What's going on with Robert Webb?
What's going on with Robert Webb?
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He's a soyboy:
Jesus Christ, that cover viscerally repulses me so fucking much. What is it about smug, neutered-looking men that is so genuinely disgusting?
Very good observation, and its true.
Came to be that he was a bit of a left wing bore and mitchell was the creative force behind their work.
Is this shit actually good or is this just a marketing campaign?
I'm imagining you writing this at your computer and it's not much more impressive
>ita another alt right hates a comedian thread always such an enlightened read
> when the soy kicks in
Webb was always a bit shit and Mitchell was always the funny one.
That said, despite the horrible title, this book isn't about "men are awful and we should all be more like women", it's more about losing his dad to alcoholism and society's expectations of men, and how as a boy he wasn't into sports or anything so always feel a bit alienated from his male acquaintances
>implying men need to be into sports
has he not seen literally every famous person from the past? none of them play sports, they are all politicians, scientists, musicians. what a fuckingretarded title for the book.
That's exactly what these leftists always say though, never that "men are awful" but rather how stereotypical masculinity is terrible and they are redefining men to not be the same.
The issue is both that they are "redefining" men into having no definition whatsoever making it an empty exercise and also that their wholesale condemnation of typical masculinity is damaging. Masculinity is important and necessary to a society, its an ideal to strive towards and more often than not all "breaking it down" is really doing is trying to justify inadequacy.
>I (((genuinely))) cried. I (((genuinely))) laughed out loud. I'm literally shaking
Saw adverts on the tube for this
its not what you think it's about
this is dear white people all over again
>a left wing bore
I love the guy but that also applies to David to be fair. It's more just that part of being British means you are a left-wing bore.
Well Mitchell is left wing but he's not a bore. Im British and im deeply anti-left but im not going to disregard someone's talent on the basis of their politics, David Mitchell is very funny. Webb really isn't, all his solo work and appearances are dreadful and his political opinions banal and lecturing.
he saw reddit and thought, "hey how bout I try to cash in on that?"
Bit harsh, not wrong though.
That's the point of the fucking book
But as a kid you don't know that, you just get called gay because you don't like football
Fair enough, good point.
Roberta webb by the time this decade is over
I don't think you can read at all.
> being called gay as a kid is so damaging that you write a book about it 40 years later
I never liked or played football but was never brought up on it mainly because i didn't otherwise act like a massive precious faggot.
>has he not seen literally every famous person from the past? none of them play sports
Apart from the famous sportsmen
he has a bit of a tranny/ drag queen look, doesn't he
> nah
This is the stunning cognitive ability of a left wing mind. It boggles how you don't succeed as an ideology in free debate.
>you just get called gay because you don't like football
Never happened to me. You must live in some impoverished Northern shithole.
>Responding to Twitter shit posting from the public
No matter how witty the response celbrities always come across as triggered
Well he wrote in his character getting with men in Peep Show, just like a certain other actor whose digressions have come to light.
I would skip P.E and say I forgot my gear
then I would sneak away and find a comfy spot to draw furry porn and anime
good evening goodeveninggoodeveninggoodevening
Never had this shit happen to me, because I didn't go around acting like annoying homo. People just ask,"You see the game last night?" and you say,"No, not really into insert sport here." and that's the fucking end of it unless you're a whiny queer who is ostracized for other reasons.
What does he even do these days?
David managed to carve out a nice little piece of the panel show cake to keep himself occupied, as well as starring in the occasional show/movie.
Robert Webb only really appears along with Mitchell and almost never by himself it feels like. It's like he's begin carried more than a woman in a multiplayer team game.
When I went to school not liking sports was kinda the cool thing to do.
But then I'm part of the millennial faggot generation and when he grew up masculinity was probably far more important.
A central part of being a man is to derive value and self-worth internally, not from the opinion of others and also to be more than able to withstand criticism. So it appears he has also fallen short there unless he's going to argue that is toxic too.
I'm saying this without reading the book so it may all be wrong but writing this decades after the fact as an older man is just laughable.
>not liking sports was cool
that does sound kinda gay buddy, you go to an art school or some shit? even though no one gave me shit for not liking sports, being an athlete was the highest level of "cool" back in high school. Playing sports or dealing drugs was instant pussy and respect
>doesn't like football
Look at this poof
wasn't David's shtick that he's a boring Tory voter? Or was that just a joke in Peep show?
>you go to an art school or some shit?
Nah. I went to like a rough school in the ghetto actually. BUT, and it's a pretty big but, I am Swedish so being faggy is pretty much part of our culture. None of our schools have like sports teams and shit like that either.
Never really had any of that jocks vs nerds social culture you see in American movies, everyone just hung out and were buddies with everyone. Feel like I missed out or something. Everyone just stood around smoking in a circle all day.
hey I'm no poof -- but my boyfriend is!!!
*raunchy laughter*
His comedic persona is that of like a posh guy, but in reality he's just sort of your average liberal comedian. He even has a regular column in The Guardian.
>But then I'm part of the millennial faggot generation and when he grew up masculinity was probably far more important
This. I'm 32 and when I was growing up (at posho public schools in central London no less) plenty of kids were obsessed with football and being macho while hardly anyone was openly gay, but by the time I was in my mid 20s it seemed like any bunch of schoolkids would include several flaming homos. Webb is 45, he was going to school in the late 70s and early 80s in shitty Lincolnshire, it's not like today when most kids as school are enviro-conscious metrosexual soyboys. He's kind of talking about issues which don't really apply that much to people much younger than himself.
That sounds like kind of a bummer man, though I guess there's pros and cons to both ways. I personally prefer the segmentation of social groups, but I'm guessing that shit is different for everyone. At least you have a comfy social net to keep you from fucking your life up to horribly, if we had that here in the states I would quit work today.
Just a character he frequently plays, he would never dare lambaste the left and you have to remember that these rich, university graduated, loan absolved by parents, central london living somehow still have a delusion that the left are the poor underdog and the rich are right wing and posh. So it just wouldn't cohere with his world view to have characters who speak well and have money yet aren't conservatives.
Well you're not a man when you're 11, now are you? Unless the environmental pollutants have kicked in you are years away from puberty and the "lets all make fun of that one faggot" mentality middle schoolers often adopt isn't going to help said faggot derive an internal sense of worth.
I'm 28 and went to a posh london school and it was nothing like you describe, people enjoyed football but gays were hardly hidden and attacked.
LOL who even are Michael Jordan or David Beckham?
I was unironically bullied at my school for being white when i was 14 and i dealt with it because of an inner sense that they were wrong and i was right.
Whats with the negative correlation between homosexuality and sports?Plenty of faggots lift and like to watch idiots throw a ball back and forth.
Might want to read the second half of my post there.
>mitchell and webb situation is much better than look but no one talks about
Are you stupid? Homosexual men tend towards more feminine interests and identification. Very few like watching and playing team sports and the lifting comes later under the motivation of getting laid.
A gay person could tell you that, they'd be weirded out that you don't seem to observe it.
It's grotesque that this is the new norm.
Not wrong at all, have you never met a gay man in your entire life? Get out a bit more.
I don't give a fuck about sports so for me it was alrigh. Thinking about it growing up my friends have been pretty varied, including a hairy gay guy, a guy who grew up in the ghetto stealing cars and shit, a rich guy who used to be a neo-nazi, a "bimbo party girl", a Finnish girl who was in a Christian cult, some creepy guy who later tortured and beat someone death with a hammer, a fat lesbian, a black Muslim girl with an afro, some guy who was in a death metal band and went to drug fuled parties all the time.
>At least you have a comfy social net to keep you from fucking your life up to horribly
The different social groups also means it's harder to stay friends outside school though.
>free debate
Well, there's your answer.
he's a massive twat, just like the characters he plays
carpool karaoke with james corden and Roberta webb coming soon
>Well Mitchell is left wing but he's not a bore
Is mitchell left wing? I always imagined him as a liberal, can't really see him calling for the workers to own the means of production desu.
He voices a lot of ads. Like there's one for sofas and some others atm.
>not superior Bruiser
I'm 33. I'm Norwegian but the first thing I can remember being told, from preschool is about "how we don't have to behave" as boys.
I started school in 1991, and from then on it was all about how its OK to cry, for boys to show emotion, this and that all the malarky about it being alright to not fit into a certain view of boyhood/manhood.
So I honestly don't get were all these "lets deconstruct masculinity" comes from. I have been taught nothing but "its ok to cry, please show your emotions, you don't have to like sports, bla bla".
Never once have anyone in institutions told me to man up or behaving like a man or whatever.
He's a liberal in the modern misuse of the term, in that he supports no liberal policies whatsoever and is favour of an expansive socialist state.
>im not going to disregard someone's talent on the basis of their politics
Good lad
Mark is more of a Blairite
What was it like when you finished school and realized that the people around you wouldn't care if you were dead? Like when you hit adulthood and things got harder.
We didn't have that in the UK until quite a few years later.
If he left out the last sentence, especially the excalamation mark, it would have been an alright response.
If everyone uses it that way then its not a misuse of the term.
Also they don't care about economics, only social stuff.
American liberals are centre-right.
Because there are biologically determined male mental attributes that somehow have not been overcome by sheer social effort to do so, the left assumes that there was not enough social effort. Remember they quite genuinely do not believe there is any biological facticity behind anything. I'm a final year med student and i unironically had to inform a girl in my year that men and women didn't have the exact same brains and mental qualities. She's one year away from qualifying.
>he hasn't seen The Smoking Room
Oh wow. I'm , Swedish and born in 92, and for me school was always pretty gendered and for the most part were taught that girls were girls and boys were boys and we had teachers who said stuff like "man up".
Gays weren't hidden or attacked, but there were about two openly gay guys in my whole year, and about a dozen who came out when they were in university or later. Attitudes to stuff like that have been changing quickly. My point is also that a lot can change pretty quickly, you started school four or five years later than I did.
It can be misused as it is a term that followed on from several thinkers and ideological schools, people like JS Mill founded it and so the word has an intention and creation behind it, it is not open to being fluid.
Also to say that they do not care about economics is wildly inaccurate, issues such as the welfare state, inheritance tax and wider taxation, tax brackets and evasion, public amenities such as the NHS and schooling. These are absolute core modern 'liberal' issues.
Depends if you mean int he actual sense of the word, in which case absolutely. Yet if you mean in how americans actually use the word then no, they are more leaning towards authoritarian left.
Did you just make a strawman of an entire political principle based on a med student you met?
> a dozen who came out later
What were they doing to your year??
I used an example to illustrate an argument i had already put forward, please learn your formal logic.
I can relate.
Am I.. dare I say it, a soyboy?
>That kid who was a brazen weirdo
The balls on that guy
>Farage in the Garage
Would love to know what it's this chapter and how he justified using that truly ingenious pun.
The nintendo kid, every school had one.
>Never really had any of that jocks vs nerds social culture you see in American movies
The movies exaggerated what happens in the US (at least in the past).
You'd have the different cliques that people generally hung out with, the sports kids with the sports kids, the goth with the goth, the anime nerds with the anime nerds, and so on. But there wasn't some trend of bullying going on except in trashy schools that often had a lot of diversity.
It's more obvious these days with how much diversity there is that you get clearer lines between the good schools where people generally get along (but hang out in their own circles) and the diverse schools.
great post
>tfw you weren't that ugly and kinda fat bloke who nevertheless had the confidence of a greek god and thus got laid like mad
I walked past a school in Sheffield, UK the other day at lunch time and saw one white kid sitting alone whilst the ENTIRE rest of the playground was arab kids playing. Made me sad.
Then again the area is known as the People's Republic of Yorkshire so they brought it on themselves.
He should really shave his head.
This is the kind of thing that happens in the US routinely and which you have Americans warning Europe about all the time.
We've gotten to see over the past couple decades how divided our society became as we let diversity creep in.
this and only this!
>You'd have the different cliques that people generally hung out with, the sports kids with the sports kids, the goth with the goth, the anime nerds with the anime nerds, and so on
Fair enough but I never really had that either. I got into anime because a rough ghetto guy got me into anime, I got into tabletop roleplaying games because a death metal junkie got me and my friends into roleplaying games, I got a pretentious handsome model into strategy video games. The biggest jock in the school was also the biggest Counter Strike fanatic and used to fuck everyone when we had LAN parties(granted pretty much every single male in Sweden has at some point extensively played CS) and so on.
The primary schools really are a horror show. I think people still don't realise just how much of a minority our kids are going to be, within not even a full generation
I just do not see to what end it is being pushed, no-one has ever voted for it, polls consistently show people don't want it, sociological analysis shows it worsens community interaction and safety, the sheer population imbalances between the west and elsewhere mean that is unsustainable and doesn't help the other nations. Just what arguments are there for it? There is not a single positive as far as i have ever heard.
The general understanding now just seems to be that it is a given that we have mass immigration and all that can be done is ease the impact, but to question it in the first place is a radical move.
The sad situation is that they will be a minority on an unbeatable scale. We talk about minorities in the west when really each race has several home countries they can go to with populations exceeding any western one by orders of magnitude. When whites become a minority in the west they won't have that, they will be totally alone.
He looks to be in a moderate amount of pain. How Not To Be A Boy is him talking about an upbringing he perceived as restrictive and dulling. Toxic masculinity, men may not express their feelings and so on.
>be me, year 11
>typical goth/emo kid
>chill school though where all the goths/anime kids/sporty kids were all poor as shit and got along by year 11
>didn't want to do PE
>PE teachers would let me and my mates sit on the side and bunk it as long as we didn't tell the head of year, and would kick the ball back if it came our way
I fucking loved my school, it was so garbage, like a diamon in the rough.
Eastern Europe is by the very nature of the culture and people living there adverse to receiving migrants from non-European countries. It has successfully resisted the multi-culturalism/diversity meme historically despite being in the first line when it came to great migration patterns or "progressive" political movements. When the time comes, all that remains of the white race in the West will have to move towards EE for survival reasons (survival as in living in a white society and having white kids not literally to avoid being hunted down and killed in the streets)