What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Absolutely nothing. Saoirse is love. Saoirse is life.
My only complaint is that I'll never get to see her butthole.
sersha on the other side of the movie screen and not gently cuddling in my bed
I want her to fart in my face, dude.
Nothing, she has just joined today a selected group of actresses
guinness and potatoes
Is ladybird worth seeing? I want to see a movie tomorrow
>meryl streep at the top
who cares
Do you think she'll age as well as Winona?
>doesn't like her personal character and views
>this makes her a bad actress
Yes. If you recall, a few years ago it seemed that she aged passed her prime and she made a more than miraculous recovery that all of Sup Forums fawned over at the 2015 Oscars. She will continue to stun.
She's not a bad actress, just terribly overrated.
This dumb bitch could easily treat her diabetes if she just goes vegan.
i am not even american so i don't care about her opinion on Trump, i just think it is pathetic when the top actress in hollywood is one the biggest sell outs of all time.
also it is pretty easy to stand up and claim artists are a opressed class, when all she had to to earn an immigrant wage in his whole life working in some sweatshop was to sing shitty ABBA songs with the worst 007 in existence
pretty easy for her to stand up and act as artists are some kind of union that needs to shine a light on everyone lives, when she stood up for Elia Kazan and applauded him.
fuck her
saw the movie the other day and i don't really get the hype, Sup Forums. what's appealing about this movie? i mean it was ok. the pacing wasn't great though and i didn't really feel anything from it.
my favorite directors are people like pta, wkw, kiarostami, wenders, edward yang, people like that. i like to think i have good tastes. but am i pleb for not enjoying this?
>no jlaws
>no frogs
>no portmans
Absolutely patrician group
What are these wins from?
which one of you is going to man up and give ladybird a rotten score?
new york film critics circle awards? even i have one of those, for biggest penis. and my penis is really not big at all.
He helped clean up the industry from within. A hero. What's wrong, commie?
The oldest and more prestigious film critics circle
i'm sorry you're waifu doesn't have many, unless you're waifu is Meryl.
No. It's a shitty by the numbers teen drama about a totally unique snowflake SO LE QUIRKY NO ONE GETS ME UGH teen that is getting great reviews because saorise is hot
You really should gut yourself.
Who the fuck cares about LBJ's whore wife? Not me.
there's no WAY it's good. but the cunt's ugly so maybe it must be.
I never thought I would say this, but she got t h i c c and thats not a good thing in her case
I love when she was slim and gracious
Time fucks everything
We love this girl here.
get some proactiv bitch
Look at that
She looks like a fucking angel
God damn
I wanna lick her butthole, but now she faten up
She's to thin there
Beef up the potatoes
that was literally 2 weeks ago
does sersh talk about masturbation in the movie? is it hot?
Hanna was cool
Wish she was my albine gf
So while we're talking about this movie, why did she never even float the idea of Danny being bisexual?
she catches him kissing a guy and automatically assumes he's gay, never even bothers to ask
this could have been solved easily outside the backdoor of the restaurant by a simple "are you bi?" from her and a "no..." from him and then he starts the crying and what he said about being afraid to tell anybody about his orientation
and it would've made more sense
far too much media simply operates on a gay/straight binary for guys caught being interested in other guys when it's more complicated than that
Was the movie bad?
Tell more...
she does briefly. Eh not really
can you remember what she says exactly?
im surprised a movie with this much talk hasnt leaked yet
guild members who have them are scared to leak them
I am starting to notice a pattern here lads. . .
her and her friend talk about the different ways they use faucets and showerheads, but its more frank and outright than sexual. It's a pretty solid movie, I'd say just go see it yourself lol
get out and stay out!
Combo breaker.
you need to get some manners. RUDE!
We sure do user :3
I hope she slapped that little fag after that picture.
get out, and stay out!
Absolutely based
Its very good user, not her best but very good
She'll age better imo
>tfw your stylist lusts at you
Do you blame them? They're mortal after all
Given the chance, must I go and see Lady Bird, mmm, by myself? yes, fucking alone
I wouldn't be surprised if some dyke does it, but her stylist?
im going to tomorrow also alone
Oh man, I so would go with you but it seems we are in different countries, we haven't Lady Bird here yet.
>check when release date is
>February 2018
Im sure ellen tried something, she was literally salivating in that episode
>Oh excuse ms. Ronan, I hope you don't mind but it is a common thing for guests of this show to get dressed by me, personally, please proceed take off all of your clothes...
what's wrong with you guys? this girl is gross. her mouth and chin are unacceptable and her nose is bad. i bet there are multiple WNBA players who are more feminine and attractive.
Someone needs to get a dna sample of sersh so we can make a waifu clone in the future.
You are very cure, user.
You need to get your eyes checked user.
Tfw you will never get to shower her beautiful face with her spem.
she's a good actor. but she's ugly and pointy as shit. women should be soft and curved, not pointy. i should note i'm mostly talking about her pointy cruella de vil mouth.
i haven't watched SNL in years
will watch just for her
>her sperm
Knew she was a trap!
I thought she couldn't get any more perfect desu
I will impregnate her one day, mark my words.
>soft and curved
I got you senpai
I wonder how much time I'll have to wait until a webRip of decent quality is available. One day?
Sersh is not for lewd or rude you fucks. Go back to your talentless mainstream fapbait thot actress thread. This is a polite and non-vulgar zone.
we worship her from a distance user, from the shadows
WTF, how can that and that be the same person?
To have my own sersha? I cant even bare the concept...
fart harder
CEO sersh agrees
I hope the carpet cleaner never tried anything despicable with sersha
you could hang from her lower lip and let go and it would take years of free fall to reach the bottom of her chin
Its the miracle of sersh
A lot of sersha bullies in this thread...
And also we will never know what Gemma did to her.
she looks like a plain boy
too bad sleepaway camp's already been made
best post itt
My God, Imagine cuddling with that comfy sersha during the upcoming winter days
She looks like Brianna Wu. Hideous creature.
how the fuck does that even make sense
Tell me more.