It still hurts that Penny Dreadful is gone, lads.
Plus the intro is still pure kino
Why do we still have shit like TWD an GOT but good shows like this get cancelled because of plebs?
It still hurts that Penny Dreadful is gone, lads.
Plus the intro is still pure kino
Why do we still have shit like TWD an GOT but good shows like this get cancelled because of plebs?
... Holy shit.
Someone actually posted about one of my favourite tv shows of all time. I never see this. Christ, man. I feel you.
I gave it a few episodes and it seemed like pretty dull wasted potential, I'm sure most people thought the same.
The first few episodes aren't great. I highly, highly recommend watching it. The episode "A Blade of Grass" is genuinely good. Seriously. One of my favourite episodes of TV and I've seen shit tons of TV shows.
I mean it gets much better. Forgot to say.
The great episodes like the one about her origins with the witch, her time in the mental institute and Dracula and Satan fighting over her are incredibly good plus the setting and characters in general were great.
Season one was kind of slow but it sets everything up for the next seasons and pays off well.
is so strange how you can pinpoint the exact episode in season 3 when the creator literally just gave up
Absolutely kino. But the ending was one of the worst..
I just miss victorian Eva desu
because you can tell he decided to just scrap every plotline and end the show out of no where, half of the characters basically 180 half way through season 3 it makes no sense, especially that hot succubus daughter of satan witch girl who followed hartnets character around in season 3
Exactly! Love the mental institute episodes. They're a bit special to me, honestly. And the witch episodes are very atmospheric. Yeah season 1 isn't that great but 2 is awesome. I'm not sure I liked the theme change in S3, but Dracula was very good.
Eva man... Eva is great. My favourite character is John Claire/Caliban by far though. When he first showed up I cringed but holy hell, he's very good. Rory Kinnear...
Yeah unfortunately S3 felt very rushed. HOWEVER, A Blade of Grass made the entire season for me...
a lot of the arcs never really went anywhere, with eva being the most uninteresting character of all
My least favourite thing about the ending was the vampire slayer who basically came straight out of Buffy... She was in it for like 1 or 2 episodes and she somehow ends up being with the gang at the confrontation of Dracula... Bullshit. She doesn't deserve that spot. Any agree? Seriously, she came out of nowhere. It all felt very quick.
the gay manlet eccentric antiques dealer or whatever he was name drops imhotep in season 3 and says hes going to egypt its quite obvious they had more planned but the creator decided to end the show, that vampire hunter chick was most likely related to van helsing in some form no doubt and was going to be a part of their team for the next season
John Claire > Ethan > Eva
Yeah it's pretty painful because you can tell how much they had planned. I quite liked the antiques dealer to be honest. He was likeable in the end. But yeah... so much potential. Still though, it's one of my favourite shows for its atmosphere and certain characters.
season 1 is slow but still really enjoyable, they definitely nailed that old school horror style that you just dont see anymore very much in the vein of shelleys frankenstein and bram stokers dracula
>Ywn cuddle up to Ms. Ives at night only for her to wake up screaming at you in tongues and trying to attack you only to hold her until it passes
There truly is no point to living.
>watching this show season 1
>pretty good
>suddenly hardcore graphic gay anal sex out of nowhere
Couldn't agree more. It's a pretty unique show. I remember when I first found it and really wasn't sure about it, but like most decent/good shows, it grows on you.
The worst part of it was Jekill and the retarded muh strong female subplot, at least Dorian BTFO's her.
>out of nowhere
We're dealing with Dorian here, mate. The gayest of gays.
The Jekyll and Hyde plot seriously went nowhere... I was expecting for the Mr. Indian Man to actually go crazy and turn, but it never happened... It was his father who was Hyde or...whatever.
Can we get some love for Rory Kinnear please? That guy actually had me almost shedding manly tears at the end. To me he's the main character of the show. That ending scene by the graveyard much? Holy hell.
I'm surprised he doesn't get more work, he's a great actor.
By the way, there are graphic novels which advance the story, but I've never bought them because I feel like it'd change my perception of the good parts of the show. I just want it to stay in that world as a contained thing.
It was shit cause it was on a channel that can show puss and they had a lead actress that does show puss but they don't show her puss instead they show tranny dong so it was shit.
Why did they lie and say that "we chose to end the show this way" rather than admitting it was canceled? In interviews prior they discussed the executive teeth they had to pull to get greenlit for subsequent seasons after the first one. Suddenly that isn't an issue and they randomly decided to end the show before any character completed their arc?
He actually has a really good character arc in the show. One of the ones were you can feel the change. One of the reason I love him even more is A Blade of Grass. I thought that was a very shocking and interesting decision.
You really need to actually read the material this show is based on. Starting with Dorian.
This likely stemmed from the shoe's abrupt ending. I felt the journey of his character just started.
The strong feminist stuff was a bit much, but you have to admit Piper is a good actress. I like the bit where she went mental at Caliban. Really haunting.
My problem with it is that it was almost copypasted for the worst and most annoying subplot ever in Westworld.
Is the devil and Dracula fighting over her soul the most kino episode?
Yes it fucking is.
That's the one called A Blade of Grass.
I've said it like 5 times here, but I'll say it again: genius episode. The feels when Rory reads to Eva... Do you realise the weight of this? He even says he doesn't like poetry and he's a simpleton. That hit me right in the gut.
To be fair this is a time period with real feminists, not the third wave misandry we see today. Although Piper's character was biased against men, it showed how her bias was stupid. Though whores back in those days were weary and wary of men, look at Fantine in Les Mis. Even though Valjean first approached her peacefully face-to-face she spat at him.
Yeah it was good because it wasn't black and white. I said it was a bit much in the end, but it was portrayed in quite a nice way.
Dwar God this show was as mistreated as Hannibal.
Was anyone else a little confused even by S3 how people perceived magic in the universe? Sometimes it seemed people knew about it, like the detective following Ethan, but other times it seemed obscure and unknown.
>Dear God*
I gave up halfway through S2. Couldn't stand most of the subplots.Shame too, cause I liked S1 and really enjoyed the Vanessa centric episodes.
>actual intelligent discussion happening
>suddenly a wild retard appears!
Please. Please just continue. You need to get to A Blade of Grass.
>absolutely based tier
Vanessa Ives
Rory Kinear
>great tier
Ethan Chandler
Ferdinand Lyle
The psychotherapist
The black manservant guy
Scotland yard guy
Thespian guy
>Good tier
qt actress
Timothy Dalton
Dorian gray
Apache guy
Ethan's dad
qt witch
>ehh tier
last minute yas queen qt
old witch
>shit tier
billie piper
mouthy young prostitute girl
wax museum faggots
other witches
Poo in lookyll
>le intellect man
I agree with you for the most part although I'd say Dracula was in good tier. It was a bit cringey during his reveal, but I liked who he was when not being Dracula. It really worked with Eva's interests.
Should I just watch that and skip the rest? I felt the Dorian stuff was a waste of time and didn't care for the Frankenstein storyline either. I've heard S3 is a disappointment and hear this sentiment alot. Wasted potential, the show.
Can I just say again, this is weird as fuck to be talking about PD. I've been browsing Sup Forums for years and seen it maybe twice before... This is nice.
Nah man, you can't really skip to it I'm afraid. I would say if the show isn't for you, it isn't for you, but the episode I'm talking about just solidified the show for me even though it's very flawed in places. It's very similar to earlier mental institute episode, but there are very big revelations and some excellent acting.
Only thing I know about this show is the naked bald creepy ladies. How did they even air this in Bongland? Like 4:30PM on BBC1?
I don't know. I can't even remember seeing it announced anywhere in the UK. I just torrented it. I would give the show a shot, man. It's surprisingly well done in places and very "intelligent" in terms of dialogue.
>Wasted potential, the show.
No, It's a heavily flawed masterpiece, not a waste of potential.
It doesn't weave all the threads together, it staggers sometimes and it has weak plotlines. Ultimately though, It's highly ambitious, ambitious to an extent you rarely if ever see, and it often hits its marks.
I think it's etheral enough to get away with it all too. I think its lack of popularity is mostly due to its strengths not its weaknesses.
>Wasted Potential: The Show
>very "intelligent" in terms of dialogue
This, at times the writing is absolute top shelf. Switch off the tv and think for a while afterward stuff.
Mmm, yeah, I'd rather not sit through 10 or so episodes I probably won't enjoy just to see one I'd probably love. Yeah, I think this show isn't for me. I wanted it to be as I genuinely liked S1 and the vibe like this user says. Ah well. Just curious, how's Dalton in S3? He was one of my favorite parts of the show as well.
Funny enough he knows wants to continue on doing future seasons through comic books.
I'm not sure what the exact reason is but apparently the creator decided to nuke the show from high orbit at some point in season3 and no one else knew until he did it
The sad part is, most people seeing it would probably think it's a cheesy vampire fest with little substance. It's the opposite of that at times.
Dalton does actually make some good progress, though for me he was the most stilted. I suppose that's his point though. He was damaged by the loss of his daughter and son. But you do see somewhat of a change in him at the end. There are shit tons of problems with the ending though and loads of questions to ask about what happens to characters.
>entirety of S1 is spent building up how fucking powerful and crazy dracula is
>doesn't even show up till S3
>most disappointing introduction I've ever seen for a character
>"WoOooO DRACuLa is the NiCe GuY fRoM tHe MuSeUm!!!"
>user realises what Sup Forums is like
Shit didn't deserve to end so quickly. I really wanted to see where they went with Jekyll and if anything came from that trip to Egypt.
But according to Logan he told the story he wanted to tell so whateva. Still a great show.
Give me a TL;DW. I want to know what happened with the characters and Dorian in the undead whorehouse.
This reminds me of the massive issue with the Witch (I forget her name) who sits beside her whilst this is happening. I actually made a bunch of threads about this over the internet. It didn't make sense. I think it was a retcon. I can't remember the fuel details, but it was something to do with the main witch not knowing who Eva is or something. Like it's a very weird dynamic when they meet at the ball later on (the one with the blood rain).
I was just saying that it's a sentiment I have seen expressed about this show a lot. There were things I enjoyed about it, mainly atmosphere and dialogue, but for me I felt like it missed more often than it hit.
She's just perfect ...
>fuel details
God I must be tired or just excited by this mention of penny dreadful
>Did you fuck him?
>Or did he fuck you?
Wait they're out NOW?
I feel like I can't be happy until someone formally agrees that A Blade of Grass is god tier TV. Sigh.
Such a great show, Eva killed every scene and the supporting cast was quite good to. Can't help but feel frustrated though. There was SO much they could have done with it but really squandered it by the third season.
is that the episode where Vanessa in the the mental hospital with human Caliban?
That shit was great where she ends up btfo'ing that fucker. Rory is a great actor but Caliban forced his way into everything he could when he couldn't get his way, so it was nice to see him get his comeuppance in a fashion.
Also based wife for immediately taking him back at first.
Don't do that mate.
But yes. Yes it is.
Hell yes.
This might be a bit gay, but I'm wondering if anyone else does this with TV shows they like and feel connected to. Do you go out of your way to not look at images or watch scenes for a long while after watching? Almost out of reverence I mean. This conversation is actually the first time I've talked about PD since finishing it ages ago.
I would argue any Vanessa focused episode was kino. My fav was the one with the witch and her background
I mean I enjoyed it well enough but the show had some seriously questionable decisions particularly after season one.
Those bald naked witch women running around were unintentionally hilarious for instance.
It would have been better if it was better.
Believe it or not we used to have threads when a new episode popped up. Wasn't as big as other shows but we discussed.
I feel you though. This is nice.
For the amount of times I've mentioned it, it sounds like I'm obsessed (I probably am), but I could never have imagined I would feel the feels I felt during S3 EP 4 when I first began watching. I honestly just picked it up randomly and didn't know I was going to get to invested. But man those Eva focused episodes are so good. Show is damn flawed in places, but I just feel like S3 EP 4 worked so well and was so tight in terms of the narrative that it blew me away.
Kek this
This one makes me sad. How can someone be that attractive and endearing and mysterious. My heart mannnn. My heart.
Wait what season was this?
Because I can't really remember Dorian joining them for ANY of the major battles.
How did the creature and Lilly instantly know they were unable to die, or if they even were immortal? WHy would they make that connection just form being resurrected? They talk an awful lot about eternity and shit with nothing to back it up.