Faggot ass jap shit

Faggot ass jap shit

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>Hanzo Batori vs Oda Jokernada
Pure Kino

If it was just that I would still be interested, but no, they had to make it "3DCGI" faggot ass jap shit.

>3d anime shit like nuBerserk and Blame!
Had me hyped until I saw that. Damn shame, it could've been interesting

It's from the people that do the JoJo OPs if that makes it any better.

the cg ruins it


What’s a Victorian themed white dude doing in Japan?

It sorta does desu. I don't know man, the style is just so damn off-putting. It's the main reason I'm giving zero fucks about that new Godzilla animated film and I'm a huge Goji fan.


DC Asian Universe

>everything is in japanese
where do you even find this stuff? looks good though, I'm hype.

last samurai

Apparently he got sent to an alternate reality.

>we want the weaboo audience

Into the trash it goes


I bet Sup Forums is already butthurt about it

Superbootlegman will make billions of china bucks i tell ya.

>batman ninja
>is a samurai

Fat Batman is a treasure

>Aquaman saying he can't wait to meet his Chinese counterpart last issue
I love this shit so much

>robin's hair

is it cheaper to use CG instead of hand drawn animation?

Jason and Damian were kinda cucked designwise...

I want whatever they're smoking

What's with all those blades, batfag? Planning to stab someone?

Then why are you here?

Yeah, I'm HYPE. Harley is a qt. And dat red hood.

CG shit, it's like people don't learn from past mistakes, like Berserk never happened

CG is the future, you might not like it, but that's how it looks like. Watch sidonia, watch blame, watch houseki no kuni.
>b-b-but muh berserk
Yeah, the visuals weren't even that bad, but director was a total armature who haven't directed anything before. You people like to harp on berserk and how bad it was, and it really was, but it's problem lies in bad pacing, bad shots, bad composition, bad tracking. And it only does for the first half of the show, after that hey switched the newbie for someone marginally better.

still looks better than any "animated" crap DC has released recently

that's the haircut for the kids of nobles in japan

Eh, Justice League Dark was alright, so was Judas Contract.


>that fucking joker stash

other trailer

>"leave capekino to me"

-these gooks, probably

Japs, actually.

sasuga nolan-sama

it'll be better than the DCAU at least going by the track record of the movies

based Japs saving batman

>todd has that dumb basket hat thing

>animated movies*

This looks pretty awful desu. I'm sure weebs will eat it up though.

Can't they make mature animated movies that don't revolve around Batman?

looks like shit

I love that it looks just like the Jojo openings

Why do japs have to put mechas in everything? Has Batman ever even fought a giant robot before?

Same people

Because robots are cool, mecha is a man's romance. Fuck you.

they should ban cg from japanese studios

it's probably clayface or someshit

>3D animation
Japs didnt even do this when they made an X-men Anime

Who's the guy with the mushroom mask?

Gotham Knight was already really anime this is too fucking much


This is some retarded shit, Ninjas kill everyone they fight with


the one on the right?
red hood/jason todd

>3d cgi anime

pale imitation