WEBM thread
WEBM thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>a gay man takes 40 years to come out of a closet
>makes a video how taking a dick in your ass is fine
She's a big girl
For me
>1 frame facebook gif
back to red dit normie
>I’ll have two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
fuck that kid was so cool. that was like a pro-school shooter ad
>6'0 disposes of some 5'11"s
Someone asked many months back if there was a program that allowed webm thumbnails to be viewed like pics are viewed in your file explorer.
Came across 'MPC-HC' the other day and it does it.
What's funny is that Seagal barely moves in whole scene.
What's the best program for making webm from VLC?
I don't know if you can make webms from VLC. PA made a good guide for making them with xmedia recode. See pic related.
>tfw 3 years without knowing there was one more scene at the very end
i was expecting an edit. for shame sir
I don't get it.
damn she was a ghost the whole time
requesting bladerunner webms please
Quick saving at the wrong time.
Just made this for you
This is actually real, isn't it?
Fuck you! I was craving for a frappe all week long and today was going to be my day.
that spin hahahah
It doesn't do this for me by default and I haven't found any option for it either, mind filling me in?
why did he spin around
what a wasted potential ironfist is
>4 cuts in 2 seconds
When I installed the program I selected it as the default player for pretty much everything.
Try right click -
>open with
>choose default program
>make sure the little check box for always use the selected program to open this file
>choose MPC-HC
I imagine that should do it. And then have the file explorer set to view the files as 'large icons'.
I get that but I don't get the 3 finger thing. Is she saying how much it's going to be or does it just mean he can use all 3 holes?
>he doesn't know how long one second is
Price dummy
new season of crazy ex girlfriend?
So how much is she saying? Is it 30 buckos or 300?
it's probably that land so it's in baht so like 3 baht or some shit how the fuck am I supposed to know FUVK YOU
same reason daredevil finishes fisk with a jump punch
This was the weirdest shit ever. His show was so neat. Now all I see is another jew
well how am I suppose to learn anything about hookers when NO ONE FUCKING TELLS ME
Is there any doubt that degeneracy has reached propaganda levels?
I see no salvation for this society. I hope their children will learn from their mistakes but i doubt it since it didnt happen with millenials.
>You just walk down Sukhumvit Road from Terminal 21 shopping mall to Sukhumvit Soi 4 (on the right hand side) any day of the week from around 8pm and you will meet countless of street hookers that are asking you for short time straight away.
God is good since he is what ultimately defines being.
>their children
>implying they are having children
i fucking love his new movies
They're making a film promoting Weimer Germany's depravity.
is this edited? does the dude on the floor shooting just disappear?
wait is this the actual dialogue? what the shit
>their children
its a really good film, you should watch it
So they can then turn around and say any talk against degeneracy results in nazism? Im getting closer everyday to becoming a monk.
This is sad.
We have now fell towards Chinas level of apathy.
good and bad are human made concepts that apply only on this planet.
how embarrassing.
>this is what americans call "Science"
The absolute STATE of mongrels
Childhood is thinking Bill Nye is cool.
Adulthood is realizing hes just an actor.
>aging lesbian, weak-willed man, angry black woman
Somehow I'm not on edge about them enforcing this policy. Even China has given up on it.
it aint evan
Fuck that kid he ruined that black girl getting bleached. And man she was so hot.
Steven Baldwin neckass
Seriously, biological sex when viewed in terms of an exclusive either/or, male/female dichotomy seems to be a social construction. Transsexual and intersexed people seem to defy this mode of categorization, and doctors throughout the 20th century to force such people into the male/female construct. Intersexed babies, especially, have been forcibly subjected to a series of sex assignment surgeries in order to make them fit into our historically specific worldview. The point is that the very necessity of forcing these people into our scheme of sex categorization shows that this scheme cannot be a matter of biological fact, but must instead be a social construction.
>what are outliers
Friendly reminder to not reply to obvious baitposts
Tumblr more like. Anyway, what movie was that from? Looks like a hellraiser maybe?
i counted, 14 cuts, in 6 seconds.
>should we let our actors take fighting training?
>nah let's just cut really fast
>Hiring sitcom directors to handle your action movie franchise
What the fuck is going on here?
Exquisite... If only she could of stayed that age forever
was the flip necessary?
also more wick