>the final boss of the MCU is a generic CGI monster with no backstory or motivation
The final boss of the MCU is a generic CGI monster with no backstory or motivation
His motivation is literally to get the girl he likes.
*hides another capeshit thread*
Where is that elaborated or hinted at at all within the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
The only things we know about Thanos is that he has a floating rock chair, he looks like a big purple bald human, and he wants the McGuffin Crystals
Marvel has provided a slight backstory with Gamora and Nebula's relationship. You also know he wants those gems and sent Loki to Earth to get them. How much more do you need before he shows up for his big movie?
>Thanos looks like Joss Whedon with a jawline
So we know he's a bad guy who wants the McGuffin
No one knows he is supposed to be the final boss, no one knows who Thanos is or whatever, teenagers just know that there is a new Avengers movie being produced and it has this blue guy that is supposed to be really powerful as a villain.
>*explains thanos backstory in bits across multiple movies*
Avengers 3 is going to have Thanos as the main character, so obviously, his backstory and motivation will be covered in his own movie.
>motivation is to impress some girl that will never like him
>he never gets beaten by the Avengers. Instead he either realizes that lady death will never love him and simply gives up allowing the Avengers to recover the infinity gauntlet somehow.
He's quite possibly the dumbest final boss in comic book history.
>"He's evil because we say he's evil and bad!" throughout multiple movies
>"He wants them stones!" throughout multiple movies
Wow good character, loads of backstory and motivation
>b-b-but you just have to read the comics-
Is there any confirmation at all within the CINEMATIC Universe (meaning no comic shit) about Thanos wanting his Death Waifu?
No, just MUH STONES.
I think after the Avengers won the final battle in Avengers 1, in the post-credits scene there was that head alien, that was seen a couple times giving orders to Loki, and he turned out to be a minion of Thanos and told him something along the lines of "it's foolish to challenge humans again, fighting them means to meet death" and that gave Thanos that mad grin, this is literally the only part where it was hinted at
Well at least he have an original motivation and i dont know but i like the fact that the avenger can't beat him, i mean its not a mainstream ending
He litteraly has more backstory and motivation than 50% of the avengers (materil source), cause otherwise i will insist the little detail that so far we just have a trailer, npbody saw the movie
He says "...to challenge them is to court death." And woo is that a stretch.
The advisor said it would be to court death, which gives it the double entendre
The ultimate /ourguy/
>no backstory or motivation
You mean exactly like Steppenwolf but with better CGI, better plot, and huge build-up over the years right?
>"But muh comics!"
>Where is that elaborated or hinted at at all within the Marvel Cinematic Universe?
literally the first line he says in his first appearance
lol i know but even in the comic he has more backstory than some avengers...
It's not a stretch at all if you know who he is. It doesn't explain anything to people who don't know, but it's basically confirmation that he has the same motivation as in the comics for people who do.
He doesn't say anything in his first appearance. His first line is "Fine, I'll do it myself." What are you talking about?
>immediately thought of brand wars
Thanos doesn't say it, his assistant does. "To challenge Earth is to court death" or something like that. Thanos thing is that he's in love with Death, literally. He wants to bone the grim reaper. It's not really been discussed by now because he hasn't shown up in any movies except as a cameo to foreshadow him for Infinity War. You can't expect one of these movies to reveal everything about him 4 or 5 years before he gets to be an actual villain in his own movie.
grapefruit lol
So who is death? Is it Hela?
>Thanos thing is that he's in love with Death, literally.
Which in nearly 20 movies has not been hinted at so i assume this is a "read the manga!" thing
where the fuck do they go over this? i dont read comics.
There has been no movie with thanos as main character so i think its normal. I hope they gonna show this in the new movie though
Why does OP need to keep making these retarded threads? What point is he trying to make? That the villain of a movie's motivations aren't known? The movie is not out yet.
the character is in multiple films and they have taken 0 time to develop him at all.
it already has more backstory than Steppenwolf
He is on a quest to recover his original skin color and his eyebrows
Why the fuck did they cut Steppenwold's backstory from the fucking movie? Or the fact that the Mother Boxes actually had his Mother trapped inside? Or Darkseid's cameo at the end?
>A major villain has more backstory than background characters
Congratulations, Captain Obvious! You've just become a provisional member of the Avengers! Jarvis, will now show you to your room in the Avengers Mansion.
Death is death, these kinds of concepts(death, eternity, chaos etc) in the marvel universe have physical forms, death is a woman.
It's Marvel, what do you expect? It's just cheap "turn your brain off" "fun". If you want a certain level of artistry / quality in a capeshit you need to watch DC
>If you want a certain level of artistry / quality in a capeshit you need to watch DC
Yes, because DC villains are so complex.
So hela was the goddess of death. But just for the asgardians. Not the true “death”
who is cast as death in part 1? or will she only be in part 2?
This, and the physical manifestations of cosmic powers was covered/explained in the first Guardians movie when they go see the Collector IIRC
He's is a big guy
>main villain is a beta orbiter trying to get some bitch's attention
Who thought this was a good idea?
Seriously. It's just continuing the brand. It has everyone from civil war, plus hulk, thor, dr.strange, the gotg and a bad guy they teased at.
He's the villain, he's supposed to be despicable, duh.
>People in life want to become the best actor, accountant, footballer, basketball player, ....
>Somehow wanting to become a god when you have the mean to isn't enough.
I'm sorry but his motivation is understandable, if I was a demi-god, aware of 6 gems capable of granting me more power I'll chase it, at least as my hobby. Because if not, what will I do with my 1XXX years of lifespan ?
He's in love with death itself not becoming a god
He's gotta collect all the boopity doobs so he can wreck shit up. 100 tomaters guaranteed.
Hopefully not make a movie about your life story. Seing a big purple man chase down a bunch of flibbergibbets so he can get the high score unless the Avengers can learn to work together as a team, while being perfectly understandable, sounds boring as shit.
Why did they get rid of his blue eyes?
>Which in nearly 20 movies has not been hinted at
>Thanos doesn't say it, his assistant does. "To challenge Earth is to court death" or something like that.
Reading comprehension, Nigga.
Just fuck my continuity up senpai, do they even care at this point anymore?
Yes as less than a minute long teaser cameos. Thanos has not been an actual character in these movies, just a presence we know is coming.
To the outside world, he's an alpha who pimpslaps his enemies around, obliterates them with hand-beams, or tricks them into fucking themselves over while he mocks them. Inside, he's secretly a beta who worships the cosmic abstract "goddess" Death, but is striving to be her equal and her lover. It's legitimately more depth than most of these villains have, sadly.
Why did they make him look significantly worse than he has ever looked is the better question. Are they trying to go topical by modeling him after Harvey Weinstein at the last minute? Why are the Russo Brothers so averse to anything remotely cinematic looking? I always had Whedyballs pegged for the blandest visual director of comic book flicks, but the Russos are apparently trying to upstage him.
So that line is supposed to tell me he's after the poon of the physical manifestation of death?
>HOLY MOTHER FORKING SHIRTBALLS. If anyone needs me, I’ll be over here rewriting my Top Ten Films of 2017 to include the Infinity War trailer and possibly also fainting.
-Actual professional film critic, Empire Magazine
>Why did they make him look significantly worse than he has ever looked is the better question
Because now he's in the full length movie and making good CGI is expensive
> they trying to go topical by modeling him after Harvey Weinstein at the last minute?
Is this a joke or are you retarded?
>Why are the Russo Brothers so averse to anything remotely cinematic looking?
Because they're hacks
Too cosmic and crazy for the "Let's have the heroes' big fight happen on mostly empty black asphalt" Russos.
I was legitimately afraid of this. Everyone was so excited for their influence because of Winter Soldier. Because they made a good fucking Superhero-spy thriller. How does any of that prepare you for a story about space gods and reality-altering remnants of the universe's creation? People are surprised they made Thanos just look like some guy? Their last 2 main villains were just "some guy", so it's completely in character.
>So that line is supposed to tell me he's after the poon of the physical manifestation of death?
"court" essentially means "after the poon", yes.
>Because now he's in the full length movie and making good CGI is expensive
Ultron looked fantastic throughout AoU. No excuse really.
You act like they won't fucking explain it in the movie. Considering the movie follows Thanos and not the Avengers, its pretty obvious.
Not him, but the phrase 'to court death' means the same as 'seek suicide' most of the time when it is used. Without knowing of his motivations previously, nobody would be able to make that connection.
this all points to The Mandarin from Iron Man 3, right?
I just want Marvel to break formula for once.
>the MCU is a generic CGI monster with no backstory or motivation
>no backstory or motivation
It has 20 movies of backstory and the motivation to make billions.
>woman would rather let multiple universes get destroyed than go on a date with a 'creepy' guy
whats new
Yes, people completely unfamilliar with the character wouldn't get the meaning of this half-minute post-credits scene. Why does this matter?
Bane did the same exact thing
lol what a cuck
no wonder soyboys love marvel, the main villain is just their most base beta desires
>doing it all for a woman who doesn't care about you
>hasn't watched the movie
>knows everything about the villain's motivations
His only motivation in the comics is that he's butt mad about being alive after years of suffering some genetic disorder that afflicts the Eternals, so he decides to kill a bunch of people, including his mom.
Then he decides to kill a bunch more people to impress Death because you know he's so in love with death that he figures the only way to make sense of his life is to court the literal cosmic embodiment of the only thing that gets him off.
Well apparently killing his own mom wasn't enough to get the fuck of his life, so he figures that killing an entire universe might do the trick. See he can't do it alone because even an Eternal as powerful as Thanos has limits, so he goes after a power glove (it's so bad) to annihilate as many living beings as possible with a single thought.
That's it. That's the plot of Thanos.
They probably will add them back in for the final production.
Beta males
It's better in comics where Death is a literal skellington, not some 35 year old used up roastie
>McGuffin Crystals
I don't think you know what that means