Can we continue laughing at JUSTICE LEAGUE
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Has it made its budget back yet?
tfw you are a DC fan who has been laughed at since you went to see Green Lantern opening day
it doesn't matter, friendo. the hollywoodjews have infinite cash, but what hurts them best is persistent mockery.
Not even halfway there yet. It's already been written off.
>tfw its being replaced by daddys home 2 here
>p-please stop laughing at the capeshit I like
*breathes in*
Has the Public lost confidence in Zach Snyder?
Is his name a blight on the flicks he pushes out?
It's Whedon's fault this movie is tanking though.
BASED Mel kills local capeshit BO.
BASED Tom kills capeshit mustache by his next Mission Impossible
the fact that this movie has already dropped off the radar shows how terrible it actually is. no lasting qualities whatsoever and is already forgotten.
surprised this trash made it to $500 million. Thats barely ant-man tier box office lol.
I saw it tonight, finally.
It's laughably bad. It's near straight-to-DVD tier. The cuts, the dialogue, the horrific acting -- everything is fucking terrible.
This isn't Snyder. It has his name stamped on it, but this is a fucking mess. MoS is an academy award winning film compared to this. That's not to say MoS is terrible, but this film is just bad.
So fucking bad. I feel second hand embarrassment.
>Flash and Superman race at the end xD
Even the ending is abrupt, dumb and cut short. It's just fucking terrible. Disregard the CGI Cavill face, too. Just fucking wow.
it will probably reach 700m desu
not that it deserves it, its a mess.
I was considering seeing it hoping that it might be acceptable at the very least. You've convinced me just to wait to watch a stream of it.
You're all just too dumb to get it.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice. The symbolism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Christian Humanism most of the Greek imagery will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Superman's Jesus imagery, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from religious scripture, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this symbolism, to realize that they're not just entertaining- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Batman v Superman truly ARE idiots and Disney Shills- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the pathos in Ben Affleck's existencial catchphrase "MARTHA," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Mothers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Zack Snyder's genius unfolds itself on the big screen. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Jesse Eisenberg tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
God damnit dude I seriously believe in the alternate universe where they just kept the mustache on Superman, it would have been the greatest movie meme since Martha but in a good way. Men all over would grow them and it would be a big sex symbol. The Superman Mustache t-shirt would have old. You can't tell me Snyder isn't at least a borderline genius if he could recognize that much.
Whedon is a Marvelfag
Couldn’t it be that he fucked Justice League on purpose?
Justice League was so bad it caused my car to break down.
Should I sue WB for the repairs?
He also fucked Avengers 2 so not really.
Don't, they can't afford it.
let's not be delusional here
it's not like whedon suddenly made all the characters and story and action boring
>mfw it makes less money than Deadpool
No. By that logic David Ayer would have been a marvelfag too. It's more that Snyder and maybe Jenkins were the only legitimitely talented directors working for DC and Snyder's approach got rejected pretty harshly.
>tfw changed camps to become a Marvelad
That trailer got me hooked. DC sucks. I'm sorry Zack.
Welcome to the funvee.
You just wait. WB has disappointed Zack but he'll come back with the Spawn Cinematic Universe, a mature and intelligent visual spectacle for mature and intelligent objectivists.
>He only watches movies
just rice league
Steppenwolf is Darkseid's uncle
Will it make less money than Doctor Strange ??
>a Spawn film directed by Zack Snyder
I... I never knew I needed this so badly
Maybe. It MIGHT pass $700m
It's neither director's sole fault. 70% of the blame is on the studio for rushing production, fucking up the edit and basically demanding that it be and Avengers remake.
Please post rare Evans
Justice league was shown on the biggest screen in the theatre here when it came out but now Thor has already moved back to the number one big screen
Bump for more shitz and giggz at DC's expense.
Besides the bad cgi work on the moustache. The movie felt like a Batman movie before the dark Knight. It's just that the bar has been raised by Nolan and marvel. Although, people did enjoy those older Batman movies, it'll take time till people see this one the same way.
Who cares. It's all a money laundering scheme.
Have you seen the ending scene with Zimmer's score? It makes a HUGE difference.
was Whedon's fault that MoS and BvS are shit too?
It's sad that people are praying for this movie to make 700M, a month ago they thought that was the worst case scenario floor. It might not even surprass MoS or Strange.
Or maybe zach snyders shit
Blame the man whos made two billion at the box office from two good movies
Blame the Man who cant make a 4 decent profiable superhero movies
MoS is not that bad, and Dawn Of justice BvS its not shit.
I haven't.
And I defy anyone to tell me what the MCU is even about. Time will remember it as the Seinfeld of cinematic universes.
I just saw it. There were so many weird moments that were obviously cut from the movie. The two that really stand out were when the tunnel started flooding with water and cyborg was saving them and then flies away saying he knows the answer. The film then lingers on a shot of the league hanging onto the flying fox with flash quipping that he ditched them, then boom the next scene they are talking to commissioner Gordon like nothing happened.
Lol, sure kiddo.
explain, Kid.
Why would you go see that abomination of a movie after this entire board warned you not to?
I'd rather staple lemon wedges to my nuts while jacking off with razor blades then to go see anything DC makes.
They suck. Their fans suck. And they all know it! That's why they're all so miserable all the time. Fucking losers.
cum to gather
right now.
Wheres the "Fuck Marvel" poster by sea weed man?
>You must be Barry. I'm Diana.
>Hi Diana, I'm Barry. That's not right...
>*spills spaghetti*
>We aren't doing so bad against big CGI man
>Oh no, the tunnel is flooding, we have to leave so we won't drown
you can do that with every movie....
Whats the deal with brunch?
not even every stupid movie
>the only reason Steppenwolf got the last motherbox was because they thought resurrecting Superman was absolutely necessary even though Steppenwolf was completely defeatable and he just got lucky with the flooding
>They just leave the motherbox unattended and he grabs it
this fucking movie
yeah, they made superman too op, and the movie was going perfect without him, and the motherbox part was meh, but wasnt horrible, steppenwolf couldnt get the box by fighting, so he took it when every one was trying to stop SUPERMAN from killing someone.
Yfw Snyder directs justice league 2
i dont think we are going to have a justice league movie in the next 10 years atleast.
Haven't seen a capeshit since the first iron man but at this stage I'm just gonna join in laughing at DC because there's no saving this board and DC cucks are insufferable
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahababababababababababababahahahahahahahahahahahahahabababahababahahahahahabababababababababababababababababababababababababababababba...justice league more like Shitty league....... bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahabababaabab....ha ha ha ha.
>More thumbs up than all three JL trailers combined
i will when the japan batman will come out
Before Whedon came, JL was already considered a mess by Warner and cast
>Diane Lane Says Justice League Is Worse Than Avengers
> the comparisons to the The Avengers are inevitable, as the Marvel Cinematic Universe 2012 blockbuster proved that these team-ups can work on the big screen. In fact, Diane Lane, who will reprise Martha Kent in Justice League, doesn't believe that DC and Warner Bros' fall offering will be better than The Avengers. When recently asked if she could give any spoilers about Justice League and if she thinks it will be better than The Avengers, Lane answered:
>"No, and no. Short but honest, I hate to disappoint."
11 de mai de 2017
>11 de mai de 2017
No, it's Marvel's turn this week and Star Wars the following week.
It is truly amazing that a movie that had Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman in it and its call Justice fucking League, flop this hard.
WB needs to kill this universe ASAP, and give up on the whole idea of making the DCEU. This shit it's hurting the image of DC and its characters.
No, WB needs to kill (or sack) its entire top brass and CEO for creating this mess in the first place just to protect their bonuses.
If they doesn't take care of this first, it won't matter how many times their universe gets rebooted.
You are obviously top Dumbo tuo understand the message behind snyder's visione of Superman and ora Deep meaning
MoS was good and BvS was great, but BvS only happened because WB skipped MoS2, which caused things to progress too fast for normies' brains to process.
The scenes that people liked the most are all Whedon ones.
we warned you it was bad, now you just lost money
Pretty much this.
>he reads comics
After BvS he is right. I don't know about you but WB mugged me on that one, gave me an incomplete product when I put my faith in them.
Fuck them, that taught me I should never watch a DC film in theatres, I just instead just wait for the BD release.
I still think MoS is the best capeshit. What went wrong.
>Has the Public lost confidence in Zach Snyder?
It doesn't matter. WB has lost confidence in him, rightfully so.
Batman works better in Gotham.
Superman worked great in MoS.
They don't need a Justice League, just make separated films.
Zack "The Daughter Killer" Snyder
Not him, but he probably thinks it's shit for the numerous reasons most people think it's shit. We've all settled are our opinions on that pieces of trash, so there's really no point in objecting when somebody expresses their opinion on in.
but we want Dc even more destroyed, if it's possible, than the trash it is today
>MoS was great people were just not ready for a gritty, realistic Superman
>BvS was genius, people were just to stupid to catch the philosophical themes
>JL was ruined by Whedon!
Or maybe, just maybe Snyder is a talentless, autistic hack that only appeals to retarded spics and equally autistic man children. Just a thought.
>that only appeals to retarded spics and equally autistic man children
Correct, but that also applies to all capeshit and every other garbage blockbuster.
Love this pasta. It makes my skin crawl.
That's true but Marvel offers at least a certain amount of mind numbing escapism. Not that I would defend them I'd be the first to laugh at Disney burning to the ground.