>Dc is making a Batman anime
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>Dc is making a Batman anime
It's not the first time and it won't be the last
>no lord deathman
looks like KINO tbqh
>"Alright, ladies and gentlemen of the board, we tried grimdark stoicism. We even killed the daughter of one of our directors and replaced him with one of those Marvel guys. What more can we do?"
>"Appeal to the weebs"
>"Make it happen"
It looks well animated at least.
Some of the DC animated movies are fucking terrible looking, they have such cheap & lazy looking animation, and some are great (like the Dark Knight animated movies, and Flashpoint Paradox, both are fantastic).
Looks promising enough.
>CGI anime
>goes to japan
>is already speaking japanes
Looks like kino and gotham Knight was anime already. Try harder faggot
Still better than BvS.
>more batman
WTF is this garbage! And why is it cg?
Looks like complete ass.
>implying fucking Batman isn't multilingual
this looks great
>It looks well animated at least.
You're kidding right? The animation is awfully hatched.
Can't they just make one animated movie that doesn't star Batman?
Still looks neat. I wouldn't expect something this creative.
I wish Martian Manhunter got more love
I'd much rather have this over what The Killing Joke looked like.
Felt as if they used a third of the frames in animating that than they should have.
Can't they do anything other than fucking Batman?
Baseless internet complaint #543
>its that cheap ass 3d shit with anime shader instead of actual hand-drawn animation
no thanks
>well animated
>15 fucking FPS
>implying DC has any good characters that aren't heavily related to batman
yeah they did a bunch of superman adaptations too like superman vs. the elite
>very clearly samurai
>instead of actual hand-drawn animation
you know at the same budget level it would look as unwatchably bad as the 90% of shows in the current season. it's not the 90's anymore.
>3D anime
>"well animated"
Guys... you don't really need a full anime series when you're just selling niche high-end toys with a TWEEST no one cares about.
so is this like, an alternate universe sorta thing where batman grows up in japan
or is batman just visiting japan and there just so happens to be a guy that looks exactly like the joker and he also knows how to fight with swords and shit because why not
because if it's the latter that's fucking stupid
t.marvel fan
It's aesthetically pleasing compared to some of their other movies is what I'm saying.
That for instance.
>3D anime
>aesthetically pleasing
Literally crying over here
Looks good
The last Bat anime was hand-drawn though and it wasn't the 90s then either. Stop defending Taiwanese computer farm trash.
Eh, Knights of Sidonia looked good
>cgi trying to pass as 2d animation
I don't care if you have a grudge over that art style for whatever reason, but it objectively looks better than the lazy flash animation tier stuff they sometimes pump out.
KoS is a literal meme anime that people make fun of in all anime boards.
>he unironically thinks 3D anime is the greatest art style ever made
Holy shit
looks god fucking awful but will still be better than 2016 Berserk
>ten years ago
this is what modern anime looks like.
comic con trailer looks sick as fuck
You're not even trying now user, you know that's not what I'm saying
no more (You)'s for you from here on out
> Sup Forums
Go back please - it is well animated, the fact that it's CGI shouldn't make you sperg this much. This is probably what they wanted to do with Berserk and failed miserably. This looks great in comparison.
>It looks well animated at least.
>it's the company that did all the JoJo openings
I'll probably watch it even though I hate capeshit
Did you really need to post the same thing 5 times, user?
When did Sup Forums start hating on DC so hard? I remember a few years ago after the first Avanger movie everyone was hating Marvel and making fun of them and now it's vice versa, everyone loves Marvel and hates DC with a passion. At least the biggest meme of all time belongs to DC, that's something
>15 fucking FPS
That's more than most 2D anime
A few years ago Sup Forums hated capeshit across the board. Man of Steel and BvS were both laughing stocks on Sup Forums when they were released.
With Marvel's constant several hundred million dollar budget movies, what's $10,000 to buy some shills for various movie discussion websites.
Nigger I only posted once in one of those, this is me I'm debating in another thread, I don't give a damn about this one anymore. Stop linking me, grow up, and learn that Sup Forums isn't one person.
This 3D anime shit is worthless to me and anyone that matters. And so are you.
>resorting to racism
>posting the same comment five times for validation
>"I'm better than you"
This guy
most 2D anime runs in 60FPS
Sup Forums, to the extent that it can be considered a person, hates just about everything. Just because there are more Marvel threads doesn't mean people necessarily prefer Marvel over DC, it just means one is more popular.
>Still not Red Son Superman
>Man of Steel and BvS were both laughing stocks on Sup Forums when they were released.
that's not true and you know it.
Nigger, what are you doing?
It is absolutely true
There's that word again.
You wouldn't use it in the real world, so don't use it here, it hurts people.
>Just because there are more Marvel threads doesn't mean people necessarily prefer Marvel over DC, it just means one is more popular.
Don't be a retard
>10 years ago
But it wasn't the 90s. Stop moving the goal posts. And this isn't some moeshit jap show, it's a feature length animated movie.
I'm not from Sup Forums. Sup Forums isn't what makes that type of animation look cheap. everyone who dosn't have shit taste isn't from another board.
Looks pretty well animated despite the 3D shit. All of the JoJo openings look amazing so I faith in this
>You wouldn't use it in the real world,
But I do, not everyone lives in America. Imagine living in a nigger free country, that's where I live.
Marvel already did it better with the X-men anime
No 3d shit
how pissed is Sup Forums that this 3d cgi shit is ruining their cartoons?
>Dc is making a Batman anime
Ever heard of Gotham Knight? This is nothing new.
Lol yeah like anyone should give a shit what anime boards think, is this a joke?
>dc cinematic universe btfo by anime
You're on an anime board, buddy
to bad it uses the worst kind of jap animation the 3d one.
*commits sudoku*
I really want to like the idea of grinning Joker samurai masks but he's been so oversaturated I can't bring myself to.
this is animeland
>arguing whether its good or bad animated
Who gives a fuck? looks dope, i am hype
This looks like the hottest garbage I've seen in a long time, but it looks so bad, it might be good, so I'll take a watch. Maybe.
Pretty much this.
Besides they are only making it to sell figurines.
I dont know shit about animation, but why is this looking so well drawn?
because its not drawn at all you retard, its computer made. Which is why its utter shit.
>but why is this looking so well drawn?
Simple: you are blind.
Return of Kino
it looks far better than the usual dc animated flat shit or weeb crap
it has shading, attention to detail, doesnt look like flat paper-thin models
the fps is still shit
>it has shading, attention to detail, doesnt look like flat paper-thin models
Easy to do that when you don't have to draw anything and photoshop does it for you.
It looks like shit you retard
is it a series or a movie
>It looks well animated at least.
It looks like third season of Breserk you dumb fuck.
who gives a shit about your purist "it's bad when computers do it" shit, it looks far better than shit like dark knight returns or all star superman
Even the shittiest Japanese cartoon looks better than the best American artists have to offer, this isn't something new or to be proud of.
This looks like shit.
>computer made means 0 skill and work involved
>computer made is harder than hand drawing
spotted the IT pleb
you will always be a virgin
>It looks well animated at least.
Oh come on, even I'm a DCfag and even I see this as delusional
>well animated
>this 3d shit
As if we needed more proof DC is dead
the best thing about these things is watching Sup Forums whine about batman