ITT: spy kino
ITT: spy kino
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Has anyone in history ever get the plot of this movie?
>I didn't understand mission impossible
What's not to get?
Oh so you get the whole mole plot and boight pretending to be dead for some reason and all the betrayals and him exploding that aquarium to escape from that guy for no reasons, and the women in the car
Dont pretend that you got the plot, you just understood that Ethan was the good guy and thats it
>Oh so you get the whole mole plot and boight pretending to be dead for some reason
They clearly explain the fact that there's a mole directly to the audience, and Voight is pretending to be dead so he won't be supsected of being the mole.
>and all the betrayals
Voight didn't get the Macguffin, but he officially dead so he got people to work for him to get the Macguffin along with Tom Cruise so he could steal it for real this time.
>and him exploding that aquarium to escape from that guy for no reason
You literally just fucking gave the reason why he exploded it, genius.
And ethan helps them for... What?
>be voight
>be mole
>sabotage team to cash in on the noc list
>pretend to die to no one suspects you
simples really
ethan didn't know until the aquarium scene
the quick shot where hes trying to pour more acid on the guy who's still alive had me in stitches
What was the. Mcguffin? Agents names? I dont remember
At the end, doesnt reveal the black guy that he was also a mole or something?
The NOC list
But the list was in prague or langley?
You can't be this dense
Langley. The list in Prague was just a decoy created to root out the mole.
IMF makes a fake noc list so that they can out the mole with the first mission, voight fakes his death and kills everyone but ethan and tits mcgee, ethan goes on the run and gets the real noc list from the cia with then contacts IMF and train shit happens. It was a little confusing when I first saw it at like 12 but c'mon man it's not that complicated
You are the dense one that eats all the plots without thinking
Its been years since I saw it and I dont remember all the details but dont pretend it wasnt confusing the first time
>not eating all the plots
I get that but the black dude says hes is the mole at the end
ving rhames?
Mi:1 = Spy kino
Mi: 2 = Action kino
Mi:3 = PSH kino
Mi:4 = Teamwork kino
Mi:5 = Hitchcock kino
No he doesn't.
this, it's not that hard
IMF figures out they have a mole
they instruct jim's team to obtain the stolen NOC list
in reality the IMF leaked this fake list on purpose to draw out the buyer/mole/contact/any organization, etc
but they fucked up because surprise jim is the mole and they gave it right to him
he kills everybody but hunt and tits, fakes his death to buy his time
he knows hunt will go back to langley and obtain the real list b/c it's the only way to clear hunt's name
hunt does exactly that and has to recruit disavowed agents to help him (reno and rhames)
reno is jim's point man, the knife flashback to prague alludes to this
at the end of the movie rhames doesn't say he's a mole, it's that he was disavowed, and since he helped out hunt this is way to get back into the spy game. which obviously works since he's on hunt's team in the future movies
based brian de palma
Action films are always labeled as mindless, but I have no idea what's going on in them half the time.
Life is hard for a brainlet.
The restaurant scene is my favorite
Ah ok, I really remeber it badly hence the confusion
Wich other movie user?
Latest ones I had trouble with were The Raid films.
I'm not sure I got what the twist was in the first one even after reading up on it.
Older Asian films are usually quite easy to understand, since the plots are cartoon-tier.
Oh I havent seen them