we all know he had the best vilain costume, not that no armor faggot they will soon use.
We all know he had the best vilain costume, not that no armor faggot they will soon use
I actually like the new Thanos. Features the actor better imo.
Looks like some cgi GWAR bullshit
Thanos doesn't need armor because he can fucking kill you without it, Steppenwolf needs his armor because he's a pussy
>thanos: hue hue hue, i'm gonna enjoy beating you up!
>Steppenwolf: There are no guardians mother, no heros left here, this world will fall and they will all love me....
really makes you think!
GWAR rules
>coyote in German
His helmet looks like the grooves in my ballsack after taking a cool shower.
Marvel fangirls saying Steppenwolf's CGI was bad, but then we see Thanos, who looks even worse, and they all ride his dick without a second thought. bunch of fags.
>Thanos, who looks even worse
This is better looking than anything in the DCEU, and it's 6 months from being finished
Thanos would beat Steppenwolf, that's true. But just wait until this guy shows up and wipes the floor with that purple ballsack.
you must be new around here
What PS3 game is this?
and because Thanos is getting the gems and generally has his shit together while Steppenwolf has to impotently yell WHEEEEERE IS MY MOTHER BOX??? at dumb minions
>Hey Mom can we go to Justice League 2?
>Sure honey.
>Mom why was Thanos in Justice League?
>That wasn't Thanos honey, that was a copy of Thanos
>Oh... Justice League is just a big copy of Marvel isn't it?
An entire generation of humans are growing up who will unironically think the above. Let that sink in DCucks.
>Skin looks real
>W-what video game is this right DCbros?
And the clueless parents who watch the movies think the same thing. It's hilarious.
Source: Entire family of in-laws ranging from age 30-45 with families who take their kids to Marvel movies because adults can actually enjoy Marvel movies too as opposed to whatever other childish shit that comes up.
Bonus: Imagine being such a cuck that you're the kind of person who tries to explain to normies "b-b-but DC did it f-first". These people don't give a fucking shit hahahahaha.
>Thanos: My casual demeanor and calmness show that I'm a credible threat.
Which is really sad, considering Marvel ripped so many of their big names from DC: Thanos (Darkseid), Deadpool (Deathstroke), Hawkeye (Green Arrow), Quicksilver (The Flash), The Avengers (The Justice League). Marvel basically ripped off all those characters, tweaked them a little and now everyone thinks Marvel did it first.
>skin looks real
If you live inside a Pixar movie
>Thanos: Your politics bore me. Your demeanor is that of a pouty child....... I will bathe the starways in your blood.
>Steppenwulf: Waaaaaaaah the nasty Amazonians and Atlanteans hurt me. N-no dont taze me Zeus, don't tase me bro!
>Steppenwulf: WAAAAAAAH Superman froze me and they broke my axe! I'm nothing without my axe! OH NO NOT THE PARADEMONS. AAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Really made me think!
Call me a retard, but I'll pick Justice League 1000 times over any Marvel action-comedy.
>Thanos, who looks even worse
Bad b8
I'd be an apprehensive parent too after seeing murder man vs dead cape.
>this argueing over capeshit
Holy fucking cringe, you fucking children.
Why does this villain work but not in iron man 1? Both are calm, cool, and collected
I actually think it lol
Imagine if you said after the Nolan trilogy that WB will shit the bed completely with their movies. Noone would have believed you
>I'll take the generic action comedy over any MARVEL action comedy
Bitch the CGI isn't even done yet, did you not see Hulk in that group shot.
Its addicting desu, tribalism is a bitch
>Steppenwolf gets BTFO by the Olympians
>They all get killed by Ares
>Wonder Woman kills Ares
Steppenwolf is less of a threat than the guy who got solo'd by Wonder Woman in the last movie. Bravo DC
Why was this design scrapped?
Test audiences wanted to see his face
Wake me up when capeshit has a tall alien villain with enormous titties.
its fun tho
As an unironic Marvelkino fanboy, I was legitimately worried that Steppenwolf would be cooler than Thanos when I saw this design.
Everything worked out though.
>Thanos looks worse
Okay I know DCucks are well known for being in denial, but this is something else
How can you know the difference between Marvel and DC anyway? Like, I'm legit puzzled on how or why there are differences.
>Shit movie for younger teenagers, based off a comic book.
>Every antagonist and protagonist is wearing a costume and/or has superpowers.
>Plot involving some sort of doomsday device.
>After a personal emotional rollercoaster, the good guy wins.
>In the last few frames, a sequel is alluded to.
>Credits roll and overplayed EDM (wubwubwubwub), mainstream rock (faggotry by spiritual successors of Nickleback) or hip-hop (jungle monkey shuffle) starts playing.
Do you cunts instinctively know the difference? Or is it a case of having to watch 30+ movies or knowing that "sledgehammero and sniper mab were in Cunt Comics issue 399, october 1963?". Because I doubt faggots watching this shit continuously have the capacity to remember that.
I'd say build-up.
Thanos has been hyped since Avengers 1.
Plus he's dealing on a much grander scale than anything in Iron Man.
The idea that this grimace looking motherfucker can just come to earth, pimpslap our heroes and take our shit without breaking a sweat speaks for itself.
But it's still just a trailer. We'll see. I mean we all thought Ultron would be cool too.
Either way, there's no better comic book stories than actual comic books. Marvel fangirls can think themselves so cool with their movies, I'll just sit back and read a good Batman story with Kevin Conroy's voice, knowing every comic Marvel releases is shit these days.
Thx to Wheadon, a mysterious double agent
>literally fucking cherry-pick
that's a pure denial in most cucked form
5 seconds of Google. OR just general exposure to pop-culture growing up. I learned the difference as a kid through elementary school where kids would have various Marvel or DC lunchboxes/backpacks/t-shirts/et.c and talking to kids about it in school. And this was BEFORE even Raimi Spiderman 1.
Now imagine how it is with the global cultural phenomenon that is capeflicks.
>As if the non-cherry picked version still doesnt have MCU ahead by a huge margin.
Marvel coming in, ripping everything off from DC and then acting like it was theirs, being like We Wuz Kangz
Would you like to expand the image to the entire library of DCEU and MCU? It's really not better at all.
Alright then retard, go watch JL 1000 times in the cinema then. They need the money. Also be sure to buy 1000 copies of the Blu-Ray. Your king Bugs Bunny needs YOUR help!
I know cuz I'm a nerd, my friends just come with me to enjoy the fights... they often ask me "is this movie with iron man or the other guys?"
I a-agree JUSTice le-league was wayyy better th-than any MCU movie. RT is just shilling for Disney even though Warner Bros literally owns RT...
>Marvel have a 30+ movies in MCU
>DC failing to kickstart their DCEU with their poor quality movies
The only difference that matters for someone outside of Sup Forums
>in an alternative timeline DC is doing what Marvel is doing in ours
>they already have done Phase 1 with Batman, Superman, Aquaman and Wonder Woman solo movies along with the first Justice League
>Phase 2 have introduced Green Lantern Corps, Shazam and the start of the Injustice league
still prefer BvS over CW.
LMAO shut the fuck up you fucking kid. I'll like the movies I WANT TO. You're just a little fucking coward calling people retard hiding behind a movie screen.
Next time I go to the theater I'm gonna loudly say "No way Avengers can compete with Justice League" while I'm in line and I PRAY some snot nose little middle school punk has the balls to say some shit.
>even thor and hulk have more than 65%
that's quite a surprise
Yo I didn't know Infinity War was a crossover with the Simpsons
Worth noting as well Warner Bros literally owns a large part of Rotten Tomatoes
In an alternate timeline Superman is a likeable guy, Nolan played ball with WB/DC, and WB/DC had someone competent like Feige managing the movies. Also Snyder directed the Green Lantern movie and depicts massive Green Lantern space battles and cosmickino, based off his expertise from 300. Taika Waititi directs the Superman movie he always wanted to.
Joel Schumacher Superman, featuring Nicholas Cage happened, allowing for an early DC cinematic universe. It, however, helped established the later (and better) cinematic universe by depicting the concept of Hyperreality and Infinite Earths. Cage Superman is Cavill Superman what Earth 2 Superman was to Earth 1 Superman. Multiple earths allow for the Flashpoint Paradox and, eventually, CoIE
>asking people to call him a retard
>fucking coward y u calling people a retard
Wasn't the same guy
They only get the money, they dont manage the web site, and even if they could i would respect warner more for being more honest.
Who fucking cares is the Marvel CGI looks better? At least the movie that discount Shinnok is from was good.
WB can't even rig their own system. And people are surprised that DCEU is failing?
Like them, then. Nothing wrong with supporting what you like. JL DOES need money
I'll drop this here
it was a good step by adding good action scenes and a more "simple" plot, but if they continue with the comedy (god forgive for what im going to say) i would stop supporting DCEU.
Marvel has used everyone to action-comedy, and now they all think every fucking superhero movie has to be that way. I'm sorry but i'd rather not have Batman crack a joke every 30 seconds
You know what's fucking funny?
When Namor finally gets into the MCU, people'll think that he's a ripped off Aquaman even though he came first.
Funny that out of all of the characters, normies will think that Namor is the DC rip off.
>Marvel in the only thing that matters
>DC in nerd shit for autists
>Ignoring merchandise, where Marvel schools DC
To put it mildly: DC Movies are for actual comic book fans. Marvel Movies are for casual morons.
yeah thats sad, Dawn Of Justice was a good movie if you forget its called BvS, and had a really interesting plot, but NOOOOO people want action,fight and """""""COMEDY"""""""""
How is this possible when no one watched Justice League lol
Are they different interpretations of the same character? What's going on here? DC and Marvel movies are based on the same comic right?
People can't appreciate how good BVS was because "It's not like Marvel"
CGI is kino
yeah, DCEU has good movies with a big "BUT" in the middle of the movies, they always somehow ruin the movie , fucking hate warner.
You couldn't be more wrong. Long time DC comics fan here and the Snyder films are an abomination. The man butchered Superman. Fucking Superman, of all things. The easiest super hero in the world to get right and he tried to do some edgy shit instead.
DC comics will always be better than Marvel comics but the movies are a fucking joke.
why is this purple kratos sad?Well, with JL sow superman is ok
>Well, with JL sow superman is ok
>Purple Homer Simpson vs Anus-face
We truly live in dark times
Everyone got their opinion mate. I don't think there's anything wrong with a darker, younger Supes. All I'm saying is I feel like I wouldn't be able to fully understand and appreciate the DC movies if I hadn't read a lot of comics, while I could just sit and watch any Marvel movie with no knowledge of their comics whatsoever.
with JL now superman is ok.*
Is this an unironic or ironic statement? Because people can't appreciate BvS because it can't be appreciated. Unless you are an autist brainlet.
>DC movies are for actual comic book fans
>The actual comic book board absolutely despises Snyder and everything he touches
Really jogs the old noggin
You, my friend, are proving my point. Go back to watch your comedies again. Say: When are Adam Sandler and Jonah Hill joining the MCU?
Young Superman is fine. Dark Superman is not fine, particularly if you're trying to make him the anchor of a franchise. There are so many dark heroes in DC, so many opportunities for edgy representations. Green Arrow, Batman, Guy Gardner GL, Huntress. Superman needs to be the constant. He doesn't sit on the fence between right and wrong. He is supposed to be pure, the moral compass the keeps the other heroes in check.
I just don't think it was a good choice at all. Borders on sacrilege to any Superman fan.
yes it can.
Snyder is unironically an Objectivist that hates everything Superman stands for and tried to reshape him in his own twisted ideals.
Well I was always more of a Batman fan so I guess I don't really mind the dark tone lol.
Ripped them off and did them 10X better
>who looks even worse
I'm not sure your eyes are functioning correctly user.
That's what it feels like, honestly. We don't want to see a real world Superman. Super heroes aren't supposed to remind us of how horrible our world is -- it's supposed to shine a light on what the world could be if everyone was just a little bit more decent to each other. It's about escapism and hope, not a gritty reflection of reality. Superman should inspire us to be better, not brood over moral choices that we face on a daily basis.