I can't tell if you guys memed me on this shit or not. Don't lie, does it get better after season 1?
I can't tell if you guys memed me on this shit or not. Don't lie, does it get better after season 1?
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Not really. It was good for it's time but it really shows it's age and is now pretty boring compared to modern day shows. The only reason Sup Forums pretends to love The Sopranos is to be the counterpart to Reddit's The Wire worship.
On every rewatch I struggle with season 1. Don't worry, it does get a lot better.
Fuck you dumb faggot.
I’ve watched this show twice because it’s honestly some of the best writing in a show you will ever see.
Season 1 is pretty shit. 2 then 3 are the best
Fuck you you fucking hooaer!
Drop it user. Its not for you, or you're not ready yet.
>but it really shows it's age and is now pretty boring compared to modern day shows
alright kiddo, you had your time to shine
How much of a stupid shit do you need to be to hate the sopranos?
I remember as the series was coming to the end a lot of people were wanting seasons more like the first two and for it to get back to its roots. Now the consensus seems to have flipped and the later seasons are more liked. Is it because the production quality improved and is less dated?
I really enjoy the entire series but it really does change a lot stylistically. The last half of the last season is like watching a movie every episode. Fucking great
dumb finook
*blocks your shit opinion*
people here only watch it for the memes
14 year old detected
How many times did you watch Infinity War's trailer? Be honest.
I'm in the middle of my 8th rewatch and yet again, it's even better than the 7th. I'd like to kill both of you, or at least bad you from posting anywhere.
Only the newfags
>not a single argument
100% booty blasted
>really shows its age
>hurr reddit
Stick to mcu kid
The Sopranos is the Citizen Kane of television. It's worthy of academic study and respect given how it positively impacted the medium and changed the landscape, but everything it achieved, other works have since done it better.
Unless you have ample free time and want to become more familiar with the origin of most good shows today, there is really no reason to watch this show when so many other better shows exist.
Im not even surpised how many sopranosfags take the bait any more. The fanbase on Sup Forums took a nosedive years ago. You're all pathetic faggots.
>but everything it achieved, other works have since done it better.
100% wrong. There is no show that's presented the human condition better, use visual storytelling better, been better written, had better acting, etc., etc. The Sopranos is leagues ahead of every other show by a large margin. The only things that come close are the old HBO shows. Al Swearengen is a little like a real life fleshed out Sopranos character, but Det. McNulty, Stringer Bell, and Walter White are veritable cartoon characters.
Fargo. Mr. Robot. True Detective S1. The Leftovers.
None of those are more than 3 seasons lmao. Sopranos is 6 (really 7) seasons of top tier characters, dialogue and plot. Fuck off m9
Read the following as an example of just one of the many reasons that people here (and yes, Reddit) love this show. It's just the massive amount of speculation that the show still sparks within the watcher's imagination. It sticks with you like a long lost lover. Deciphering this show is like wanderlust for many people and I'm sure others in this thread will know EXACTLY how I feel.
haha yeah I guess soap operas are the peak of television
The show and characters really start to develop towards the end of the 1st season. No other show has characters with this kind of chemistry, maybe Seinfeld but Sopranos is top tier. Forget it's a show sometimes
just laughably stupid. I'm not dumb enough to have even watched Mr. Robot or The Leftovers, but Fargo is 3-4th tier at best and TD1 is a melodramatic overt fedorafest. You're in way over you're head. You have no idea what you're talking about.
e.g., McCounaguheyhey and Harrelson (even though they're good) aren't shit compared to Gandolfini. not by a long shot. And the themes in that show are fucking capeshit tier compared to Sopranos.
>Anything longer than 3 seasons is a soap
>arguing against a shitpost
Go back to New Jersey, you cocksucker. NYEH NYEH NYEH.
Yes, it's good but gets better. Also, watch it on actual TV if you have one.
>every single opinion I disagree with must be a shitpost