>before you see what she
...looks like now
Most likely "what she looks like now". People seem to find aging to be newsworthy.
Braaps like now
look at that brapper
I'd tap that braap
So she's one of those girls who gains a bit of weight and it all goes to her ass? Neat
Literally who
No she's one of those guys that goes to a Brazilian plastic surgeon and all of the weight goes to her ass.
She pretty much ruined Miami ink, they had to make her own show. Don't think she'd be where she was without usurping a show.
so ads are just porn now?
ads are based on your browsing history bro
bottom left looks illegal
what in the fuck?!
Died and no one said a word.
poor Eric Stoltz
wait, ip based or cookies based?
my dad has some explaining to do.
How did they know?!
did he contract capeshit fever?
This reminded in high school this red head girl I went to school with was fucking a guy from a few towns over who thought they were dating but she was going around getting fucked by half the chads on the football team. One of them got a hold of this love letter he wrote her and copied it and a ton of kids went to the away football game with copies which we passed out and taped to the home locker room door. He found out he was getting cucked and was so pissed he made a facebook account that was explosively posting nudes of her and friended everyone from our high school. I think I jerked off over a dozen times in the 6 hours it took her to find out and get the cops to shut it down cause pretty sure that was child porn. I never found out what happened to that guy, hope he didn't kill himself cause he was the true an hero.
>before you see what she
>threw into an African orphanage and pressed the "detonate" button
Poor Mara.
and I get this horrible set now.
The fuck is with these ads?
>tfw went to highschool just before facebook and nude selfies became things so missed out on all the naked teen slut drama
I want to know what kind of fucking idiot makes these, what kind of fucking idiot clicks on these and why this is acceptable to be all over the internet and it's just culturally ignored even though everyone alive sees them
I can't even tell if that's an edit or real ones, hiro will whore this place out to anyone.
All mine are sex ones.
Do they make these ads on a per image basis or do they have an algorithm to figure out whether the picture is male or female?
I'm trying to figure out how to block the images but not the ads
the answer to all three is third worlders
Why did no one tell me?!
>he dropped her to get with an even hotter chick
is he /ourguy/?
I'm retarded for laughing at this
>tfw friends got all the nudes but I never asked for them
>Bllllack hole sun
To the lost!
>all these soyboys not using ublock
Which body part are they talking about?
she looks likes she carrying around a pantload
>all these technically saavy geeks who lack reading comprehension
surprised it took you this long dive in
>not Adnauseum
It's not
It doesn't work on mobile
It does