>Marvel: Here's the Infinity War trailer
>DC: Hold my beer -
DC Won
>not making the outfits full Edo
yeah fuck this
fucking hate 3d modelling disguised as hand drawn. feels so cheap
The very cancer of anime nowadays.
Why can't they get the peoole that oversee these animated ones to help out on the love action movies?
Horrible animation
Reminds me of the new Berserk
2018 the year DC ran out of ideas
gotta admit that the trailer for this movie got me more hyped than the Infinity War trailer. I really like the style and hope they will go full apeshit
>That Berserk tier animation
It's better quality but still disgusting.
>Sup Forums thinks that 3D cancer is good
Lel, it's easy to distinguish true connoisseurs from Sup Forums and plebs from Sup Forums.
>t. braindead cultureless weaboo degenerate who thinks anifaf trash is any better than capsehit cum/shart stain media
Sup Forums is superior than Sup Forums though.
Sup Forums please go back to your circlejerk containment board.
That trailer looks fucking based.
This looks incredibly retarded.
Fuck off. 3D cancer will never be Sup Forums.
Supposed to be an untied chomage
Holy Christ Japan, move on.
Guys, magine Batman was a ninja.
Are CIA-Chan and Bane-Sama going to be on it?
>Batman Ninja
>Batman is clearly dressed as a samurai
Can DC do ANYTHING right?
Sup Forums is the most negative towards this tho
Not bad, this is the kind of stuff they should have done from the very beginning. Let's see more silly fun ideas like this. I haven't watched an animu in about 10 years and not a single DC or Marvel superhero movie, but I'll watch this
is that Santana?
>DC only adapts Batman and they would rather adapt an elseworlds story than a fucking Superman story
>red hood
>blah blah blah
This shit is so fucking boring
Its people who read the death thirty fucking years ago and not happy about it and because they never read anything else and know only comics all they can do is endlessly relitigate it and bringing back a bad character and forcing their self insert into the wider media
that writing is awful
That's actually a really cool comic
However the best part about it, its art, they completely trashed and seem to have hired the character designer animators from the Thundercats reboot to oversee its appearance and animation
Remember when they tried to do a Wolverine anime?
Timm and Dini in charge of the films?
Batman normally dresses as a superhero but is actually a ninja.
Same concept.
Why the fuck is this getting so many threads? DC makes a new batman animated movie every month. Just because this one is a shitty anime every redditor on the internet is creaming themselves over it.
You sound angry dude. Afraid of anime taking over?
Sup Forums is actually alright with though.
nothing wrong with that, desu
>Sup Forums Japanese forum based on anime
>surprised Sup Forums is talking about a Japanese Batman anime
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Can japanese Batman defeat japanese Spiderman?
But Batman isn't actually a ninja.
>Sup Forums hates it
>implying those werent all false flagging Sup Forums fags. Most Sup Forums doesnt care enough to hate it and would never even consider complaining about the nonsense a complains about.
Yes but he can't beat Italian Spiderman.
nope Catwoman
What are you even saying
All his martial arts and skills were learned from the League of Shadows who are ninjas.
He's just a ninja mixed with gadgets and technology.
He's saying that Batman adaptations focus on the same shit constantly.
This is like 3DS tier
That's the stupidest thing I've seen this month
>why so many threads
It's Sup Forums fags trying to kill it because they think its not pure. Not enough eech keechy panty shots or whatever it is they like and consider worthy of existence. To Sup Forums fags this Anime Batman is a heretical abomination that must burn.
Damian and Jason look like shit
>Sup Forums is full of threads deriding bad CGI
>Vomit inducing CGI disguised as hand drawn animation is okay
Just shit
>he doesn’t deny that the lack of lolis and pussy shots is what kills it for him
>pretends to care about animation fidelity then goes back to fapping to manmade horrors the likes of which have never been seen on this Earth before
lol imagine being an animupleb
Maybe because they are shit?
Anime Storm was cute
They're, but their looks in comics aren't.
>Batman Ninja
>he's clearly a samurai
...clearly a samurai? where do you get that from?
>That trailer looks fucking based.
Which part? Looks like something WB would do to trick people on april's fool.
>3d animation
>gonna make below 500k
well try harder cuck
Damn, what a cutie.
They deserve it. Meanwhile the women got top look. Based japs.
>no Lord Death Man
That's based on a comic from over 20 years ago ya dumby.
Is that really the best name they could come up with?
>comics need to compete by becoming anime
how pathetic
so it looks like a DC movie?
God this is fucking pathetic.
That's not a 2018 idea
>complaining about bad animation in your animated film is nonsense
That looks awesome, this place is literally full of Mouseshills thou.
Well I've got a boner.
>dc won
won what?
marvel has better live action
dc has better animations
same as it's always been
Holy shit USA, move on.
well, they didn't try, the went and made it
same with iron man, x-men and blade
>Victorian era Zatanna
Yes please!
I'd unironically watch this simply because of how dumb it looks.
it's Catwoman
Hi Disney
D.C. Has better comics too
Ninjad? Superheros? The Joker? BACON?!
this looks hella epic
>mfw harley quinn
>Batman: Ninja
>is dressed like a samurai not a ninja
Did they fart, or just typical racist Chinese?
The fact that he's dressed as a samurai.
Niggers fucking stink.
Batman Ninja looks fucking awesome, but here the true Kino:
if batman is a ninja why is he wearing a samurai armor? samurai are the opposite of nijas.
This but unironically, at least Sup Forums is self aware and know that this is the lowest tier of entertainment, while Sup Forums gets proud of their own autism as seen here
That's not a samurai armor, that's just an armor, samurai wore armor, and so everybody who went into battle. Also ninjas dressed however they liked, they were assassins, they didn't have an etiquette.
Ninjas used armors, ninjas used katanas, ninjas used whatever they felt like and helped in their opperations, they weren't the black hooded shit you see in movies.
LMAO at you anguished soyboys. You thought your little fellowship of the liberals vs the dark lord purple drank movie was relevant. That tired shit got btfo by A FUCKING ANIMATED MOVIE. I can't believe life is this perfect. There isn't a scenario I could've imagined that would've surpassed this. A cartoon -- A. FUCKING. CARTOON. -- has more right to exist and artistic merit than your entire cinematic universe. Oh shit. I cannot even take you people seriously any more. I cannot.
You're retarded. Show that to anyone in Japan and they will say samurai.
They really think that 3D stuff looks good. Don't they?