What's his endgame?

Also, who's hyped for tonight?

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Getting me hard.

pls no

He sorta said it, didn't he? Wants to become bros w/ David and become God.

You know that in the last episode they are going to use a black fat guy with a tsarbosh to play shadow king

Do you literally not watch the show?

I want to be in denial so I can still fap to all of this

>one leg was covered in white
>the other leg was covered in black
>this was the last time they met before I parted them


i don't watch the show or have read the comic. is aubrey supposed to be playing a guy or what?

No one's stopping you, user

Frankly, I'm more interested in finding out what the Eye's endgame is.

A guy is playing Aubrey, more like it.

Aubrey died the first episode. He keeps seeing her in his mind but it's really a psychic fucking with him and she doesn't exist.

Lenny said he also understands that power is the only thing that matters but i kinda wish there's more to that character, i love this fucker since ep1

He's a cannibal

Her face is pretty busted tho.

Fuck, i hope not

that's just lazy and boring

Shut up, fag

Probably trolling Xavier.

I'd still BUST a nut on it

Here's hoping

The last episode left it pretty much wide open that they plan to hit his father at some point in the show.

It'd be really dumb not to get McAvoy or Stewart, depending on how they do it.
