give 5 a chance but have held strong, the show will never be good and is a waste of ones time. Allah willing it will be cancelled this season.
>Oliver stop killing people!
>Okay I'll stop killing people
>Oliver he's going to kill me! Kill him!
>Okay I'll kill him
>Oliver stop killing people!
Repeat ad nauseam and include a whole season with a villain dedicated entirely to the concept while also killing people and throw in Talia al Ghul only to completely waste all potential there just like they did with Ra's. Oh and Diggle's the Green Arrow now so Olly can focus on his relationship with Felicity and his son, not a joke.
I went shit once he stopped working on his fathers list.
Legends of Tomorrow best arrowverse show desu
I enjoyed S1 2 and 5 rest are garbage. Even the good seasons have plenty of crap because they're CW shows. Also it's 21 episodes a season. Why? It would be so much better with less.
Fucking love Arrow.
It's the closest thing we will get to a live action Batman show.
>Fucking love Arrow.
even with all the Olicity trash?
It was never that good in the first place. It started out a 6/10 and got 1 point lower every season.
Go fuck yourself.
Their interpretation of death stroke is pretty bad ass.
>Meanwhile agents of kino just keeps getting better.
This guy gets it. Last seasons Agents of Shield was one fucking ride.
It just embraces the comic-book ridiculousness. Still has too much CW drama though
This. Arrow was only good when he killed people on the list and the flashbacks were interesting and believable.