Who was the best Friend?
Who was the best Friend?
the largest one
The dog
Joey. Ross is an ass
Why didn't Ross as the largest friend not simply eat all the other friends?
ross. please like my ross fan art on the face book
what happened s8 lol they're all terrible
Ross in the best character and have the best scenes and jokes
Joey is the most lovin and caring
Where should I start this series I tried season 1 but it's really shit.
i get up in the evening and i ain't got nothing to say
Unironically Chandler - he'd lend you some cash, play some video games, watch some kino with you, go meet women with you, hang out.
You'd just have to deal with his imageboard-esque ronery issues, and I assume most of you faggots are good at that.
>tfw I had a crush on Rachel instead of Monica when I was a kid
I was such a pleb.
Ross = Joey = Chandler = Phoebe > Monica = Rachel
How come in the same timespan Phoebe aged 20 years but Ross none?
As a character? Ross
As a person? Ross
As a friend? Chandler
Janice and her big khazar milkers
season 1
Best Friend may have been Joey, he was unflinchingly loyal throughout if memory serves. Chandler was the most entertaining character though, and also a good friend.
Pheobe was a real piece of shit in the later seasons.
>unflinchingly loyal throughout if memory serves
>dates rachel
>gets engaged to rachel
Because women age horribly.
Joey stayed practically the same. Rachel aged the best, after Monica.
Who was the worst friend (as in, lacking qualities friends should have) and why was it Rachel?
rachel because she a dumb thot
I was gonna say Phoebe but Rachel was really selfish.
Is Ross carrying his sister's shoes?
Remember when Phoebe had the cop boy friend and took Joey and Chandler and Ross out for a drive and a car back fires and they think its a gun shot.
And Joey goes to defend Ross and cover him with his body. Chandler becomes sad Joey did this.
Then later Joey said he was just protecting his sandwhich. Fuck I lol'd
fat fuck
How do you go from this? to this?
>As a person? Ross
are you serious
ross was a huge cunt
he literally would not have been out of place if he was a seinfeld character instead
So do most men
they were all shit
I member that was funny. Do you remember when the cop shoots a bird out his window and thats how that relationship ended? I lol'd. Also remember when ross pretends to watch TV? I lol'd
>Chandler hasn't spoken to Ross or Joey in years, all the females haven't spoken to him since 2007, he stopped receiving Xmas cards from them in 2011
>Ross hasn't spoken to Rachel in 3 years, never had a friendship with any of the cast after the show ended
>Monica maintained a friendship with Rachel, but hasn't with Chandler, Joey or Ross
>Phoebe hasn't spoken to any of the cast on a personal level in years
>Joey doesn't know where any of the cast live, hasn't maintained contact
>Rachel didn't invite Joey, Chandler or Ross to her wedding, a ceremony that featured several of her cast mates from other shows
i didnt
>Monica maintained a friendship with Rachel, but hasn't with Chandler
>hasn't with Chandler
They are married and have two kids you tard. Also the rest is too stupid too address. Is this some kind of cringepasta?
fuck marry kill???
>It's real in the show so it's real to me!
I think he's referring to the actors
Anyone else feel like Friends was pretty weak at ending relationships? The writing for this one, and several others, hust came across as "Oh, we need to end this relationship. Here is a contrived reason". Bruce Willis and Rachel was another exanple.
He's clearly talking about the people PLAYING the characters, knucklehead.
>It tastes like feet
>Phoebe hasn't spoken to any of the cast on a personal level in years
I forgot she was still alive
fuck joey
divorce ross
kill chandler
friends was pretty funny but I don't think it's very realistic. I've never seen a friendship dynamic like that work for long in real life, folks their age live mostly independently with their wives and either drift apart or have a falling out.
monica and rachel especially would've been at each others throats in a jiffy.
I don't usually browse Friends threads. Is this some running gag or do you people literally, unironically like Ross? What the fuck
Oh I assumed because they were the character names he was talking about the character and not the actual actors.
>I'm fiinneeee
>referring to actors as characters they portrayed when talking about their personal lives
Plastic surgery.
Not even once.
>I've never seen a friendship dynamic like that work for long in real life
Thats the entire underlying theme of the show and why the ending is so sad.
>he's a Joeyfag
I bet you have a pocket fork too you fag
he was easily the worst of them in the beginning but by the end of the series he was far and away the funniest character.
ross is /ourguy/
That's what makes the character so entertaining. Larry David saw Schwimmer's comedic ability, and included him in Curb season 4.
Ross is the funniest character by the end of the show.
What did they mean by this?
love that smug expression
>tfw you will never have a platonic nap buddy
sleeping on your bro is comfy
why the hell wouldn't you like Ross? He's the funniest and most interesting character by far
>i wanna do it again!
>we can't do it again
>why not
>because it's WEIRD!
>Dr. Gellar!
How /fa/ is this show? It did invent "The Rachel."
Also, why does Chandler get a tie sometimes?
he works in an office
Why were sandwiches a recurring theme on this show?
She was the oldest of the cast and looked very young at the beginning so it's natural that she would age the most.
Men age better than women. Not all the time though. But if a man can keep his hair when he's older, he'll be fine.
Chandler, he supported his bro Joey through his struggling acting career
Sandwiches are a pretty common food desu
In burgerland, I guess. Bread makes you fat, by the way.
>Bread makes you fat, by the way.
no it doesn't. Over eating makes you fat.
They were Joey's favouite food.
The joke being that Joey's favourite food is just food wrapped in bread.
>was that place... THE SUN?
why was chandler so funny bros?
why is chandler a skeltal in season 3 yet chubby in season 6
He was addicted to drugs m8y, you can really see it in the thanksgiving football episode
Why did so many characters on this show play racquetball ?
When I look at Ross, I look at myself
Is this character concept to Jersey Shore?
Did Friends predict incest porn becoming mainstream?
This, marathoned through the series and we all thought that he looks like he's on coke
Fuck Joey's smooth, shaved boipucci.
Marry Chandler for the bantz
Kill Ross just like his boring dinosaurs and make oil out of him
He had a huge problem early on with opiates and alcohol. He was in and out of rehab twice by the time he was 24. That's why he gets progressively chubbier past season 4.
Might adjust slightly depending on season. I think Chandler stayed top tier Friend throughout the series. Ross grew on me after the first 2 seasons, and peaked in season 4. Monica and Joey kinda stayed the same. Hated Rachel at first but came to appreciate her. Season 8 and 9 Rachel is an absolute 10/10. Never really liked Phoebe.
What are yalls favorite episodes?
>the one with two embryos
>the one with the rumor
>whichever episode is when Ross fights with Rachel after they get back from the beach
>the one with the cheesecake
The one with the "what-if?" 2-parter has always been a favourite
I like the one where ross and rachel have their first date and bang in the museum
Pretty much this. Totally agree with that ranking. Phoebe is the absolute worst.
either Chandler or Joey, the only TRUE friendly characters in the group
ross and rachel were horrible, phoebe was a zany wacky caricature
monica was alright tho
As a character? Ross
As a person? They are all terrible people
As a friend? Joey