>Sup Forums in 2009 "Wow this show is so stupid reality tv is the worst"
>Sup Forums in 2017 "They just don't have good reality tv shows like they did back in the day"
Sup Forums in 2009 "Wow this show is so stupid reality tv is the worst"
italians were a mistake
Northern or Southern ones?
>liking reality tv ever
>Sup Forums in 2009 "Wow this show is so stupid reality tv is the worst"
Uh what? We loved it, you retarded newfag. Could you imagine if Sup Forums had a rewatch? It will be golden.
I want this to happen
> dude I'm Italian bro
> You speak Italian ?
> What no, but one day im going back to my old country to see whats it like
I never understood American fascination with trying to identify with people that they can't even speak in the same language with or born in the same country
That's some 56% shit right there.
Because its where their ancestors came from you dense cunt
>hurr why are americans proud of their heritage??
>I never understood American fascination with trying to identify with people that they can't even speak in the same language with or born in the same country
Imagine living in a multicultural society with no common identifiers. People naturally seek to be a part of a tribe.
Why are yuromuslims so stupid?
He's got a point.
Americans are such mutts they obsess over a culture, language and Identity that has nothing but sentimental meaning to them.
Everyone in america seems to be "a quarter this, a half that, a third this and a dash of x"
Why not just say you're American?
>Durr I'm Irish even though I've never been there and don't speak the language
White Americans are pathetic. No wonder they appropriate other countries cultures due to their own lack of one.
>Why not just say you're American?
Because the definition of what it is to be an American has been changed dramatically in such a relatively short time period.
Jesus Christ fashion back then was horrible
Do Europeans really consider european born Arabs/pakis/Africans/shitskins/ect to be true English/French/german/ect?
Is a third or fourth generation person of polish/french/Swedish descent born and raised in britain just the same as a true native English or scotsman?
Why do Europeans insist on dismissing ethnicity and only acknowledging nationality?
Would still unload a creamy load into Jwoww's pusy.
N-no bully
That's because the regular shitposters here now were children then.
That fucking girl looking at the camera gives me the creeps
Jersey Shore is actual kino. Maybe not so much the later seasons, but definitely the first two. The Situation is one of the most fascinating villain characters I've ever seen on a television show.
You're in luck user. MTV just made a brand new reality show for you to enjoy and it premiered Monday. One girl already drunkenly pissed another roommates bed. Roasties and niggers,
Jersey Shore threads were amazing
>tfw will never Shorepost on Sup Forums again
Who the fuck made this garbage?
because america is 250 years old. literally everybody came from another country unless you're a native american, and we killed almost all of them.
i think it goes without saying that you're american but if someone was born in sweden to syrian parents you'd probably take issue with them saying they were swedish no?
>literally everybody came from another country unless you're a native american, and we killed almost all of them.
"Natives" immigrated from Siberia.
We didn't "kill" almost all of them. They died due to disease more than being killed.
they look like they fuck black guys
Watching reality TV unironically = Retard
Watching reality TV ironically = Patrician
Jersey Shore was one of the most popular shows on Sup Forums when it first aired