The fifth episode of The Young Pope might be the finest made for TV kino of all time.
The flashbacks, the intrigue, the speech to the cardinals at the end where all masterfully directed, produced, and executed imo. What does Sup Forums think? Does this series get the credit it deserves?
The fifth episode of The Young Pope might be the finest made for TV kino of all time
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As a fedora collector I was more than entertained even after the opening dream. Brilliant show that I know won't get much attention.
Sup Forums doesn't talk about good shows or movies
that said theres not much to discuss anyway. it was sublime. anyone finding faults to argue about really has to bend over backwards and that doesnt really fill a thread.
I'm still flabbergasted pretty much no one even noticed this show.
Gutierrez's big New York adventure is one of my favourite episodes of any show ever
I remember being very surprised at first that it wasn't a derivative of House of Cards and that it was willing to explore so many nuanced subjects. His relationship with the blonde nun still hurts my heart to think about. Nothing ended how I expected it to. One of the few shows I feel like society doesn't deserve to have, it was at that high a level. I was drinking a lot at the time when I watched it and it left a very strong impression on me. It is true kino.
Fucking kill yourself reddit. This show had a shit load of discussion. Did you get here last week?
I just got through the fifth episode, had the beer, and made this thread. Im pumped for Guitarrez's new york adventures.
Checked. And yeah, the show is pretty deep and surreal. As an unironic christian who has serious problems with organized religion in general I think it challenges people of all faiths/lack thereof in all the right ways thus far
This is the only show on the same level as the sopranos.
>The main cardinal and his love of the nun
>The cardinal in his jersey
>When the pope's love letters are exposed
>That final speech
I don't usually do this, but >>r/atheism
If I'm an unironic Catholic will I enjoy this show? I've seen snippets of it and it seems great.
I'm unironically an atheist and loved it.
Every "sensitive" subject is dealt with masterfully.
Why dont you give it a shot and make up your own fucking mind?
Atheist/agnostic here and i love catholic church, is BASED as fuck
>imo religion is the only hope to preserve family and values in this posmodern times.
Good post, excellent television all around. Sopranos is the best show ever, YP is the best single-season show ever.
You missed the discussions last year when it was just on Italian cable or some shit. No one had even seen it but about 5 people and there were constant threads
The young kino. My friends all refused to watch it because fedora tipping or just general plebs. Best kept secret of tv
i loved the costumes. made me want to become pope in my lifetime. any word on who the new pope is?
It depends. Pious XIII is an 19th century Pope given command of the 21st century church. It's pretty even handed towards both sides, modernists and traditionalists, and it seemed that sometimes it openly favored the latter though it is hard tot tell if it's genuine at points.
It's a shame that true kino threads are so rare on here. This show was incredible, and the name drop was great.
I had a friend who got butthurt because the show wasn't "religion bad"
want to know a good way to start fixing the board? stop using the word "kino"
I should note, that his one instance of modernizing was a subject that most modern traditionalists wouldn't have much arguments with.
But I do.The individual devotion of men like Gutierrez does not erase the fact that the it is the homosexuals within the Church who are responsible for the deeply grave moral acts that scar the perception of the Church. If we do not want any more pedophile priests and pedophile priest enablers, then we must have no homosexual clergy. And I suspect that it will also rid many modernists as well.
My biggest surprise was that it wasn't "religion bad" like I expected it to be. Especially since all the reviews in English only made it to the episode where he lies in confession so everyone thought that he was an atheist.
Most of hardcore Catholic Twitter that's seen the show loves it. But then they're all a bunch of integralists and falangists anyway.
Kill yourself
great set of characters too
I like how Voiello, Spencer etc. aren't just one note characters
I don't know if those guys are ironic or not, but there is nothing wrong with those if you're French or Spanish. Other countries require other solutions.
It is an immensely powerful show for someone who is a traditionalist though. Just having your views faithfully represented, and represented as inspired by true devotion is deeply moving.
u sound butthurt
if a pedophile is into boys does that make him gay though? are these types of pedophiles also attracted to adult men? srs question cause idk
It was around on Sup Forums when it aired in Europe but it wasn't reviewed well in the US and got lumped in with Trump and the election shit somehow
how many superheroes and explosions are in it? what other series do i need to binge in order to get all the references? are the quips funny?
Episode 9 is better. Wait and see.
>how many superheroes in it?
Yes, and most of the time yes.
Lmao top kek 90s brah
there's a reason for that. traditionalist catholics are aligned with the republican party through the anti-abortion movement. also with murdoch.
Every time I see TYP thread I smile. It makes me a lil bit happier.
Thank you.
fair enough then i agree.
>YP is the best single-season show ever
I agree. It was so refreshing to see a show deal with the core values of faith instead of showing it as baseless fanaticism.
Yeah, but the rest of the world doesn't really give a shit about that. Also the American Christians are so far from the Catholic doctrine it's laughable.
YP is much better than TD. TD turned to shit towards the end, YP just kept getting better every episode
i grew up roman catholic, went to church every sunday, participated in singing, catholic pre-school, middle school, and high school. the wonder faded when i realized its likely not legit, learning the history of the bible especially kills it. i ended up taking a history of the bible course in college, super interesting btw. i love YP because it really sticks true to what the catholic church believes and discusses. not what their dumb american "followers" believe. its a shame the catholic religion is so misunderstood in the US. its tailored so heavily to the region, and the misinformation/flat out ignorance is embarrassing. i dont even consider myself catholic anymore but it kills me that i know more about someones faith than they do.
Nah, it's just tryhard garbage for mouthbreathers.
Stick to stranger things kid.
Americanism was denounced as a heresy by Pope Leo XIII, the US bishops at the time didn't see it and rejected the claims it existed at all, but Leo had a great deal more foresight than they did.
Also go back to church you lapsed bastard.
Back to Twin Peaks
>Also go back to church you lapsed bastard.
i cant im sorry. i just dont have the faith. i dont feel the presence of god in my life. i kinda hope that changes for me because i imagine its a very reassuring feeling. to truly believe in that higher, loving power.
I loved it for this scene...
could you fit through the door Sup Forums?
>Does this series get the credit it deserves?
No, not by any stretch of the imagination. The Young Pope is an absolute tour de force. Beautifully written, masterfully directed and criminally underrated. Nothing on television comes close.
>tour de force
>masterfully directed, produced, and executed
Yes, but it was all style and no substance. The whole message boils down to "religion bad" in the end, despite the promising start. The characters were great though, gotta admit.
>whole message boils down to "religion bad" in the end
It deals with faith better than anything un the last century. There are no le evil moustache twistting characters.
>pope starts out more or less Christian
>willing to reform the church and weed out heresy
>constantly alluded to as a saint
>has a crisis of faith
>accepts a faggot in the ranks
>settles for more liberal policies in the end
>apparently God is onboard with it
If this isn't anti-religion, I don't know what it.
You didn't get it.
the whole reddit thing here is getting so old. for hating a website, you retards sure love to bring it over every other post in every single fucking thread. get over yourself. there is no such thing as oldfags
Go back
Wtf are you talking about? There was more wholesome discussion on philosophy in this one season of television than most shows In their entirety.
Despite being a basic bitch, how is any of that “anti-religion”
>The whole message boils down to "religion bad" in the end
Man I don't know how that is the message you took away from the show. The impression I got was nuanced, but overall pro-Christianity message.
he just becomes what Spencer told him
hard in principle but tolerant in action, or something like that
is there no love for the second last episode, the queens-dedicated episode where father gutierrez has to resolve the pedo cardinal case?
also, the africa episode was quite epic too
i also loved the one where lenny's childhood degenerate friend (forgot his name) gets his payback from honduras' cartel boss
Sup Forums talked about it when it was first coming out faggot. Kindly fuck off.
It actually is pretty funny sometimes.
>africa episode was quite epic too
so head nun was a lesbo?
so its shit
best show of the year
>pope accepting faggots
lmao, you plebs watching sjw trash and saying its kino
yes anglos like to use french expressions to look more smarter than they are like connaisseur or tour de force
yes they are that pathetic
but being a faggot is not a sin on its own, acting on your homosexual desires is
It's certainly the most beautiful show I've ever had the pleasure of watching.
murdoch isn't a catholic, he just sends his sons to catholic institutions because they have superior education
>learning the history of the bible especially kills it
learning the history of the Bible actually affirms it, you might just be a brainswashed brainlet
you are wasting your breath. The fact that atheists love this shit show should tell you all you need to know about its message
i should give it a go now other series are dying down
the fact it wasnt talked about here much and wasnt on my usual trackers made me miss it for sure...but honestly those two things usualy filter all the garbage out for me, although i will admit the signal can fall below the noise
And by acting you mean if the balls touch
You'd be mind-blown at how normal "hebephilia" is considered in the gay community. It hit home for me when the Milo shit came out and all the gay so-called right wingers were defending it as a regular part of gay life that straights just don't get
It was talked about here, but the problem was the staggered releases, since Europe got it earlier than America. There was lots of great discussion and love for the show in the European threads, but quality declined a bit in American threads. It was nothing compared to how idiotic American critics were for the most part, spouting off about how they didn't like it because of Trump of some shit like that.
Still, easily one of the best TV shows of all time. Will have to rewatch it soon.
Best show I've ever seen, a shame I started watching just as the discussion on Sup Forums died down. I was afraid I wouldn't like it when I saw Lenny wasn't in every scene, but every single character in this show was interesting and more than one-dimensional trash you see in any other show.
The way it treats the sensitive subject matter is perfect, but I know if plebs saw it they would find something to whine about, since somehow all Christianity has been deemed evil and wrong in today's society. I was baptised and went to church as a child, but never had a true interest in religion, yet anyone should be able to find connection and empathy with Lenny and his inner conflict.
Roy moore
>everything must be either black or white
>if you're not with me you're against me
>you can't watch something that goes against your belief
Jesus christ Americans are dumb as rocks.
I still don't know who killed this guy
Feminazi protesters who were in the pope's garden
Did he ask god to kill peter parker after his kangoo was killed?
I'd prefer the love letter episode. Just beautifully done, especially when lenny's ex juggling the orange
It's weird that, as a Catholic, a TV show made by an atheist reaffirmed and revitalized my faith more than anything the actual Church has done in my lifetime. I went in expected it to be a snarky attack on religion but was actually the purest examination on the dilemma between principles, compassion, and compromise I've ever seen.
I agree. It's such a delicate episode.
The little moments are what makes this show stand out. The Pope walking down the plane aisle always makes me smile. You suspect that one journo will be awake, and it doesn't disappoint.
Neither does heaven or hell you infant.
Homo is homo. Size matters not.
Didn't europoors actually rip their continent in half with wars last century with that thinking? Projecting much?
What? That's against the whole concept of the western culture. The US culture is like a twisted version of it.
You can either be a "republican" or a "democrat", there are no other viable options. There's a whole subground conception that the government is bad and outlaws cult, which everyone knows is always deeply connected with mafiose development and activity. That's the FREEDOM they're so proud of but at that point you might as well have a fascist regime.
So since Law isn't involved with The New Pope does it mean he died?
great milfs in this